OT: What is your best personal scary story?

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Active member
Apr 28, 2010
(guess they printed some hardcore stuff back in the 20's)
OTing the OT: They did print some hardcore stuff in the 20's. My wife and I have just finished Bill Bryson's One Summer: America, 1927. It takes up several events from that summer--Lindbergh, Sacco and Vanzetti, the Ford Model A, Ruth's home run record, the Mississippi River Flood, etc.--and ties them together. One of the stories is Ruth Brown Snyder's murder of her husband, the original "crime of the century." The press attention rivals anything you'd see on Nancy Grace today, and was really the birth of that kind of gruesome interest in crime. Great book.


Active member
Apr 24, 2006
Holy crap... I've seen that woman, too.

My last year at State, winter of 1996 I was home for the holidays and riding around with my girlfriend just looking at Christmas lights and visiting friends. We had been over in Madison and decided to take the long way home to the Rankin side of the reservoir where both our parents lived. Crossed the Reservoir on Highway 43 and turned south on 471 running parallel to HWY 25. Before we reach the Fannin area a woman dressed in white comes running out of an open field to the left of the Highway. At first I thought I was seeing things but my girlfriend saw it too and gasped "Oh my God". This woman was moving so fast it looked unnatural and I thought she was going to run out in front of us. She's wearing a plain white dress, almost like a simple wedding dress. She has long black hair and is waving her arms over her head as she runs like she wants us to stop. She runs into the left lane about 5 feet from my door just as we pass by. I can still remember her face was so pale I could still see it even as she passed out of the shine of the headlights. I locked the brakes up and skidded about 75 feet. Rolled the window down and yelled at the back of the truck if she needed help. No answer. I did NOT want to get out and my girlfriend was begging me to just go - something did not seem right about the way the woman looked. The highway was deserted so I pulled a U-turn and eased back to where she ran out. Nothing. Stopped the truck, stepped out and made one last yell to see if anyone was there and I never heard a peep. I also remember that the temperature seemed to have dropped below freezing at that moment when it had been in the 50s that night. Got back in the truck, called a buddy that was a sheriff's deputy just to let him know what we saw and in case there had been an accident or anything reported about a woman in distress. He said they never got a call about anything that night. While you could try and explain this away as someone out there messing with us, I can tell you it just didn't feel like that and there weren't many houses in that area back then. No alcohol consumed that night either - so we weren't seeing things.The creepiest thing was I told this story to a friend a few years later and his face went white. He had the same experience on the Natchez Trace just north of Hwy 43. Woman in white, running out of the woods trying to flag him down, and when he stopped no one was there.
It wasn't that long ago... few years maybe. I used to take my camera out at night on the Trace and around the Riverbend area of the Pear to get some long exposure night shots that would look creepy and cool. I had turned off of 43 onto that stretch of 471 and I something was on the road in the distance. Figured it was a deer since I had seen about 15 on the Trace that night, slowed down because it was just standing there in the middle of the road... but as I got closer... It was almost like lit up and sort of billowing. Couldn't really make out any detail but it sort of looked like a woman in a loose white dress. Then it was like she turned, looked at my car, and just sort of shot off and vanished toward the field. I chalked it up as just seeing some **** since it was late and pushed it out of mind until I saw what you just wrote. Holy crap!


New member
May 23, 2010
Back in the early 90s, my first wife and I were driving from Jackson to Oxford to see her mom and spend the weekend. We got off 55 onto 7 and it was dark. Can't remember where on 7, but about 40-50 yards in front of the car a big *** cat crossed the road, and by big ***, I mean mountain lion/panther big. It was brown/tan like a mountain lion. It freaked me out. I thought it had escaped from the circus or something, lol.


Active member
Feb 23, 2008
Definitely Sixpack Remembers....

I nominate this thread for SPS Remembers. Lots of good stuff in here.

This is one of THE best threads I've read in a while. I've been refreshing it for two days reading it the same way you would watch a suspense movie. Awesome stuff ya'll. And, hell, I may be naive, but I believe every one of you. The ******** may flow freely when it comes to MSU sports, but I imagine most of ya'll as otherwise skeptical, rational folk who just happened to see what they saw.

By all means, keep it going.


