OT - Mintz Out at Barstool

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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2015
Mintz is not in jail for saying the word… his free speech is protected from a legal standpoint. That’s as far as free speech has ever gone.
My point is straight out of Chappelle standup. Interesting how many ludicrous people rally to the cry “words are violence” and yet some truly violent people don’t get punished until they say the wrong thing.

It’s a good thing the Allies caught up with Hitler before he could give any more speeches.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
Someone explain to me like I'm a 5 year old why Mintz is so popular? I honestly don't get it.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
Top three reasons:

1. Most Barstool personalities are goofy
2. Portnoy wants to expand Barstool's footprint more into college football and the south
3. Portnoy loves the reality show conflict model and Mintz was brought in to be a foil to Brandon Walker
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I'm onboard with your post. I'm curious though if you apply this same logic to other hot button Equity type issues.

You have to spell out what you are asking. I am really not sure what you are referring to.
Odds are you are wondering if I am inconsistent in some way, but I dont know what logic I used(since I made a few points) and what hot topic issues you want me to comment on.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Enes Freedom was surgically removed from the NBA speaking truth about human rights nightmares in China. Buncha got damn hypocrites.
Kanter barely played for Boston before being traded to Houston. He was like at single digits in mpg before the trade.
Boston wanted defense, Kanter infamously doesn't play defense, and so Kanter sat.
Houston then traded Theis for Kanter and others in a salary dump because they wanted to rebuild.
Kanter didn't fit into Houston's rebuild plans and he was released.

That's it. No grand conspiracy for why he was released.

Now why hasn't he been picked back up? Well perhaps that does have to do with his outspoken personality.
Or perhaps it has to do with his infamously terrible defense. Or perhaps it has to do with his making headlines for claims outside of basketball more than his play on the court.
Perhaps it's a mix of all the above and more.

He wasn't surgically removed tough. He was barely even playing in Boston, traded, and didn't fit into the new team's plans. That happens all the time.
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Well-known member
Nov 4, 2015
Kanter barely played for Boston before being traded to Houston. He was like at single digits in mpg before the trade.
Boston wanted defense, Kanter infamously doesn't play defense, and so Kanter sat.
Houston then traded Theis for Kanter and others in a salary dump because they wanted to rebuild.
Kanter didn't fit into Houston's rebuild plans and he was released.

That's it. No grand conspiracy for why he was released.

Now why hasn't he been picked back up? Well perhaps that does have to do with his outspoken personality.
Or perhaps it has to do with his infamously terrible defense. Or perhaps it has to do with his making headlines for claims outside of basketball more than his play on the court.
Perhaps it's a mix of all the above and more.

He wasn't surgically removed tough. He was barely even playing in Boston, traded, and didn't fit into the new team's plans. That happens all the time.
You should listen to the discussion he had on Mike Rowe’s podcast with his version of the lead up to his release. Not mine, not yours. His. Then get back to me with another dissertation.


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
what hot topic issues you want me to comment on.
Who was the better Darren, Dick York or Dick Sargent?

Who was the more masculine Darren, Dick York or Dick Sargent?

Does being the more masculine Darren make you a better Darren?

Could either man win a fist fight with Major Nelson from I Dream of Jeannie?

Could collectively both men win a fist fight with Major Nelson from I Dream of Jeannie?

Which Armie Hammer movie is the most underrated, "The Lone Ranger" or "The Man from UNCLE"?

Which Star Wars movie is the best and why is it "Empire Strikes Back"?

If you had to pick one member of the Rat Pack to fight, which one would it be and why?


Aug 22, 2012
There has been a double standard for centuries. Just not the way you are thinking.
You’re not wrong but to stay on topic, where do you stand with this double standard and the one you refer to?
1: Both are wrong
2: Only the first is wrong
3: obviously no need for this option


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2022
Mintz(age unknown) was most likely NOT ALIVE in all the previous centuries. But sure, cancel him and his livelihood for repeating something most likely an african american wrote.

Barbie Basset says something that Snoop Dogg says at every opportunity that she doesn't even know what it means in an effort to be "cool" and she loses her job.

