A lot. Definitely happens in the other direction the very red states as well.This is what a lot of people overlook about California: Over 6 million Californians voted for Trump in the 2020 election (11 million for Biden). That a ton of people (double the population of Mississippi). I wonder how many other Trump voters in California didn't bother to go stand in long poll lines due to the knowledge that their votes wouldn't matter due to the electoral college.
That's what I don't get about this us/they attitude that has amped more over the years (to the point of people predicting civil war). Yeah, I could generalize rural / urban as being polarized politically and separated geographically - so maybe there's a physical fight to happen there. But that's still way over simplified and generalized. "They" are our neighbors whether you live in a high rise or miles down the road from the nearest farm. The crazies get the airtime but most of us really do want similar things and don't really care to get caught up with the "they are evil/they hate America" nonsense that politicians and media lean on to take advantage of human emotions for votes and money.