OT: Those damn slow left lane drivers


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2024
8 million people in the metroplex....that's more than the other 3 places you listed combined. Toll roads and express lanes generally help weed out the idiots and uninsured but it's not free.
I rarely go to Dallas where the bulk of the 8MM reside. The severity of crashes I've seen in 40 mph zones in Fort Worth are exponentially worse than anything I ever witnessed prior to moving here. I knew a cop who said Crotch Rickets fly by them while they are parked radaring going at speeds up to 130+ mph and they don't even bother pursuing cuz ain't no way they're catching them. Previous stints compared to now for me is like Mayberry VS Mad Max. Population and congestion adds to frustrations that lead to a lot of the schit I've seen but damn. Seeing schit regularly vs almost never says a lot too.


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2024
I've spent basically no time in Texas in the last 20 years, so I have no opinion on the current state of driving there.

But I will say that the whole "Don't Mess with Texas" thing is a misnomer.

The attitude I've overwhelmingly observed from Texans is "Don't Mess with Me or My Freedom. I'm Doing Whatever tha 17 I Want."

Probably produces some seriously bad and dangerous driving.
This is a true mindset for a good bit of Texans. I love my Guns & Texas too but you just don't start schit on these roads. Period. There's a reason I've seen shirts here saying "17 You I'm From Texas!!". I ain't trying to scare folks away but this place does have a different attitude about it and it CAN get real.
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Well-known member
Jun 23, 2007
As a born and raised Mississippian that has lived in Texas for the last 18 years, let me say that Mississippi is nowhere in the same conversation to Texas when it comes to any form of bad driving. If some survey says otherwise, just note that it is completely wrong.

This guy would be a GOOD driver in Texas:
Arkansas called and they want your shade pointed their direction. I lived there several years, and virtually nobody ever used the right lane on a highway. Partly because the roads were so bad. I had a guy IN Arkansas “make fun” of MS drivers for hardly using the left lane. I was floored…. Ignorant.

I’ve had virtually no incidents in MS or TX like I’ve had in AR. Outside of some road raging in DFW, but I always try to avoid that around here. Everybody is armed.
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Boom Boom

Well-known member
Sep 29, 2022
It's not a list of bad drivers, or aggressive drivers. It's a list of confrontational drivers, i.e., people with enough road rage that they will get out of their vehicle and confront you. I don't know if swerving towards you, or getting in front of you and then slowing to a crawl counts....but confrontation is what the ranking is about.

Houston and Dallas are much worse places as far as bad and aggressive driving, and just for traffic in general. People here in Atlanta complain about the traffic and the like, and I just shake my head. Some of them think it gets hot here, too.

My biggest fear driving in Alabama and Mississippi are the number of cars that do not appear to be road worthy. Alabama probably leads the nation in yhe number of cats abandoned on the side of the roroad.
Get out of the car to fight? That's so 2000-late. These days in New Orleans they just shoot you from their car.
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Well-known member
Jan 4, 2024
Arkansas called and they want your shade pointed their direction. I lived there several years, and virtually nobody ever used the right lane on a highway. Partly because the roads were so bad. I had a guy IN Arkansas “make fun” of MS drivers for hardly using the left lane. I was floored…. Ignorant.

I’ve had virtually no incidents in MS or TX like I’ve had in AR. Outside of some road raging in DFW, but I always try to avoid that around here. Everybody is armed.
Lots of stupid left lane drivers in AR.
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Well-known member
Apr 26, 2022
I rarely go to Dallas where the bulk of the 8MM reside. The severity of crashes I've seen in 40 mph zones in Fort Worth are exponentially worse than anything I ever witnessed prior to moving here. I knew a cop who said Crotch Rickets fly by them while they are parked radaring going at speeds up to 130+ mph and they don't even bother pursuing cuz ain't no way they're catching them. Previous stints compared to now for me is like Mayberry VS Mad Max. Population and congestion adds to frustrations that lead to a lot of the schit I've seen but damn. Seeing schit regularly vs almost never says a lot too.
It's almost like they never passed the state drivers test or know the Laws around driving
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Well-known member
Dec 15, 2017
My new reaction is to laugh at them and waive, or flash a peace sign. Surprisingly, this does not de-escalate the situation.
I cut somebody off in my blindspot on an access road to US 75 north of Dallas one time and he raced by me and shook a 12"+ dìldo at me in anger... I was driving with a coworker and we nearly crashed in laughter.