But yeah these two incidents will help correct all the sins of the past. Do you feel paid back yet Dawgzilla? Just let me know what we can do today to make up for all the mistakes of the past.
Dude, all I meant was that double standards are not new. Sorry if that triggered you somehow.
Last edited:


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2022
You’re not wrong but to stay on topic, where do you stand with this double standard and the one you refer to?
1: Both are wrong
2: Only the first is wrong
3: obviously no need for this option
I don't make morality judgements, but I don't think the two are even comperable. My position is that it's ludicrous to complain about the current double standard, and even more ridiculous to imply its a recent thing.

I also think it is sad that a single word can be forbidden, even if not used as a pejorative.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
According to this stat below, shouldn’t 24% of this rappers proceeds be seized?

Genome-wide ancestry estimates of African Americans show average proportions of 73.2%African, 24.0% European, and 0.8% Native American ancestry (Table 1).


Aug 22, 2012
I don't make morality judgements, but I don't think the two are even comperable. My position is that it's ludicrous to complain about the current double standard, and even more ridiculous to imply its a recent thing.

I also think it is sad that a single word can be forbidden, even if not used as a pejorative.
Oh, so you’re complaining about people complaining. I’m not surprised you couldn’t answer my question.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
You should listen to the discussion he had on Mike Rowe’s podcast with his version of the lead up to his release. Not mine, not yours. His. Then get back to me with another dissertation.

You should listen to the claims of the serial killer when he was interviewed on 60min. Not the victim's families, not the police who found the evidence. His. Then apologize for claiming an innocent choir boy could have chewed off the faces of his victims.

Come on now- of course Freedom is going to say he is blacklisted and focus on suggested possible ways which defend such a claim.
Silver said there is no grand conspiracy and he wasn't let go due to views on China. Freedom already was barely playing before the trade and he went to a team that had no need for him so they released him. That's all quite common.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
You should listen to the claims of the serial killer when he was interviewed on 60min. Not the victim's families, not the police who found the evidence. His. Then apologize for claiming an innocent choir boy could have chewed off the faces of his victims.

Come on now- of course Freedom is going to say he is blacklisted and focus on suggested possible ways which defend such a claim.
Silver said there is no grand conspiracy and he wasn't let go due to views on China. Freedom already was barely playing before the trade and he went to a team that had no need for him so they released him. That's all quite common.
I am a lifelong Celtics fan. I can assure you that i was ecstatic when he left because he literally could play NO defense. That’s why he isn’t in the league. I respected his political stance, but he wasn’t good enough to stay on the team.
And just out of curiosity, since there are those so supportive of Kanter’s right of “free speech” with his Jersey, I just have to ask. Are they as supportive of the athletes who practiced “free speech” to kneel during the national anthem? It has to go both ways.


Active member
Feb 22, 2008
For saying the n word while reading rap lyrics. Dumb mistake, but as much live content as they do, I surprised stuff like this doesn't happen more often.

Brandon Walker has done well, let's hope he continues to make us proud.

I just want to say this. I read a lot of tweets about the incident and firing before watching the video, and based on the reaction when I watched it I was expecting a “hard R”. I’m not a Mintz fan, but I feel like this is a big time overreaction to a song lyric. A 4-week suspension would have been plenty, IMO.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2008
I wonder why it is a career-ending mistake for a person of a certain race to say in public a particular word but seemingly trivial for anyone to take the Lord’s name in vain.

Is a particular race of people more worthy of respect than the Creator of the universe (including people of all races)?

Not in my opinion.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
I wonder why it is a career-ending mistake for a person of a certain race to say in public a particular word but seemingly trivial for anyone to take the Lord’s name in vain.

Is a particular race of people more worthy of respect than the Creator of the universe (including people of all races)?

Not in my opinion.

The beauty of Christianity is we aren’t the ones who are supposed to judge. And if you don’t like something, it doesn’t make the other thing not wrong.
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Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
First of all, I'm not replying to anyone.

It's ridiculous, but you have to know better, given the current mood in our social world. You're not reading Mark Twain's "Huckleberry Finn".

For myself, it's just another reason to ignore most rap. It's a club I'm not, and you are probably not a member of the rap group, so you can't say or sing the lyrics aloud like most music unless you edit yourself. This is a big reason why I respect some parts of the rap world, but I don't buy it or listen to it. They seem to be doing just fine without me.

Most of Hip Hop is pretty inventive.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
You should listen to the claims of the serial killer when he was interviewed on 60min. Not the victim's families, not the police who found the evidence. His. Then apologize for claiming an innocent choir boy could have chewed off the faces of his victims.

