OT: President Jimmy Carter

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Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
Who woulda evah thunk Keith Richards would outlive Jimmy Carter or Jeff Beck? I guess Henry Kissinger's gonna be next. We've forgotten about him and his wisdom. Gonna have an amazing refresher course on that dude in the near future.
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Active member
Dec 9, 2022
Who woulda evah thunk Keith Richards would outlive Jimmy Carter or Jeff Beck? I guess Henry Kissinger's gonna be next. We've forgotten about him and his wisdom. Gonna have an amazing refresher course on that dude in the near future.
A lot to unpack there. True.
Only thing I’ll say about Carter is he’s a fellow farmer and true Christian. Other than that………we have nothing in common


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
The second worst president in our country’s history, second only to Joe Biden.

As a human being and as a man, he is one of the best!
He is the second worst, but not to Biden. The worst would be James Buchanan and it's not even close.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
State's own Dr. Godbold, retired, had the second volume of his Carter biography published in the past year.
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Well-known member
Dec 23, 2017
Who woulda evah thunk Keith Richards would outlive Jimmy Carter or Jeff Beck? I guess Henry Kissinger's gonna be next. We've forgotten about him and his wisdom. Gonna have an amazing refresher course on that dude in the near future.
Please allow me to offer a bit of a refresher: If you had a relative or loved one killed in Vietnam after 1968 you can thank that sorry 17er.
He made millions off of foreign governments as the most corrupt civil servant in American history. Hillary Clinton, the trumps, the bidens, all of them --- have used his blueprint for enriching themselves.
He was also a notorious skirt chaser.
I hope you'll do some real research on your own. Start with Hitchens 'The Trial of Henry Kissinger.' Certainly, not asking you to take my word for it.
As for Jimmy Carter, not a fan of his politics or his leadership as President. I do respect his military career and applaud his service work. Hope his final days are comfortable and that he finds peace.
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Well-known member
Apr 13, 2018
My grandfather was pretty big farmer in the delta and was most definitely not a Jimmy Carter fan. Safe travels to him though, things will get better soon if he’s a believer.

Bobby Ricigliano

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2011
Who woulda evah thunk Keith Richards would outlive Jimmy Carter or Jeff Beck? I guess Henry Kissinger's gonna be next. We've forgotten about him and his wisdom. Gonna have an amazing refresher course on that dude in the near future.
Well, Carter is 19 years older than Keef.
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Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
State's own Dr. Godbold, retired, had the second volume of his Carter biography published in the past year.

Godbold was one of my profs.

As far as Carter himself is concerned, arguably one of the best ex-Presidents ever (maybe Taft & John Quincy Adams being the most comparable— the first becoming Chief Justice & the second being a Congressman).

His presidency was a mixed bag— below average but definitely not the worst (Buchanan & the pre-Civil War presidents of the 1850s generally are the lowest rated).

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Woodrow Wilson was pretty awful as far as policy goes.
He was a President of his times.

He was an Isolationist, did not want the US in World War I, won re-election because of that, and then got Congress to declare war against Germany less than a month after his second term began.

Shortly after the war ends, he fails at getting the Versailles Treaty pushed through the Senate, has a massive stroke (pre-25th amendment so he couldn’t be forced out via that route even though he likely should have).

Beginning of globalization and unchecked federal government. The death of Jefferson’s ideals.

A case can certainly be made. But he was a continuation of… oddly enough Teddy Roosevelt so he can’t be blamed for beginning it. And Wilson was a College President and professor before entering politics so it’d make sense to him to propose that people just talk things out.

Of course, it was another Roosevelt who brought it even further with the alphabet agencies and then meetings with his World War II Allies.


Active member
Dec 9, 2022
He was a President of his times.

He was an Isolationist, did not want the US in World War I, won re-election because of that, and then got Congress to declare war against Germany less than a month after his second term began.

Shortly after the war ends, he fails at getting the Versailles Treaty pushed through the Senate, has a massive stroke (pre-25th amendment so he couldn’t be forced out via that route even though he likely should have).

A case can certainly be made. But he was a continuation of… oddly enough Teddy Roosevelt so he can’t be blamed for beginning it. And Wilson was a College President and professor before entering politics so it’d make sense to him to propose that people just talk things out.

