OT - OMAD - A Cheat Code For Life


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
For you SPSers looking to lose or maintain your weight, read up on OMAD. I do it 2-4 times a week on average, it takes about two weeks to control your appetite (you'll still get hungry at points during the day, but it will become easier to control). I do it to maintain, I'm 6ft 2in and my goal is to stay under 200 (I'm usually in the low 190s). I eat as much as I want for my one meal. Take some Psyllium Husk after your meal and you'll easily control your weight. I do drink black coffee in the AM.



Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I do not doubt the short term effectiveness of fast diets but I’ve always been skeptical of how sustainable they are in the long run. I know a number of people who did lose weight on it but the minute they stopped that weight came back super quick.


Well-known member
Nov 27, 2008
For you SPSers looking to lose or maintain your weight, read up on OMAD. I do it 2-4 times a week on average, it takes about two weeks to control your appetite (you'll still get hungry at points during the day, but it will become easier to control). I do it to maintain, I'm 6ft 2in and my goal is to stay under 200 (I'm usually in the low 190s). I eat as much as I want for my one meal. Take some Psyllium Husk after your meal and you'll easily control your weight. I do drink black coffee in the AM.

Won't work for hypoglycemic folks

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Bleh, this only works if you eat less food (much less food). That's how Sloppy Joe lost all that weight, and he just looked weird. Most people that lose weight this way just look weird.

Eating a day's worth of food in one meal does not help you lose weight.

If you want to fast, do it right. Take a whole day off of eating. Your body repairs itself and at the same time, really ramps up production of growth hormone. Max effects at 3 days, but not many people can do this without serious concentration (i.e. fasting for prayer, etc.).

While I'm on this kick......cleans are all BS too. You want to get cleans, so eat a bunch of green vegetables. But if you aren't used to it, even this can inflame your guts. Fasting calms it down.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
Bleh, this only works if you eat less food (much less food). That's how Sloppy Joe lost all that weight, and he just looked weird. Most people that lose weight this way just look weird.

Eating a day's worth of food in one meal does not help you lose weight.

If you want to fast, do it right. Take a whole day off of eating. Your body repairs itself and at the same time, really ramps up production of growth hormone. Max effects at 3 days, but not many people can do this without serious concentration (i.e. fasting for prayer, etc.).

While I'm on this kick......cleans are all BS too. You want to get cleans, so eat a bunch of green vegetables. But if you aren't used to it, even this can inflame your guts. Fasting calms it down.
Works great for me and lot of other people. Very easy, i do have to make myself eat more than i want for my one meal, to keep from feeling hungry for the next 24. For my one meal, I eat whatever I want.

To your point, you are certainly going to eat less food eating OMAD, even if it is a huge meal high fat/high calorie, than eating three meals and snacking/consuming sugar drinks during the day.
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Active member
Aug 15, 2006
Swap the black coffee for water.
Pound the h20.
Eat tons of veggies. Cut back on meat (2-3 times/week)
I'm 6'2", 175lbs, 10% bf.
Yes, I am a competitive cyclist thus train more than the average Joe, but diet is the key. Being married to a vegetarian made me see the light regarding our meat diet and the need for more veggies.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2009
This ain't a cheat code. I'd fall slam out. I stay too hungry to even try something like this.
I was given a jar of it. I tried it out of curiosity. If you take it about an hour before a meal, it makes the meal "stick with you" longer than normal. It's not a miracle cure, but it does work a little. I'm bad about eating dinner at 7pm and then rummaging through the pantry at 9:30. This stuff has curtailed that.
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Dec 14, 2023
I didn’t read it, but I would think it would work to control hypoglycemia, especially if your meal is low carb and high protein. I know the carnivore diet does.
I would have no problem with the carnivore diet. Sho-nuff would have to keep the brisket coming, but I ain't got the funds for that LOL.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2021
This ain't a cheat code. I'd fall slam out. I stay too hungry to even try something like this.
which is why you need to change you’re eating habits - you’re too dependent on glucose with very little fat burning
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The Cooterpoot

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
I've been doing fasting for 3 years. It's a damn game changer! I've lost 78 lbs and feel about 25 now after being 260 & damn near dying. Even my doctor can't believe how good my bloodwork is. Even got my LDL better now. Just drank my second 16 oz cup of coffee. Workout at lunch everyday for 30 min to an hour.
Joe Moorhead fasted so much he lost his job and weight
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OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Swap the black coffee for water.
Pound the h20.
Eat tons of veggies. Cut back on meat (2-3 times/week)
I'm 6'2", 175lbs, 10% bf.
Yes, I am a competitive cyclist thus train more than the average Joe, but diet is the key. Being married to a vegetarian made me see the light regarding our meat diet and the need for more veggies.
Yep. Not rocket science. Majority vegetables, hopefully green and colorful, although I'll throw in a potato or 4. I also eat some bread, but try and keep it wheat. Always try and get fruit in daily, even though I don't like it. Cut waaaaay down on the meat, and feel a good bit better.