Come on now- of course Freedom is going to say he is blacklisted and focus on suggested possible ways which defend such a claim.
Silver said there is no grand conspiracy and he wasn't let go due to views on China. Freedom already was barely playing before the trade and he went to a team that had no need for him so they released him. That's all quite common.
You literally contradicted yourself in two paragraphs. You won’t take Kanters word but Silver is the gospel.

And just for clarification I don’t buy into the conspiracy angle. He sucked on one side of the ball so it’s easy to see why he wasn’t playing.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
It sank in years ago for most people. My kids fully understand it- you simply dont say the word. At all. Ever. No context is justifiable.

Whether that reality is good for society or bad for society is certainly debatable, and you are for sure one who clearly cares enough to want it to be a debated issue. In the end though, its simple- just dont say the word at all. Call it a double standard and complain about it to your friends while hunting or playing golf, if you really feel it necessary to die on that hill. Or, just accept that not everyone lives with the same rules as everyone else and this is just one of many examples of that reality. Many inconsistencies/double standards benefit you, I am sure. This one doesnt benefit you, but it also doesnt hurt you, and yet I fully believe you get all frothed up and in a tizzy when it is brought up.

FTR- I dont think firing him is how the incident should be handled.

That's what I tell my kids too. Also this standard should apply to everyone regardless of race.

If the word is so offensive, remove it from society all together. However we don't and the word is used over and over and over and is passed on to new generations.

why does it have to be at golf or hunting? Stereotypes and all..


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2022
I am a lifelong Celtics fan. I can assure you that i was ecstatic when he left because he literally could play NO defense. That’s why he isn’t in the league. I respected his political stance, but he wasn’t good enough to stay on the team.
And just out of curiosity, since there are those so supportive of Kanter’s right of “free speech” with his Jersey, I just have to ask. Are they as supportive of the athletes who practiced “free speech” to kneel during the national anthem? It has to go both ways.

My opinion is probably not worth a dime and a cup of coffee but kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful period just like not taking your hat off. Do I support American citizens rights to do it heck yeah I do!! Do I want anything to do with someone who purposely does that heck no I don't!!

My father was a Marine vet who served in Nam and growing up he taught me that people have a right in this country to burn the flag if they choose to do so but they might not be the crowd you want to hang with.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Dude, all I meant was that double standards are not new. Sorry if that triggered you somehow.
True. Don't say the word if you're white and pointing out that some people are able to doesn't matter. Look at who is opposed to the firing. It doesn't matter. Not gonna get any significant politicians or upstanding members of major corporations going out on a limb for for the guy. Those are the rules now and no amount of "that ain't right" "that shouldn't happen" and "that's double standards" won't change it. Those are the rules. Follow them. It's about who has power, political and cultural, and who wants to be publicly allied with those who don't have either. Sometimes the bro culture can push back (Bud Light boycott) but often it can't.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2020
My opinion is probably not worth a dime and a cup of coffee but kneeling during the anthem is disrespectful period just like not taking your hat off. Do I support American citizens rights to do it heck yeah I do!! Do I want anything to do with someone who purposely does that heck no I don't!!

My father was a Marine vet who served in Nam and growing up he taught me that people have a right in this country to burn the flag if they choose to do so but they might not be the crowd you want to hang with.
And i have zero issue with your opinion. You are allowed to not like what they do just the same as other people are allowed to like that they are doing It. The problem is that somewhere along the way we have gotten to the point where we have made the people who do things we don’t like the enemy. It’s like people making fun of those people who stood for the national anthem when it came on at the restauranT on TV. They aren’t hurting you. Quit acting like they are the enemy. Same with those that kneel. We are all Americans. The difference in opinions and attitudes is what has made this country great for generations. No one has the monopoly on being right.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
You literally contradicted yourself in two paragraphs. You won’t take Kanters word but Silver is the gospel.

And just for clarification I don’t buy into the conspiracy angle. He sucked on one side of the ball so it’s easy to see why he wasn’t playing.
I am saying the opinion of the person impacted shouldnt be just blindly believed. I tried to highlight that by using the over the top face eating example.
I dont think Silver's word is the gospel. I referenced that because I remember him publicly saying here was no leaguewide blackball on Freedom. I dont remember any GMs speaking publicly on it, and I dont think they can speak publicly(or can they since he was unsigned?), but either way I mentioned Silver's comment because I remember it.

