Involved in a whole bunch of stuff. Almost beat Einstein to the field equations for General Relativity, 1915. Came up with the standard axiomization of geometry, 1899. (There are many gaps in Euclid.)
He came up with the idea of Hilbert’s Hotel but this is just a fun way to display Cantor’s ideas in set theory. (Cantor invented set theory.) Every mathematician has learned that if you are asked about mathematics at a party, you talk set theory. Hilbert’s Hotel works well. I had a professor at Tennessee, Bob Daverman, an eminent topologist, tell us that he would talk set theory while close-dancing. Anyway, enjoy.
He came up with the idea of Hilbert’s Hotel but this is just a fun way to display Cantor’s ideas in set theory. (Cantor invented set theory.) Every mathematician has learned that if you are asked about mathematics at a party, you talk set theory. Hilbert’s Hotel works well. I had a professor at Tennessee, Bob Daverman, an eminent topologist, tell us that he would talk set theory while close-dancing. Anyway, enjoy.