I punch a time clock with water. One glass first thing in the morning, then 10:30 am or so, then 3:30 pm, then before bed. Plus more when exercising/working outside.

I'll never quit coffee though.

The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
I've been doing fasting for 3 years. It's a damn game changer! Just drank my second 16 oz cup of coffee.
Intermittent fasting has definitely helped me. I never eat at night till about 8:00 pm and then don't eat again till lunch the next day so go about 16 hrs between feedings which theoretically once dinner is digested and done it makes your body burn fat until it gets that noon meal the next day. I don't use any diet per say just try to eat the same things others are saying like lean meat and veggies. Beer is the devil when doing this, I do great till I grab a few beers when I get home and on those days I don't lose anything, may gain some back even. I drink lots of black coffee and have a quart bottle of water on my desk that I drink and refill throughout the day. Skipping through breakfast took a while to get accustomed to but now I don't even think about it, I just grab more water or coffee and go to 6 Pack and post and it helps take my mind off of it.


Well-known member
Feb 15, 2007
Imma tell y’all something else that works like a charm. Regardless of the time of day.. meal portions.. intermittent fasting dieting cleansing gut scrubbing hoopla…

Make your body burn more calories than it consumes. It really is that simple.


Active member
Oct 29, 2009
For you SPSers looking to lose or maintain your weight, read up on OMAD. I do it 2-4 times a week on average, it takes about two weeks to control your appetite (you'll still get hungry at points during the day, but it will become easier to control). I do it to maintain, I'm 6ft 2in and my goal is to stay under 200 (I'm usually in the low 190s). I eat as much as I want for my one meal. Take some Psyllium Husk after your meal and you'll easily control your weight. I do drink black coffee in the AM.

"Psyllium Husk"

Did a colon cleanse about 5-6 years ago and one of the drinks you mixed up had psyllium husk in it.....aside from tasting like rotten hell, it does work.....and you will easily lose 5lbs within a week.....but be prepared to stay close to a bathroom at all times.
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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2019
Intermittent fasting has definitely helped me. I never eat at night till about 8:00 pm and then don't eat again till lunch the next day so go about 16 hrs between feedings which theoretically once dinner is digested and done it makes your body burn fat until it gets that noon meal the next day. I don't use any diet per se just try to eat the same things others are saying like lean meat and veggies. Beer is the devil when doing this, I do great till I grab a few beers when I get home and on those days I don't lose anything, may gain some back even. I drink lots of black coffee and have a quart bottle of water on my desk that I drink and refill throughout the day. Skipping through breakfast took a while to get accustomed to but now I don't even think about it, I just grab more water or coffee and go to 6 Pack and post and it helps take my mind off of it.
I don't eat after 7:00 or before 12:00. There are days when I'm working on something that I don't get hungry until 2:00 or 3:00, so I'll grab a protein bar. I limit caffeine now (decaf coffee half the time or more). I drink about 120oz of water a day min. I don't drink alcohol more than two days a week max. I actually lost down to 180 from about 250, but my wife said it was too much so I'm at 186. I bounce around from 183-190 normally. If you can handle Berberine, it's helped too. I use a few natural supplements but cut Berberine because my stomach couldn't handle it. I could easily lose 10lbs if I wanted to. Anyone not fasting is missing out! It's super easy really. I thank someone on here for getting me moving on that.
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Well-known member
Jul 30, 2019
"Psyllium Husk"

Did a colon cleanse about 5-6 years ago and one of the drinks you mixed up had psyllium husk in it.....aside from tasting like rotten hell, it does work.....and you will easily lose 5lbs within a week.....but be prepared to stay close to a bathroom at all times.
For many with colon issues, it works differently.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Imma tell y’all something else that works like a charm. Regardless of the time of day.. meal portions.. intermittent fasting dieting cleansing gut scrubbing hoopla…

Make your body burn more calories than it consumes. It really is that simple.
It really is that simple but it's not that easy. I'm a big fan of whatever works for people. I don't really "fast", but I do tend to skip breakfast. There's only so much damage you can do with two meals a day and as long as you don't hammer lunch because you're starving and as long as you avoid restaurant meals, you're probably going to stay under 1,000 calories a meal without trouble. But I can completely believe that other people do better with three smaller meals. I'm a big fan of low(er) carb because to me it makes it easier to stay full. I think most people if they just avoid the highly processed carbs will still get a healthy amount of carbs in their diet without even trying.
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Well-known member
Sep 14, 2011
Eat 1 meal or eat 30 it doesn't matter for weight loss. it's basic math

Eat 2000 calories and burn 1500 = gain
Eat 1500 calories and burn 2000 = loss

Fasting just helps you eat less calories because you're not consuming crap like chips and sugar drinks all day lowering your overall caloric intake.