I really dont even understand why you think I contradict myself though. I dont really believe Silver more than Freedom. I just think its absurd to try and claim that Freedom was blackballed because Freedom claims he was blackballed.
Silver's comments have as much validity as Freedom's, I guess you could say. They are valued the same and equally worthless. Just offered up a counter in that other post.


Well-known member
Apr 26, 2022
And i have zero issue with your opinion. You are allowed to not like what they do just the same as other people are allowed to like that they are doing It. The problem is that somewhere along the way we have gotten to the point where we have made the people who do things we don’t like the enemy. It’s like people making fun of those people who stood for the national anthem when it came on at the restauranT on TV. They aren’t hurting you. Quit acting like they are the enemy. Same with those that kneel. We are all Americans. The difference in opinions and attitudes is what has made this country great for generations. No one has the monopoly on being right.

You are 100% correct! When we start thinking that people who have a different view are enemies or we dehumanize them then ultimate division has been achieved.

We need to quit thinking one side or the other is trying to divide us and focus on those who benefit the most on our division.

Those that benefit the most are not everyday hard working Americans.
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Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
I am saying the opinion of the person impacted shouldnt be just blindly believed. I tried to highlight that by using the over the top face eating example.
I dont think Silver's word is the gospel. I referenced that because I remember him publicly saying here was no leaguewide blackball on Freedom. I dont remember any GMs speaking publicly on it, and I dont think they can speak publicly(or can they since he was unsigned?), but either way I mentioned Silver's comment because I remember it.

I really dont even understand why you think I contradict myself though. I dont really believe Silver more than Freedom. I just think its absurd to try and claim that Freedom was blackballed because Freedom claims he was blackballed.
Silver's comments have as much validity as Freedom's, I guess you could say. They are valued the same and equally worthless. Just offered up a counter in that other post.
Answer my questions, you coward.


Active member
Sep 30, 2012
Da Baby not only says that word, but he murdered someone. Helped propel his career.

I couldn't begin to guess how many have been fired for uttering a certain phuckin word.

Enes Freedom was surgically removed from the NBA speaking truth about human rights nightmares in China. Buncha got damn hypocrites.

FYI, employees of the WWE better not speak a single phuckin negative word about Saudi Arabia, or some sheik will perform a wrestler-ectomy with swiftness.

Free speech has become a former right we've decided to give away for the right money.

I understand that terrible, awful, vulgar word is so horribly taboo it can't be uttered by humans with melatonin levels on the lower end of the spectrum in any context, ever. Makes sense. What I don't understand is how millions of people can listen and dance to the same word that gets blasted in my ear every time I fill up my SUV. God forbid someone video me mindlessly singing along with that garbage. I'm canceled. Also makes sense.
Thank you Cardi B for teaching me all about ripping off johns and how wet vaginas can get. That's the kind of speech we must keep and defend. I think I'll write a follow up to WAP with a bluegrass ballad entitled "WSP" (White Scaly Penis)
Reminds me of that Chappelle court room skit when he talks about someone saying the N word all the time

also Da baby acted in self defense to protect his partner and kids


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I wonder why it is a career-ending mistake for a person of a certain race to say in public a particular word but seemingly trivial for anyone to take the Lord’s name in vain.
Is a particular race of people more worthy of respect than the Creator of the universe (including people of all races)?
Not in my opinion.
I dont think it should be a career ending mistake to say that word. And this Mintz guy's career may not be over, even if he is out for this specific job. Plenty of people have continued their careers after saying racially insensitive things, it just took time for them to 'reflect' or whatever other terms best describe them sitting in timeout for a little bit.

I get that you are an extremist/fundamentalist when it comes to religion, as shown in the thread where you claim everyone's lives are predetermined, we have no free will, and those who will make it to Heaven were pre-selected back with God was creating everything, so it doesnt matter how you live in this world since you cant move the Heaven needle. And I can see why you would push for God's name holding equal(or more) respect when it comes to using disparaging words.
But...those people are for sure here and real. Their pain and their sadness can be felt and seen when that word is used against them. Not everyone believes what you believe. But everyone can easily see the impact offensive words cause people in historically oppressed and/or marginalized groups.