Of course, it was another Roosevelt who brought it even further with the alphabet agencies and then meetings with his World War II Allies.
Only thing I like about teddy is the national parks. Speaking of, read this book, “Holt Collier and the origins of the teddy bear”.

She Mate Me

Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
Please allow me to offer a bit of a refresher: If you had a relative or loved one killed in Vietnam after 1968 you can thank that sorry 17er.
He made millions off of foreign governments as the most corrupt civil servant in American history. Hillary Clinton, the trumps, the bidens, all of them --- have used his blueprint for enriching themselves.
He was also a notorious skirt chaser.
I hope you'll do some real research on your own. Start with Hitchens 'The Trial of Henry Kissinger.' Certainly, not asking you to take my word for it.
As for Jimmy Carter, not a fan of his politics or his leadership as President. I do respect his military career and applaud his service work. Hope his final days are comfortable and that he finds peace.

Thanks for this. I didn't feel like making a rebuttal.

Kissinger is not a person to admire unless you admire criminals with no moral compass.


Active member
Sep 2, 2012
The second worst president in our country’s history, second only to Joe Biden.

As a human being and as a man, he is one of the best!
From a monetary policy standpoint, Carter was the worst by a country mile. but I could almost give it to Obama but only because he had 2 terms to 17 the whole country up. But, NOBODY, in the history of the world could be worse than O'Biden, just on shear stupidity and incompetence. Obama was smart, and probably the world's all-time greatest liars. Was also a perfectionist at "leading from behind!"


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
Only thing I like about teddy is the national parks. Speaking of, read this book, “Holt Collier and the origins of the teddy bear”.
Clay Newcomb recently studied Holt in a series of “Bear Grease” podcasts. That was one fascinating and mind twisting dude. Slave that turned down numerous opportunities to escape to freedom, fought for the confederacy (against his owner’s will) and is is the only black man to receive a confederate soldiers pension. Killed multiple white men in the south post civil war but was always acquitted at trial because people liked him or were afraid of his civil war unit’s retaliation if they convicted him. Guided President Roosevelt on multiple hunting trips. So much cool/fascinating stuff in this dudes life. Checkout the podcast.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
Not even close. Buchanan is in a class by himself. Carter is hands down second. There are any number of thirds.
As for Wilson.....Good and bad...he averages out to mediocre. He was a good war leader for the time, he honestly was. He was too pie in the sky for the settlement. He let his idealism get in the way of realpolitik. In his defense his health was shot by then. He certainly shouldn't be remotely in the conversation of our worst Presidents ever.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
As for Wilson.....Good and bad...he averages out to mediocre. He was a good war leader for the time, he honestly was. He was too pie in the sky for the settlement. He let his idealism get in the way of realpolitik. In his defense his health was shot by then. He certainly shouldn't be remotely in the conversation of our worst Presidents ever.
Nor should he be in the conversation for the best.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
As for Carter I used to say he was the second worst president ever and THE worst ex-president we have had. I'm not so sure about the later part now. As I see it ex-presidents should fade gracefully into the background. As examples, look at the Bushes. Carter didn't do that. He has been used by dictators. He was basically a babe in the woods as president AND as a ex-President. Clinton was decent. Trump has been really bad. Obama has tried, but he is slipping badly. Reagan was exemplary, both as President and as an ex-president.


Well-known member
Oct 27, 2016
My Top 4....Lincoln, Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, after that it's more complicated. Jefferson, Reagan, Truman.....probably. Beyond that....Jackson, Polk, maybe Ike, then there are a bunch of decent ones like both of the Adams, Madison, Monroe, and so on. I think one that has been unfairly castigated is Grant. He obviously had i
his troubles, but he presided over the era that brought this country back together again. He seriously does not get enough credit for that.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
As for Carter I used to say he was the second worst president ever and THE worst ex-president we have had. I'm not so sure about the later part now. As I see it ex-presidents should fade gracefully into the background. As examples, look at the Bushes. Carter didn't do that. He has been used by dictators. He was basically a babe in the woods as president AND as a ex-President. Clinton was decent. Trump has been really bad. Obama has tried, but he is slipping badly. Reagan was exemplary, both as President and as an ex-president.
Carter did nothing to stem the tide of Recession that killed teens chances for looking for a part-time job or parents just trying to budget and make their house payments. I just remember it being crappy time that I never thought I would have to live through times like that again. I was wrong.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Carter was a terrible President, but he redeemed himself after he left office.