Not sure if that dude is still alive, because surely some road rager shot him for that move, but it was a hell of a thing. He insulted me and diffused the situation all at once... But I don't have the courage to do it myself... That and I wouldn't dare let one of those things in my house knowing what could happen.**


Well-known member
Jan 4, 2024
Bigger congested cities cause azzholeitus. I grew up in Greenwood then got to know folks east of Ridgewood near Northside Dr. There are even nice OM folk there (some). Fort Worth is not the "South" I know regarding manners, calmness, & patience and it's reflected in driving here.


Well-known member
Jun 1, 2004
As a born and raised Mississippian that has lived in Texas for the last 18 years, let me say that Mississippi is nowhere in the same conversation to Texas when it comes to any form of bad driving. If some survey says otherwise, just note that it is completely wrong.

This guy would be a GOOD driver in Texas:
Not really, there are just a ton more A-holes in Texas. Per capita is about the same. I say this after living in DFW for 40+ years, but now in Madison Co.


Active member
Aug 15, 2006
I drive in Indiana (#8) all the time, it's not that bad.
Tenn has to be in the list, also have some of the dumbest drivers and worst highways (pot holes, etc).


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
These cuntshits cut me off yesterday when I was driving my daughter to soccer yesterday.


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Well-known member
Jan 11, 2009
The last time I was in a car in Atlanta was 20+ years ago. Traffic was stopped and I saw a guy in something like a Honda Prelude, purposely turn into rear wheels of an 18 wheeler trailer and gassed on it trying to push it out of his way.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
My theory is that in Dallas Atlanta etc, shittty driving isn't corrected nearly as much and when that does happen, the offender is more likely to blow a fuse over said public correction.

Whereas in Chicago, DC, Boston, NYC if you drive like an assshole, you're going to get constant feedback in the form of honks/birds/colorful language , and it's going to be from everybody around you. Until I lived in Chicago for a spell, I didn't know a car's horn could honk that long uninterrupted; 15 seconds of straight horn blast I suspect makes a person not want to experience that again.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2018
Used to travel all over the country on business and now me and the Mrs take lots of road trips around the country seeing national parks and various other places. It’s consistent, the further we get from home, the better people seem to drive. In the south, yes, Dallas, Atlanta, and Birmingham to a lesser extent make me pucker up these days. Away from the Southeast things get better. I think part of it has to do with the point system for violations and the significant cost of tickets in some of the other states, especially in the Northeast. We drove to Maine a few years ago ( beautiful by the way ) and I was apprehensive about driving in some of the Northeastern areas. I had done it plenty of times before but I was significantly younger then and fast traffic didn’t bother me then. Anyway, coming back out of Maine we eventually made our way across the State of New York to Niagara Falls and NO ONE broke the 65 MPH speed limit all the way across the State. I inquired to someone local at a hotel and speeding tickets started at $1,500 and went up from there. Recently we drove to Vegas and then did several national parks in Utah and Arizona. On the way home people started driving stupid about the time we hit Arkansas and when we stopped at a hotel in Little Rock there was a guy sitting on a bench in front of the hotel telling someone over the phone the correct way to castrate a live squirrel. I just looked at my wife and said welcome home…… in my opinion, way more risk of a car wreck here than anywhere else in the country. Western States seem the safest. They have less drivers ( except for Denver ) and people seem to be more patient and courteous. Turn on your blinker and they will let you change lanes, around here if you turn on your blinker the car in the other lane will speed up so that they can stay ahead of you. Even in town. I guess everyone thinks they are a nascar driver or something.
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