To me, this goes back to the simple reality that you may think your version of God is the correct version, but others think their version is the correct version. There is nothing to show yours is the correct version.
Maybe Budhism is correct and humans came from shining light. Maybe Jainism is correct and everything in the universe always has existed and always will exist. Maybe Greek Mythology is correct and Phanes hatched from a golden egg. Maybe Norse Mythology is correct and Odin, Ve, and Vili created Earth, Midgard, and humans.

Its pretty arrogant to claim your story is the correct story and the historically accurate story.
If someone doesnt follow your stories, are they being disrespectful to God if they damn something in his name? Or are they just saying an incredibly common phrase in society for when they are frustrated?

In the end though, it doesnt matter if people take the Lord's name in vain and your version of God is correct, right? After all, nothing we do in this life matters later on since everything has been predetermined for us. We can easily just claim that our actions arent actually ours, but that of God. We have no free will and our path was set before Adam and Eve were created, right? Given that, you can hardly blame anyone for saying something offensive. It isnt their fault, they had no choice in the matter. And the other person had no choice but to be offended since they were programmed thru predetermination to be offended.

It seems like a pretty fatalistic view of our time here, but you do you.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
I wonder why it is a career-ending mistake for a person of a certain race to say in public a particular word but seemingly trivial for anyone to take the Lord’s name in vain.

Is a particular race of people more worthy of respect than the Creator of the universe (including people of all races)?

Not in my opinion.
We have a first amendment and separation of church and state and people with power don't care whether whether someone does that. Corporations in particular have power, incredible power now, and, unless there's a boycott, they often get what they want including tax cuts or favorable tax policies and lots of giveaways from our elected leaders. Who and what's regarded as sacred has changed. This message board has people speaking out, anonymously, about how others should forgive someone for saying a word said by others. Maybe ask yourself why such people, who I think have a legit point, have no power to stop this from happening. I suspect none of the people they voted for in national elections will do anything to change it.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Answer my questions, you coward.
Haha, I read this and was like da17 is he talking about? Ha, I forgot the awesome list from yesterday.
My apologies, here you go-

Who was the better Darren, Dick York or Dick Sargent?
Sargent was supposed to the the original Darren so it can be argued he is the one true Darren.
Dick York's version was like a Jim Carrey character from when he hosted SNL- Jimmy Tango's weight loss infomercial.
The over the top acting gets annoying, but Ill choose York as the better Darren because his nervousness played well in scenes.
Nick at Night in the 90s FTW.

Who was the more masculine Darren, Dick York or Dick Sargent?
Sargent, easily.

Does being the more masculine Darren make you a better Darren?
Based on my first answer, it in fact does not make you the better Darren. It does make you the less annoying Darren, though.

Could either man win a fist fight with Major Nelson from I Dream of Jeannie?
I cant believe I just googled these guys to see who is taller and therefore likely has the longest reach. They are all 6'1 or 6'2, for the record.
Well considering that, I think Major Nelson would beat both Darrens. He would for sure destroy Dick York- thats a gimmie.

Could collectively both men win a fist fight with Major Nelson from I Dream of Jeannie?
It would be like a Power Rangers fight scene where the Darrens would trade off instead of both attacking at the same time. As a result, the outnumbered fighter would win. Major Nelson would emerge victorious.

Which Armie Hammer movie is the most underrated, "The Lone Ranger" or "The Man from UNCLE"?
Havent seen The Man from UNCLE, so no idea if its underrated or not. I can confidently say The Lone Ranger is not underrated nor overrated. Its rated just how it should be - 'meh'.

Which Star Wars movie is the best and why is it "Empire Strikes Back"?
Ha, well worded.
Episode V is solid because it goes to a more dark place than the A New Hope and shows the bad side can win(which is not usually the result of most movies). Fresh take on scifi.
With that said, Return of the Jedi introduces Ewoks and has Leia in a skimpy golden bikini. Those two things alone made it the best Episode for me as a kid.
The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi are both solid. Kylo Ren and Rey in those two movies are good characters to add to the franchise.
I am going with The Force Awakens, final answer.

