They can either get another job or we can just enact nationwide UBI to provide everyone with a very basic standard of living. Why would you glorify menial labor? It just makes people miserable.
Most jobs can be taught on the job. A fast food job only teaches you to hate authority. She doesn't need that job. Ideally, you'd be earning enough from your job to provide her with some spending money if that's the purpose of her getting the job. That way, she can enjoy being a kid while she is one.
No one sees service industry on a resume and thinks that person should be hired. It's dead space. It's treading water in life and nothing else. The way those jobs pay compared to rent, you gotta work 80 hours a week across three jobs that all think they have scheduling priority to barely get by and you're one bad day from ruin.
You've come a long way politically since the last time I argued with you like 8 years ago. No notes.
Really y'all, why do you hate the idea of society improving to the point where people don't have to work themselves to an early grave for fear of dying poor in the streets? My dad, an amazing Bulldog who had a major effect on world history, had a week of retirement before cancer claimed him. I refuse to have a future like that.