Southwest was my favorite airline in the skies 15 years ago. It was considerably cheaper than almost everyone, all the time. They were forced to operate their main hub out of smaller and less expensive Love field in Dallas by the Wright amendment. Out of Love, they could only fly to states they shared a border with.
I remember going to Memphis quite a bit back then and it was way cheaper and easy to fly SWA to Little Rock and rent a car than to fly DFW to Memphis. I worked a lot in Tulsa and almost always caught $39 flights from Love in 08-11ish.
After the Wright amendment expired in 2014 a lot changed, they began acting a lot more like a big airline. I'm sure opening up at bigger airports added complexity to the business and expense. Not to mention losing founder Herb Kelleher as CEO and Chairman also took a lot of wind out of the culture in the 00's. I remember knowing pilots and flight attendants telling me they made considerably less working at SWA than American, but wouldn't leave due to culture.... I mean how do you not run through a wall for this guy vs all the overstuffed corporate suits running most other businesses...
Herb arm wrestling a small time aviation business for the right to use a slogan while working a heater:
Fast forward to today and SW is not what it used to be. I closed my SWA card a few years back and used the last of my points in 2022.
Best airlines to me these days are Alaska far and away, Delta in second with a lot of distance between it and 3rd, and then American or SWA. United sucks and double 17 Denver. If you have to connect through Denver give yourself a roofie and hope for the best. Most overcrowded airport in America. SLC is much better if you need to connect out west.