If you had to pick one member of the Rat Pack to fight, which one would it be and why?
Mickey Rooney, easily. I am 6'5 and he was 5'2. I think my weakass could have taken him. If it was still a tossup, I would choose Rooney in 2000 vs Rooney in 1950.
If I need to pick someone from the later Rat Pack, I would go with Joey Bishop because he seems like the least known and is still on the short side of things, which would only help me possibly not lose the slapping match.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
why does it have to be at golf or hunting? Stereotypes and all..
Those are two recreational activities, which can and often do take place as a group, that I see discussed on this board a lot.


Well-known member
Oct 9, 2022
Oh, so you’re complaining about people complaining. I’m not surprised you couldn’t answer my question.
I wasn't complaining, and I did answer your question. Double standards are not "wrong" per se. It's a question of context. Sometimes they are necessary, or at least preferable. I will let others decide if the current double standard on the use of a particular word is "wrong."


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Those are two recreational activities, which can and often do take place as a group, that I see discussed on this board a lot.
Or maybe you could used..... oh I don't know ... the next Mississippi State sporting event. However you stereotype.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Or maybe you could used..... oh I don't know ... the next Mississippi State sporting event. However you stereotype.
This seems like a really minor thing to get bent out of shape over.
I referenced talking to friends while doing two social activities that are commonly discussed and therefore relatively popular on this board.

Do a lot of people go to a lot of MSU sporting events with their friends? I really dont know. I would guess many golf with friends more frequently than go to MSU games with friends.
Perhaps I am wrong about that though, I really have no idea one way or the other.

Its like you dont know what a stereotype is.
But even if I did stereotype, is that inherently bad in this context? Have I somehow offended people because I said they could talk with friends about the issue while hunting or golfing? I certainly didnt say or even hint at either activity being bad/shameful, so why would it be a negative stereotype(which is typically the type that people take issue with)?

"The lady doth protest too much, methinks" - some Queen from a play


Well-known member
Sep 9, 2012
Haha, I read this and was like da17 is he talking about? Ha, I forgot the awesome list from yesterday.
My apologies, here you go-

Who was the better Darren, Dick York or Dick Sargent?
Sargent was supposed to the the original Darren so it can be argued he is the one true Darren.
Dick York's version was like a Jim Carrey character from when he hosted SNL- Jimmy Tango's weight loss infomercial.
The over the top acting gets annoying, but Ill choose York as the better Darren because his nervousness played well in scenes.
Nick at Night in the 90s FTW.

Who was the more masculine Darren, Dick York or Dick Sargent?
Sargent, easily.

Does being the more masculine Darren make you a better Darren?
Based on my first answer, it in fact does not make you the better Darren. It does make you the less annoying Darren, though.

Could either man win a fist fight with Major Nelson from I Dream of Jeannie?
I cant believe I just googled these guys to see who is taller and therefore likely has the longest reach. They are all 6'1 or 6'2, for the record.
Well considering that, I think Major Nelson would beat both Darrens. He would for sure destroy Dick York- thats a gimmie.

Could collectively both men win a fist fight with Major Nelson from I Dream of Jeannie?
It would be like a Power Rangers fight scene where the Darrens would trade off instead of both attacking at the same time. As a result, the outnumbered fighter would win. Major Nelson would emerge victorious.

Which Armie Hammer movie is the most underrated, "The Lone Ranger" or "The Man from UNCLE"?
Havent seen The Man from UNCLE, so no idea if its underrated or not. I can confidently say The Lone Ranger is not underrated nor overrated. Its rated just how it should be - 'meh'.

Which Star Wars movie is the best and why is it "Empire Strikes Back"?
Ha, well worded.
Episode V is solid because it goes to a more dark place than the A New Hope and shows the bad side can win(which is not usually the result of most movies). Fresh take on scifi.
With that said, Return of the Jedi introduces Ewoks and has Leia in a skimpy golden bikini. Those two things alone made it the best Episode for me as a kid.
The Force Awakens and The Last Jedi are both solid. Kylo Ren and Rey in those two movies are good characters to add to the franchise.
I am going with The Force Awakens, final answer.

If you had to pick one member of the Rat Pack to fight, which one would it be and why?
Mickey Rooney, easily. I am 6'5 and he was 5'2. I think my weakass could have taken him. If it was still a tossup, I would choose Rooney in 2000 vs Rooney in 1950.
If I need to pick someone from the later Rat Pack, I would go with Joey Bishop because he seems like the least known and is still on the short side of things, which would only help me possibly not lose the slapping match.
well done. glfr W
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