For you SPSers looking to lose or maintain your weight, read up on OMAD. I do it 2-4 times a week on average, it takes about two weeks to control your appetite (you'll still get hungry at points during the day, but it will become easier to control). I do it to maintain, I'm 6ft 2in and my goal is to stay under 200 (I'm usually in the low 190s). I eat as much as I want for my one meal. Take some Psyllium Husk after your meal and you'll easily control your weight. I do drink black coffee in the AM.
The OMAD diet is a weight-loss plan that involves just one meal a day. Find out what nutritionists say about this extreme intermittent fasting diet.
Ed: Didn’t read ahead before posting this.
OMAD twice a week? Doesn’t seem like that would move the needle.
Anyway, Ive been doing Carnivore since July 8th. That is, all animal based, no fruit, veggies, bread, etc…. I eat mainly beef, eggs pretty regularly, dairy in the form of some (good) cheese, occasional shrimp/wild salmon. Limit seasonings to mainly salt. It’s like a severe form of Keto. My ‘cheat’, is vodka or seltzer with less than 2g of carbs each.
Key is high fat. No, go ahead, eat more fat…then more. Your body will eliminate what fat it doesn’t use.
I did this, as my wife has AutoImmune issues and I’ve been encouraging her to do an elimination diet. I think she’s doing better, but she is really struggling with the food. I can get in a mindset of food is just fuel…she can’t.
The cool thing about fat as fuel instead of carbs, is the steadiness of It. And yeah, many people do OMAD on carnivore.
Ed: I’ve pretty much made a conscious decision not to preach the benefits or convince others that this is the way. But I would encourage people to do a little research into the “food pyramid” and which industries funded some of those type things. One stat that is certainly true is that a full 1/3 of the country is Diabetic or Pre Diabetic. Ever notice that some of the poorest communities are some of the fattest? Lots of old lies out there.
But, I’m guessing before long the gubment is going to be making us eat bugs.