OT: I drove in a driverless Waymo (taxi/uber) in San Fran this weekend


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
If you are not familiar, these cars have been tooling around San Fran for about 18-24 months. Recently they were opened up to actually drive on the highway all the way down to San Jose. I have to admit, it was nice not having to talk to a driver or smell horrible cologne. Same exact experience as an Uber ride just no driver... I sat in the front seat, a little horrifying at first.



Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
I saw Google self driving cars being tested on the streets of Pittsburgh about 10 years ago so this is no surprise.
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
If you are not familiar, these cars have been tooling around San Fran for about 18-24 months. Recently they were opened up to actually drive on the highway all the way down to San Jose. I have to admit, it was nice not having to talk to a driver or smell horrible cologne. Same exact experience as an Uber ride just no driver... I sat in the front seat, a little horrifying at first.

Why are these legal for taxis but not for individuals?


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
If you are not familiar, these cars have been tooling around San Fran for about 18-24 months. Recently they were opened up to actually drive on the highway all the way down to San Jose. I have to admit, it was nice not having to talk to a driver or smell horrible cologne. Same exact experience as an Uber ride just no driver... I sat in the front seat, a little horrifying at first.
COOL....Looks like a SWAT Team vehicle


Jul 24, 2023
If you are not familiar, these cars have been tooling around San Fran for about 18-24 months. Recently they were opened up to actually drive on the highway all the way down to San Jose. I have to admit, it was nice not having to talk to a driver or smell horrible cologne. Same exact experience as an Uber ride just no driver... I sat in the front seat, a little horrifying at first.

Hell I live in Florida, old people have been letting their cars drive by themselves for decades.:eek:


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
How do you trust that the car understands where you want to go? Do you type in the address? Does it sound out where you want to go? “1313 Mockingbird Lane? Yes sir, right away sir, please buckle up sir.” I imagine that you can see the gps route map.


Well-known member
Oct 29, 2021
How do you trust that the car understands where you want to go? Do you type in the address? Does it sound out where you want to go? “1313 Mockingbird Lane? Yes sir, right away sir, please buckle up sir.” I imagine that you can see the gps route map.
Stop asking those silly old guy questions. If you can’t trust a machine to drive a car down a busy highway in heavy traffic, what can you trust?
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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
How do you trust that the car understands where you want to go? Do you type in the address? Does it sound out where you want to go? “1313 Mockingbird Lane? Yes sir, right away sir, please buckle up sir.” I imagine that you can see the gps route map.
Just like Uber… type in address and confirm a pick up spot. Car arrived at the curb and put on flashers. Then it confirms it is you in the car via cell phone confirmation. There are cameras all over inside of car filming you to prevent any silly business.
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
In AZ they are less expensive than Uber and Lyft - and that’s before the tip. Limited coverage, and they stay off the freeway, but I have a buddy that uses them as much as possible. He loves it.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Just like Uber… type in address and confirm a pick up spot. Car arrived at the curb and put on flashers. Then it confirms it is you in the car via cell phone confirmation. There are cameras all over inside of car filming you to prevent any silly business.
So no wrecking chicks in the back seat? Bummer....
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
How do you trust that the car understands where you want to go? Do you type in the address? Does it sound out where you want to go? “1313 Mockingbird Lane? Yes sir, right away sir, please buckle up sir.” I imagine that you can see the gps route map.
No, you speak the destination just like you do on your car's navigation system.

The fact is I would simply speak my posts on this board except my wife would think I'm nuts for talking to my phone.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
No driver but it costs more?

I bag my own groceries and bring my own bags but they cost more? I remember when an Xray required film developing. Now it appears immediately but it still costs more. I'm pretty sure that somebody is messing with us.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
No, you speak the destination just like you do on your car's navigation system.

The fact is I would simply speak my posts on this board except my wife would think I'm nuts for talking to my phone.
Doesn’t work for deaf people, then. (Our speaking voices tend to be iffy and we can’t be sure if we’re being understood.)


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Doesn’t work for deaf people, then. (Our speaking voices tend to be iffy and we can’t be sure if we’re being understood.)
When you speak to your navigation system it brings up what it thought you said and asks you to confirm. That eliminates any confusion. I'm sure it could work the same for self driving taxis.

I don't know what the accommodation is for deaf people. Human drivers wouldn't understand them anyway. Some have devices that speak what you type. Then of course manual typing on a screen would still be available as a backup.
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
When you speak to your navigation system it brings up what it thought you said and asks you to confirm. That eliminates any confusion. I'm sure it could work the same for self driving taxis.

I don't know what the accommodation is for deaf people. Human drivers wouldn't understand them anyway. Some have devices that speak what you type. Then of course manual typing on a screen would still be available as a backup.
Thanks for taking the time. I’ve never taken an Uber so I guess maybe this is a factor in my ignorance.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
Doesn’t work for deaf people, then. (Our speaking voices tend to be iffy and we can’t be sure if we’re being understood.)
on our car we never spoke to anyone, did everything on the app. When the car pulls up your initials are on the top. When you get in it asks to confirm on your phone. I can't see any reason why the car wouldn't work for hearing impaired. While in the car, if you have a problem you can hit a button and speak to a customer service agent, not sure how that would adapt though. But my son-in-law did everything by his iPhone
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Oct 28, 2021
No driver but it costs more?

I bag my own groceries and bring my own bags but they cost more? I remember when an Xray required film developing. Now it appears immediately but it still costs more. I'm pretty sure that somebody is messing with us.
Gotta pay for the tech development! And the "wow factor" with the robo-taxi's.

For the scholars: if I decide to tip the robo-taxi, does he/she have to pay taxes on it?


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
Just like Uber… type in address and confirm a pick up spot. Car arrived at the curb and put on flashers. Then it confirms it is you in the car via cell phone confirmation. There are cameras all over inside of car filming you to prevent any silly business.
So there's no chance of joining the driverless car equivalent of the "Mile high club"?


Oct 12, 2021
I was at a concert last year in the Tenderloin and was leaving to go home. (I had parked in a garage where they drive your car somewhere and stash it) I was on the surface street back to the highway and the bridge to get home and a self driving car is to my left. And it just starts coming over into my lane, I see it in plenty of time but it was still just odd. And I get out to the bridge and out from surface streets and lights and realize I didn't have my headlights on--the parking guy turned them off from 'auto' and since I pretty much only use that setting now I didn't think to turn them on when started the car. So it was kinda my fault without the lights for the autodrive to see...but I still think a human would have figured out even without headlights there was a car in the lane. So a mixed review from me.
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Well-known member
Nov 23, 2021
Doesn’t work for deaf people, then. (Our speaking voices tend to be iffy and we can’t be sure if we’re being understood.)
Don't worry ... those with better hearing can't be sure they're being understood by computerized interfaces, either ...



Well-known member
Oct 19, 2021
Other things without a person.

hey, I went to a Paul McCartney concert with no Paul McCartney.

hey I watched a golf tournament with no golfers

hey I went to a movie for 2 hours and there were no people in it.

Can’t think of anymore right now. Maybe you can help.

as far as the taxi? I would rather have this guy driving.

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