Well-known member
Aug 21, 2012
My Top 4....Lincoln, Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, after that it's more complicated. Jefferson, Reagan, Truman.....probably. Beyond that....Jackson, Polk, maybe Ike, then there are a bunch of decent ones like both of the Adams, Madison, Monroe, and so on. I think one that has been unfairly castigated is Grant. He obviously had i
his troubles, but he presided over the era that brought this country back together again. He seriously does not get enough credit for that.
Grant by Ron Chernow is a pretty good perspective on Grant's life. As President he trusted the wrong people to do the right thing.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
My grandfather was pretty big farmer in the delta and was most definitely not a Jimmy Carter fan. Safe travels to him though, things will get better soon if he’s a believer.
Carter tried to use withholding American agricultural products as a way to threaten other countries. It was disastrous for our farmers and eventually forced other countries to learn how to grow their own grain. It also led to our country spending billions of dollars on ill conceived farm programs to help our farmers stay in business. Totally stupid. ineffective, destructive and expensive mistake and there were many more. I don't think he was a liar or a bad person, he was just a dumb son of *****.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
My Top 4....Lincoln, Washington, Theodore Roosevelt, Franklin Roosevelt, after that it's more complicated. Jefferson, Reagan, Truman.....probably. Beyond that....Jackson, Polk, maybe Ike, then there are a bunch of decent ones like both of the Adams, Madison, Monroe, and so on. I think one that has been unfairly castigated is Grant. He obviously had i
his troubles, but he presided over the era that brought this country back together again. He seriously does not get enough credit for that.
I think Harding is unfairly scrutinized. The guy was a jerk and yes there were the scandals in his cabinet that have been shown over time he had nothing to do with but he inherited a really bad recession and turned it around in a matter of months. He’s the reason for the Roaring 20s.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
Carter tried to use withholding American agricultural products as a way to threaten other countries. It was disastrous for our farmers and eventually forced other countries to learn how to grow their own grain. It also led to our country spending billions of dollars on ill conceived farm programs to help our farmers stay in business. Totally stupid. ineffective, destructive and expensive mistake and there were many more. I don't think he was a liar or a bad person, he was just a dumb son of *****.
He’s the reason why Brazil is the giant grain exporter that they are today. He was the beginning of the end of the US being a major rice exporter.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Carter tried to use withholding American agricultural products as a way to threaten other countries. It was disastrous for our farmers and eventually forced other countries to learn how to grow their own grain. It also led to our country spending billions of dollars on ill conceived farm programs to help our farmers stay in business. Totally stupid. ineffective, destructive and expensive mistake and there were many more. I don't think he was a liar or a bad person, he was just a dumb son of *****.
Good post.

I can respect Carter for what he did with Habitat for Humanity after office. But he was an abject failure as a president. And his overt Christianity stands in stark contrast with policy decisions he's continued to support.

I won't call him worst ever because Biden is in the midst of telling Carter to hold his beer. But I do give Carter credit for being a true statesman after leaving office, something Trump could learn a thing or two, or a hundred about.


Well-known member
Sep 26, 2022
Please allow me to offer a bit of a refresher: If you had a relative or loved one killed in Vietnam after 1968 you can thank that sorry 17er.
He made millions off of foreign governments as the most corrupt civil servant in American history. Hillary Clinton, the trumps, the bidens, all of them --- have used his blueprint for enriching themselves.
He was also a notorious skirt chaser.
I hope you'll do some real research on your own. Start with Hitchens 'The Trial of Henry Kissinger.' Certainly, not asking you to take my word for it.
As for Jimmy Carter, not a fan of his politics or his leadership as President. I do respect his military career and applaud his service work. Hope his final days are comfortable and that he finds peace.
Vietnam was a disgusting part of our history IMO. We shoulda trained and armed the South Vietnamese and let THEM fight for their own freedom NOT US.. We coulda given more Air Support but we were afraid of the Ruskies & Chi-Coms. I do agree with a lot of Kissinger's philosophy on promoting Capitalism globally and his hatred for Communism. A German born Jew who escaped Nazis ended up being a great soldier for The U.S. in WWII. I would like to know more about his shady dealings that I'm not familiar with as his net worth is $50MM which does make you think. His History and Life Stories are indeed interesting IMO.
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