I refinanced a couple years ago down to a 15 at 2.25%… even if I wanted to, I don’t believe I could justify selling my home.
I did the same thing at the same time and got the same rate, except mine is a 20-year (with now 18 years left). And I’m now an idiot in the market….
However, there are pros and cons in any market. The big pros in the current housing market are that patient buyers have a lot more control over the process. Back in 2019 when we got our current place, rates were low and it was already a huge seller’s market in our area, although not nearly what it was once the COVID boom happened. Back then you could get a decent home at a decent price, but where we are you couldn’t do a damn thing until you sold your house. You could absolutely forget about sales contingent offers. What that led to was a lot of people (including ourselves) losing multiple bidding wars and then settling in some aspect of their most desired new home criteria because their clock ran out after selling their home.
Now its the opposite problem. Selling your home at a fair price is extremely difficult. But if you can do it, you have almost no competition for many of the best properties (which are still expensive). The most beneficial part to buyers is that sales contingent offers are actually being accepted again. And, its a zero sum game over the long haul with home prices and interest rates. That $500,000 house you’d love to buy if rates weren’t at 7% is absolutely going to be a $650k house when rates return to 4-4.5%. You aren’t really saving anything by waiting to buy if you are wanting to trade up in some capacity. Can always refi to a lower rate, but you can’t ever change what you paid for the house. So, owners who have no problem with their commute, square footage, lot size, or amenities absolutely should stay locked in. But those who aren’t also shouldn’t be afraid to throw out at least a contingent offer or two, and buckle up for a potential 60-90 day close if that’s what it takes.