OT: Not going into a lot of details about this

Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Sadly one of my best friends had his 16 year old do the same before thanksgiving last year. Including his son, I have personally known 6 people who did this in 21/22. Several of those I knew very well. I keep asking what the hell is going on. I have a few reasons/thoughts:

1. social media is a major contributor as DS pointed out

2. Insane levels of hatred in our political parties where each of them say the world is coming to an end when the other is in office

3. The pandemic getting people to think the world in fact is coming to an end

4. Riots and such in 20/21 getting people to think the world is coming to an end

5. The internet enabling people to easily lose real human connections with others
I'd say more that out country is in decline. We are on a long, slow path to irrelevance a la Britain's last couple of hundred years. Things will still be fine, but people grasp things in relative terms, and they can see the decline happening all around them. It's depressing.