Active member
Feb 23, 2008
I was a junior at Millsaps in 2005 and in the summer went on a study abroad program to London.
My birthday happened to be the same day as the London subway and bus bombings that summer. We were in class at the London school of economics when boom. The building shakes to the sound of this unexplainable explosion. I was hungover and had the window open resting my head on the window frame. The explosion slammed the window shut. My professor thought it was a bus backfire but a couple of us new it was more serious. We start to see people running around and realize within about a minute that something bad was going on. Turned out, the bus that the ******* blew up was one block down on the corner of the building we were in. We walked around the corner to go back to our dorm and the bus looked liked a canoe. First time I've ever seen dead people outside of a funeral. I'll never forget the true feeling of helplessness and having no control of your own fate. It's something you can't understand if it has happened to you.

i was in the car with my a buddy on 82 going to Tuscaloosa. It was raining and we hydroplaned. Spun around 3 times and ended up in the ditch. We got out of the ditch and kept going but didn't say a word to each other until we got to Columbus to get the car looked at. I remember actually feeling a rush but not fear until it was over with.

Hey, majors.

Your story reminded me of this one. I was working in Bham and living in Five Points basically on the same street as Zydeco, but on the other side of 20th. In those days, I woke up every day at 7 am for work. Well that morning, at precisely 7 am, I hear a loud, HEAVY smashing sound. I kept thinking, "what the hell is my upstairs neighbor doing?". It sounded exactly like if you were downstairs from someone, and they took a cinder block or something even heavier, and just smashed it to the ground. I thought something like that happened, but couldn't for the life of me guess what the hell my neighbor was doing. Anyway, I don't think any more of it, shower and get ready for work. So I drive down 19th toward downtown to the office, and as I do I notice cop cars are scrambling all over the place. Setting up barricades and generally going nuts.

Of course I don't put two and two together, and I'm like, "jeez, what the hell is going on here?". And I just proceed on down 19th and get to work. I walk in, and they have NPR on, and the local Birmingham public radio is giving the known details of the abortion clinic bombing that had just occurred. I drove right through the scene without a clue. I probably turned white when I finally connected the dots.

I can still hear in my head if I think about it that heavy thud that I felt in the walls of my apartment that morning that turned out to be the bomb going off. That was an insane period of time.


New member
Oct 18, 2012
I got a couple

One day when I was about 9 or 10, a buddy came over to my house to play Nintendo 64. We were upstairs in my brother's room, home alone, and in the middle of a good game when, suddenly, we hear water start running in the sink in the bathroom, which is one room over from where we were. We both knew nobody had come up and that nobody was already up there. I walk in the bathroom and turn off the facet, we look around and find nobody, so habitually we cut off down the stairs and out the door like a pack of dogs after a three legged cat. One day not long after that, my brother comes down stairs and asks who was in his room earlier. None of us had been, then he claims he halfway woke up at one point hearing someone standing near his bed breathing heavily.

Also, my sister was home alone one night while my parents and myself were over at an aunt's house eating. She calls her house scared out of her mind claiming she had been watching tv in the den and suddenly heard the kitchen cabinets slam, so she ran and locked herself in her room. We rush home and find nobody else there. I lived in that house for eighteen years and would randomly just have paranoid feelings of being watched when I was alone. I have yet to have that feeling when I'm anywhere else. 17 that house.

My grandma has told me this story many times over the years, which is oddly similar to a couple I've read here: One night driving back from New Albany on hwy 178 near Myrtle, my grandpa is driving with my grandma and somebody else (aunt maybe) in the car. All awake, not drunk. They see this young woman, white as hell, in a WHITE 17'n DRESS in the road, the difference with this story is that as they got closer they could see that she was holding a bouquet of flowers and she was slowly gliding across the road. They pass right by her, turn around to go see if she needed help, and never saw her again. My grandma has shown me where this happened and there's nothing but trees and a train track on either side of the road.


Aug 31, 2012
When I was around 8 or 9 years old, I was playing in a friend's tree house. We were about 20 feet up in the air. I was climbing back up after getting something. My hands slipped off and it was like slow motion falling backwards. Something like a hand in my back pushes me back up and I end up in the tree house. I immediately climbed down and freaked out.