Whatever works to make your intake less than your burn rate, go for it. If you like eating 2500 calories a day, you better workout a lot. Average 6 foot 200 lb man burns 2000.

Get a food tracker app and use it honestly for 2 weeks and you'll see exactly why you're fat (like me currently).

PS - this is strictly about weight gain/loss, not eating properly for health reasons.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
"Psyllium Husk"

Did a colon cleanse about 5-6 years ago and one of the drinks you mixed up had psyllium husk in it.....aside from tasting like rotten hell, it does work.....and you will easily lose 5lbs within a week.....but be prepared to stay close to a bathroom at all times.
There are much better ways to get your fiber. Oatmeal (real oatmeal, not the sugary pre-packaged stuff) is great soluble fiber. Vegetables and whole grains are other great sources.
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The Cooterpoot

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
Fasting isn't just about losing weight. It's been proven to improve just about everything, I was going to die. Everything in my life turned around when I started fasting. The same doctors who told me I was going to die now tell me my blood work etc. is better than the average 30 year old.

BA Dog

Nov 4, 2021
Been on the carnivore diet for nearly a year. Did it for the weight loss but should have done it for the other health benefits. Lost 80 lbs so far. 20 the first month, 20 the second month, and around 10 the next few. (Started at 300 lb, so I had more to loose than most would. Now around 220) I love eating this way. I eat until I get full and I don’t eat again until I get hungry, most of the times this is twice a day. It’s not as expensive as you think because you stop eating out and usually don’t eat but two meals a day. I started out fairly strict with just meat salt eggs, butter and some cheese. I added some breakfast sausages and smoked sausages along with sour cream and cream cheese in around month three or four. I lost the weight without exercising for the first four months, though my job at the time was fairly physical, and only inconsistent use of an exercise bike after that. Blood pressure has gone from 136ish/83 ish to 119/72. Inflammation in ancles and knees gone. Sleep has improved, snoring is gone. Brain fog, that I didn’t even know I had, is gone. My wife says my overall mood has improved. It’s a little bit of a rabbit hole to go down but, lots of information out there by physicians behind this way of eating. Food seems to be killing America.
I did three or four three day fasts in the first few months because I was loosing weight so fast and was worried about loose skin.(Was hoping autophagy associated with fasting would help with that.) I also ate OMAD some throughout the first few months. Eating once or twice a day seems to be fairly common on the carnivore diet because you are just not hungry.
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Active member
Oct 9, 2010
For you SPSers looking to lose or maintain your weight, read up on OMAD. I do it 2-4 times a week on average, it takes about two weeks to control your appetite (you'll still get hungry at points during the day, but it will become easier to control). I do it to maintain, I'm 6ft 2in and my goal is to stay under 200 (I'm usually in the low 190s). I eat as much as I want for my one meal. Take some Psyllium Husk after your meal and you'll easily control your weight. I do drink black coffee in the AM.

I used this several years, almost exactly. It controls weight, and even contributes to loss of weight, but it takes 8-10 weeks for it to be totally effective. The loss typically is 6-7% of body weight over that time. At least with me. For those who begin this at heavier weight levels, I suspect the total loss might be a little more. It's not hard to stay on this diet. The body adjusts fairy quickly, and after a couple of days, you really don't get that hungry during the day.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
"Psyllium Husk"

