No. A deflating currency gives everyone a huge incentive to not spend. Work ceases to have proper value. Society cannot function that way. It's a child's dream on par with a hippie utopia.
Price Deflation and the Horrors of Falling TV Prices | Mises Institute
Deflation empowers the citizen by allowing her modest savings to purchase more goods over time. Inflation empowers the state by reducing the size of its
Have TVs gotten better or worse over your lifetime? Have they gotten cheaper or more expensive? Despite this deflation, how many TVs have you purchased? Will you ever purchase one again now that you know that they only get better and less expensive over time?
Inflation, not deflation, distorts the value of labor. That is why I choose to store the output of my labor in a deflationary money. It's also why people who don't hold bitcoin also don't use fiat currency as a long-term store of value. They use subpar proxies for money, like investment real estate and the stock market.
If you want to learn about this, I recommend a book titled The Price of Tomorrow by Jeff Booth.
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