After my grandmother passed away, my mom moved out to her house. I stayed in my grandmother's old room. I remember waking up in the night one night and my grandmother was standing there. We were very close and her death hurt bad. I remember not being scared, but feeling a sense of peace. She was even wearing a purple nightgown that she always wore. I believe she came back to let me know she was okay and watching over me.

As far as the scariest night, I was a sophomore in college. We had all been drinking way too much that night and i had to be at my new job at 8am the next morning. It was to be my 3rd day on the job and I was in charge of opening everything up that morning at the store. Well, my friends dropped me off at my car about 2am that morning. I remember cranking the car and thinking about how I didn't need to drive. With the car cranked, I passed out. I woke up around 3:30 and told myself I had to go home if I was going to make it into work the next day. I attempted to drive and was passing in and out on my drive down hwy 50 (I lived way out in the country). There is one particularly long stretch with drop offs so steep if you ran a car off in there it's a good chance you wouldn't be found for a while. I remember passing out at one point and waking up when the left wheels on my car went off the left side of the road and hit the bumps on the side that hum when you run over them. I woke up and made it home on adrenaline after that. No doubt God had other plans for my life as I'm now able to share that same story with youth as a youth minister. Oh, and I called in sick the next morning to work and was fired.

I also saw a black panther running across the road out on a gravel road in Cedar Bluff. They are real.
Aug 22, 2012
You know you're old and worn out when you college student son calls you to make fun of your ghost story. *******. Gotta change my board name...


Active member
Sep 6, 2012
When I was in high school we used to go to Memphis in May all the time. I lived near Grenada so up I-55 we go my senior year to see DMB and Live. I was with a girl friend from school. Her family was wealthy so she had just received her senior present which was a brand new Lexus SC 400 coupe. It would haul ***. We saw the bands, and were smart enough only to sneak about a beer a piece over 5 hours or so. It was late when the show was over. We debated on staying up there or driving. We decided to drive. I was worried she would fall asleep driving so I stayed up to talk to her most of the way. she was going pretty fast down the interstate. I wasn't paying attention to how fast. I drifted off while trying my best to stay awake. The next thing I knew we were bouncing like on gravel when I looked ahead we were on the grass off the shoulder. I guess she woke to that and turned the car which sent us into a flat spin. I remember it feeling like the scene in Top Gun when goose dies and they can't reach the ejection handle. I was holding the oh **** handle and something in the middle thinking any second we're going to get hit or hit a tree and it's gonna be bad. The spin seemed to last forever in slow motion. I remember thinking I wish this would quit and we'd come to rest. We finally did unscathed. It was a miracle. I had grabbed the oh **** handle and the emergency break with my other hand which I didn't know until after. When we finally stopped we were on the median shoulder about 10-15 feet from those big pines in the middle and I could see the exit lights for my home ramp. They say 90% or so of accidents happen within so many miles from home. I can't believe we survived to this day. People we knew stopped to check on us saying they were doing 80 and we passed them like they were sitting still. In the arms of the angels boys. I always thought I guess my God has other plans for me in this life otherwise I was done for. Makes me nervous talking about it

I'm not sure how I feel about aliens or saucers. That to say I had a friend who lived out in the country of Yalobusha cty, scobey to be exact. Pretty country, rolling hills, open meadows very near my childhood home. This elderly couple I speak of had no children, but sorta adopted my sister and I as grandchildren. no blood, just good sound people who took us in and treated us like their own. I spent as much time with them growing up as I did my parents. they bought my sisters first car. So the grandfather was the kindest, gentlest, most honest, fair dealing, man you will ever come upon. you know one of those that you just sense how good he is to the core within 2 minutes of talking to him. Worked his whole life at Heatcraft. Served in Korea. I happened to ask him about UFO's once. He told me a story about a light hovering at the top end of his yard for a half hour or so. he watched from indoors, and finally said he got the gumption to go see. The top of his yard was nearly 100 yards from the house and near the main road. There are no street lights in this area. his house is surrounded by open meadows in every direction. So he got his shotgun, and got in the car and drove up there to it. He said it began to move up the roadway just ahead of him not much faster than the car but enough to keep ahead. he said he continued to follow it up and down hills yet it never left the same level. For example it stayed above the road no matter if the road went into a bottom or not. He followed it and followed it, and all of a sudden he said it just took off. I tell you about him because if there were a man I could feel 100% confident in his story it would be him. I don't think the man was capable of lying. he wore dickies everyday for goodness sakes. I remember I didn't sleep for weeks, and I have only ever heard him tell that story once to me.
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New member
Dec 15, 2011
Sixpack Horror Story