Did a colon cleanse about 5-6 years ago and one of the drinks you mixed up had psyllium husk in it.....aside from tasting like rotten hell, it does work.....and you will easily lose 5lbs within a week.....but be prepared to stay close to a bathroom at all times.
That's you just shltting out water and the crap you're eating anyway. You aren't losing 5 lbs. of fat from that.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
For those that have done fasting, how are you planning your exercise around it? Avoid exercise on days you fast? Plan exercise shortly after you do eat? Raw dog it and exercise on an empty stomach?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Been on the carnivore diet for nearly a year. Did it for the weight loss but should have done it for the other health benefits. Lost 80 lbs so far. 20 the first month, 20 the second month, and around 10 the next few. (Started at 300 lb, so I had more to loose than most would. Now around 220) I love eating this way. I eat until I get full and I don’t eat again until I get hungry, most of the times this is twice a day. It’s not as expensive as you think because you stop eating out and usually don’t eat but two meals a day. I started out fairly strict with just meat salt eggs, butter and some cheese. I added some breakfast sausages and smoked sausages along with sour cream and cream cheese in around month three or four. I lost the weight without exercising for the first four months, though my job at the time was fairly physical, and only inconsistent use of an exercise bike after that. Blood pressure has gone from 136ish/83 ish to 119/72. Inflammation in ancles and knees gone. Sleep has improved, snoring is gone. Brain fog, that I didn’t even know I had, is gone. My wife says my overall mood has improved. It’s a little bit of a rabbit hole to go down but, lots of information out there by physicians behind this way of eating. Food seems to be killing America.
I did three or four three day fasts in the first few months because I was loosing weight so fast and was worried about loose skin.(Was hoping autophagy associated with fasting would help with that.) I also ate OMAD some throughout the first few months. Eating once or twice a day seems to be fairly common on the carnivore diet because you are just not hungry.
It's hard to keep track with all the crap information out there but I think the guy that made the carnivore diet popular no longer thinks its a good idea. I can completely believe the carnivore is close to healthy, but we are omnivores and I can't believe it isn't optimal to have some vegetables and/or fruits.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
It's hard to keep track with all the crap information out there but I think the guy that made the carnivore diet popular no longer thinks its a good idea. I can completely believe the carnivore is close to healthy, but we are omnivores and I can't believe it isn't optimal to have some vegetables and/or fruits.
It's healthy if you want an early heart attack

BA Dog

Nov 4, 2021
It's hard to keep track with all the crap information out there but I think the guy that made the carnivore diet popular no longer thinks it’s a good idea. I can completely believe the carnivore is close to healthy, but we are omnivores and I can't believe it isn't optimal to have some vegetables and/or fruits.
He calls it an animal based diet now. Still don’t think he eats vegetables, but has added fruit and honey back. I think our biggest problems are the processed sugars and grains.
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BA Dog

Nov 4, 2021
It's healthy if you want an early heart attack
I think you make a lot of sense with most of your comments. I disagree with you on this one though. I think if you do a little digging you will see that it has always been sugar consumption and not meat consumption that has caused the epidemic of heart disease in the past 60 years.


Well-known member
Mar 2, 2012
Works great for me and lot of other people. Very easy, i do have to make myself eat more than i want for my one meal, to keep from feeling hungry for the next 24. For my one meal, I eat whatever I want.

To your point, you are certainly going to eat less food eating OMAD, even if it is a huge meal high fat/high calorie, than eating three meals and snacking/consuming sugar drinks during the day.
Correct. There is a difference in 2000 calories at one time (good luck eating that much protein) and 2000 calories spread out over 6 meals that are high carb. Is not about calories it more related to insulin. When you have elevated insulin you can’t access your stored energy (fat). Insulin tells your body to store energy. Having said all of that fasting is much easier and effective on a low carb diet.

I have been fasting on and off for years. For me it has been most effective to vary my fasting lengths. Where I messed up several years ago when I was fasting often is that when I was eating I was not eating enough. Sure I lost weight but I also slowed my metabolism down too much. Now a days I make sure that I’m eating enough when I’m eating especially protein.
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Well-known member
Mar 2, 2012
For those that have done fasting, how are you planning your exercise around it? Avoid exercise on days you fast? Plan exercise shortly after you do eat? Raw dog it and exercise on an empty stomach?
I exercise fasted almost every day. I occasionally do extended fasts. Last week I did a 5 day fast and exercised. My workouts weren’t as great but I had No issues


Aug 23, 2012
Imma tell y’all something else that works like a charm. Regardless of the time of day.. meal portions.. intermittent fasting dieting cleansing gut scrubbing hoopla…

Make your body burn more calories than it consumes. It really is that simple.
Was planning to show my wife this thread, this is exactly what she would say. I've lost a good bit of weight and built muscle, it's really not that difficult.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I think you make a lot of sense with most of your comments. I disagree with you on this one though. I think if you do a little digging you will see that it has always been sugar consumption and not meat consumption that has caused the epidemic of heart disease in the past 60 years.
100% agree that sugar is a big cause as well. But I also don't think you can guzzle fats, any fats really. Artery clogging can be caused by a number of things. One thing sugar is big on is inflammation, which contributes to a ton of terrible things.

And a lot of things turn into sugar in your body.....not just desserts.
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