It is most certainly not overblown. Its 2023, and you still can’t even BUY beer (let alone make it) in almost half the state….36 of 82 counties are still dry.
Seriously, who’s gonna sign up to assume all the PITA risks and responsibilities of a new small business (start up costs, hiring / training, likely footing the bill for 100% of their health insurance, etc.) in a location where you have to eliminate 44% of the market right off the bat, eliminate another half of what’s left even in wet counties due to ideological reasons, and then eliminate 60-70% of what’s left after that because they have neither the money nor the pallette to enjoy the finer points of craft beer. All in a state with an extremely unwelcoming environment for all business (big and small), even those with no Bible belt bug-a-boo’s.
As usual, Mississippi is 50th in a metric, and again as usual….the only surprising thing about it is that they aren’t somehow 51st.
It's surprising that Texas is down the list too, but Texans concentrate more on Spirits and Wine. We leave the beer to those girly boys down 'round Austin. NTTAWWT**