I was sitting at work one day on Halloween. It was cloudy and had the look of fall outside my window, but it was hot and humid - like sticky, deadly humid. My office is located next to a funeral service/casket vendor, and every so often the hearse is parked right outside my window. My blinds were slightly open, and it really looked freaky outside with the leaves starting to disappear from the trees and wind gusting.

Anyway - there I was, reading ghost stories and near death stories on my favorite sports blog, when I got to one particular post that gave me chills and left me dry-heaving. I can't remember the story all too well; something about a panther, maybe? But after reading it, I scrolled down and there were two athletes showering after what I assume was a football game. One of the gentlemen, the one in the foreground, was apparently suffering from allergies as well as irritable bowel syndrome. Suddenly, the man in the foreground sneezed, and he let go of a loose fart that shot all over his poor teammate showering about 6 feet behind him. And that poor guy, covered in what looks like pasty refried beans, then lost his lunch.

I will never forget stumbling upon that post. Probably one I'll never speak of again - though I'll never be able to un-see that disaster unfold in a 5 second, repeating clip. The hair still raises on the back of my neck as I type this. In fact, I'm going to put a dip in and walk outside for while. Maybe cry some.


Sep 3, 2008
Was a sports correspondent, working the High School sports desk at Jackson Daily News on Friday nights during football season back in high school. One Friday Night was going to work and picked up a coworker (guy) who worked the same office. He was spooky when he got in the car and after a few minutes I asked what was wrong. He said all he could think about all afternoon long was a big wreck. Said he could not get it out of his head. I turned off h-80 onto West street and he began to panic. Acting really weird. I was talking to him trying to figure out what was wrong when I came to the railroad crossing just north of the old Oldsmobile dealership by Beatty Street Grocery. The crossing lights were on and I was in the middle lane. I stopped for the train, which was coming pretty fast from my right to left. just as it came to the intersection, a car came up in the curb lane and never slowed down, pulled in front of the train and got broadsided. I actually looked into the face of the guy driving who was looking right at me as he pulled in front of the train and got hit. It was him, his wife and two kids. all killed. The guy in the car with me was screaming "This is what I have been seeing all day as the train hit the car." Police put him in the back seat of the patrol car and then into the ambulance when it got there. He stayed in the Baptist hospital for about two weeks. I eventually left the crash scene, doubled back to Gallatin Street and went to work. It has been over 45 years and I can still close my eyes and bring up that guy's face as he pulled in front of the train. Maybe he was thinking, "I wonder why that guy is stopped?" Haven't talked to my co-worker in years. He never came back to the Daily News.


New member
Sep 26, 2013
When I was about 11 I decided I would be a good little boy and go outside to weedeat before my parents woke up. It was one of those cheap electric weedeaters. Its is very early so there is still a ton of dew on the ground and Im barefoot. After a few minutes the cord gets tangled on a lawn chair so I reach down to get a good grip so I can yank it away. Well there is a knick in the cord and it grabs me. Not strong enough to knock me off but strong enough to not let go. I had no control. Im flopping on the wet grass like a fish. It seemed like an eternity and I still cant say how long I was like that but at some point my dad heard my screams, ran outside and unplugged it from the wall. To this day Im a giant ****** when it comes to anything electrical. This story doesn't compare to the many here but its the second most frightened Ive ever been.

The most frightened was......In my early 20's there was a spell where I bartended at a strip club. Not being bad looking and having plenty of game I of course slept with a few of the dancers. One night, a month after I stopped working there one of the dancers calls me and tells me she's pregnant. So I'm freaking out like most 22 year olds would. A couple of weekends later Im playing poker with the guys and one of my friends tells a story that his nurse wife told him. He says that she told him about this sad case of a dancer coming in pregnant and finding out she was HIV positive. They all say I turned white as a ghost. I got up, went outside and puked. I took me a good two months to get the courage to go get tested. I checked out clean. Oh and the dancer that told me she was pregnant....... she was a lying ***** :)


New member
Mar 3, 2008
Futaba, thanks for sharing this story....Incredibly encouraging!

