Almost all of what folks on the left came after Trump with was nonsense. Most sane people on both sides of the aisle, along with virtually all independents, knew this. He was too undisciplined to understand this, and chose to beclown himself and cost himself re-election in the process. When you get in the mud with pigs, you get muddy and the pigs get happy.
Just a modicum of discipline and he would still be president today. But he was too stupid for that. And now he's going after folks in his own party he perceives as threats with personal insults. He doesn't have much of a chance of being the nominee in 24 because most are sick of his chit. But he's too arrogant to see this and will take the whole party down in flames if he has to. That's because he's not in it for you, or me, or the party, or America. He's in it for Trump.
The sooner that this cult of personality that worships at the altar of Trump gets broken up, the quicker we can all move toward getting this country back on track.