I agree with you on everything in and around Jackson. I used to chalk it up to incompetence, but now it sure seems like maleficence. It would be yet another national embarrassment for Jackson and the mayor - besides the water crisis, the trash contracts, the DA scandal, for years we have been the largest municipality in the country without a movie theater. Now we'd add to that list by being the largest metro area without a zoo. But unfortunately, I don't think that matters to the mayor. That's not why it's still open. He doesn't embarrass easily.
He does however, want to stay in power. The simplest answer to me on why it's still there even though it's hemorrhaging money is that this time the crisis would negatively affect the mayor's constituents in that part of town. There's not much to hold onto out there, so for now at least they still have the zoo. If they close it down, you have a huge swath of the city that has nothing but desolation and despair. Nothing else is even open in that part of town. It's damn depressing. It might actually be so bad to close it that it affects people voting for him. So... my guess is he won't let it close until at least November 2025.