He is very fortunate that he got an "heads up" when he did. I have already told this story to 4-5 people and I have no idea who you or this person was.

was an atheist to the core. The kind of guy that would get downright ugly and mean about religion, Christianity in particular. Despite his intolerance, he had a kind heart. One Sunday I stopped by his place to watch baseball and he was sitting in his spot on the couch motionless, didn't say a word. After about 5 minutes of unusual silence, he turned to me and said he had been "visited" during the night. I waited patiently for him to continue and finally he did. He said he woke up in the middle of the night and his room was full of light. There was a being sitting in a chair in the corner. He didn't know if it was a man or woman but it had a spectacular glow all around it. He told me they stared at each other and it finally spoke, "Time to get it together, because you're going to die soon." And then it was gone. I didn't know exactly what to say other than it was dream and not to worry about it. He said you're probably right and sat there in silence. The next day he developed a sore throat. Day after that he was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. He lasted about 9 months.

He died a Christian.

Digging dog

Active member
Aug 22, 2012
This a story my father-n-law has told an seems to be worthy of this thread.
He and my mother-n-law were fairly newly weds without kids and were living in Oxford. He was going to OM law school. (He did graduate from state prior in history I think).
While in school they rented a downstairs apartment from an very elderly lady. The staircase connected the two apartments into the upstairs kitchen.
Anyway one night they started getting a very terrible smell coming into their downstairs apartment. It was late at night. F-n-L had been researching at the library and mother-n-law had been home alone with plenty of time to let her mind wander as to what ifs.
By the time he got there she was convinced that the old woman upstairs was dead and her body had started decomposing. They both acknowledged that the stench was coming from upstairs and that they had not seen or heard from her in a few days. So the got the courage to go upstairs to find out. The stairwell from their apartment was set in like a closet door that they really never opened.
So with flashlight in hand and mother-n-law holding tight in his hip pocket. They opened the door to the stairwell. When the did the smell became very intense and the noticed on about the fifth step up was blood going all the way to the top of the stairs. Needless to say their heats and minds were racing now. They believe she has been murdered now. So step by step they go up the stairwell with only a flashlight. He said the smell was beyond belief. Knock a buzzard off if a gut wagon. They get to the top of the stairs an get the nerve to open the door not really knowing or wanting to see what is on the other side. They do and follow the trail of blood around the corner. It led to the freezer which apparently had gone out and was full of meat.
Come to find out the lady had gone to visit her daughter and had been gone for more than a week.
No ghosts but Father-N-Law said climbing that staircase in the middle of the night was the most scared he had ever been.


New member
Sep 14, 2012
was an atheist to the core. The kind of guy that would get downright ugly and mean about religion, Christianity in particular. Despite his intolerance, he had a kind heart. One Sunday I stopped by his place to watch baseball and he was sitting in his spot on the couch motionless, didn't say a word. After about 5 minutes of unusual silence, he turned to me and said he had been "visited" during the night. I waited patiently for him to continue and finally he did. He said he woke up in the middle of the night and his room was full of light. There was a being sitting in a chair in the corner. He didn't know if it was a man or woman but it had a spectacular glow all around it. He told me they stared at each other and it finally spoke, "Time to get it together, because you're going to die soon." And then it was gone. I didn't know exactly what to say other than it was dream and not to worry about it. He said you're probably right and sat there in silence. The next day he developed a sore throat. Day after that he was diagnosed with inoperable lung cancer. He lasted about 9 months.

He died a Christian.

that gave me chills


New member
Jun 4, 2007
One for the Vicksburgers.........

When I was in HS back in the late 70s, me and my crew started hanging dummies off hook man's bridge in the park. A very scary place was the bridge. We thought it was a damn cool thing to do. We'd hang'em and then go check them out from the road running under the bridge. We did it like clockwork. Three Wednesdays in a row around 10 during the summer of 78. The first one even made the paper. On our 4th run, we successfully complete our hanging and head for the car. Somewhere in the shadows came a low voice, "Hello boys." We could barely make out a shape, but it was a large man. We froze and he started walking toward us. We could make out a hat, then the glint of a machete. We were absolutely paralyzed. Somebody screamed and we broke for the car. When we hit the lights, standing right in front of us was a ........park ranger. He's lucky we didn't run him over. He ended up letting us go.

Hail State

Dec 27, 2009
Which plantation were y'all having the ghost march?

In high school I was a civil war reenactor and i had heard many ghost encounters from the other members in the unit. Before I tell my story I will say that this is the only such instance that I have been present for. My friends have always enjoyed hearing me tell this encounter, because theyfeel it must be real since I start getting chills and sweating every time I tell it.

The unit I was apart of would every so often stay weekends at this old plantation which was a museum. Well this one night around midnight or 1 we began a "ghost march" which was us marching in our uniforms and butting our rifles on the ground with every step. The lead man had a lantern and that was our only light of the night. After about 45 minutes of the ghost march some members of the unit and myself decided to go into the main house which was 2 story with 2 rooms upstairs and 2 downstairs.

(Now the story goes that during the Vicksburg Campaign union soldiers raided this plantation and found the buried silver the owners had on the property. Just so happens that on this certain night we wearing our union blues.)

As several of us entered the house 4 of us began to walk up the stairs. In front was a heavy set man and behind him were his daughters and I was the last one. I hear the man begin to whisper to his daughters as he entered a room with the lantern. Afterwards I was told he saw a woman in mid 19th century dress brushing her hair in front of the mirror. I turn the corner and see a glimpse of a figure but not able to make out any details. As soon as I turn that corner I hear a women scream "GET OUT!"

The older man runs out of the room followed by his oldest daughter almost knocking me down. His youngest was standing there in shock, so I grabbed her arm and we quickly followed everyone out of the house.

On the back sidewalk about 15 yards from the house all of us saw the curtains move back as if someone was looking out. Then on the back porch one of the members of our group said he was freezing and wasn't bothered by any mosquitoes at all, not unusual but this was the middle of JULY while 15 yards away the rest of us were sweating from the humidity and swatting at mosquitoes.

Now ever since then I have been interesting in things of this nature even use to check local hauntings with friends from time to time while at state, never anything that may be demonic though. I haven't experienced anything like that since and hope I don't.

Which plantation were y'all having the ghost march?


New member
Aug 21, 2012
Some friends of mine's father was a farm manager for a large farming operation in the delta. They lived in a 2 bathroom, 3 bedroom house on the farm. Nice house, nothing spectacular. The master bedroom and my friends room were connected by one of the bathrooms.

The back story.

Several years earlier another farm manager and his family lived in the same house. The previous guy was caught embezzling from the operation. Rather than face the consequences, he went into this same bathroom and shot himself.

I spent the night with them one weekend. We were all early teens, no drinking/drugs, all sober. Their bedroom had two windows perpendicular to one another. When you exited the bathroom there was a window in front of you and one to the right. I had to get up in the middle of the night to take a leak. As I came out of the bathroom I saw somebody standing looking out the window directly in front of me. Thinking it was my buddy I called his name, "Steve. Steve." Tar baby, he don't say nothing. I just shrugged it off and got back in bed.

The next morning I asked him, "What were you looking at out the window last night?" He said "What are you talking about? I never got out of bed last night."

I explained and then was told the back story.



Active member
Apr 28, 2010
Mine is in the "thought I was gonna die" genre.

Last summer I went to Uganda to work with a friend's nonprofit, and before we got to work several of us went whitewater rafting on the White Nile. Most of it was fun but uneventful. Big, big rapids--bigger than I'd seen in previous rafting trips in Tennessee and West Virginia--but spaced out by long placid sections. The guides would purposefully flip the boat, which was pretty fun really. (I'd never fallen out on a rapid before this trip.) On our boat were a couple of guys from the Pakistani army who were there with the UN and on weekend leave. It was intense enough that one of them quit after lunch, but for the most part it was a nice adrenaline rush without fear of death.

We get to the last rapid of the day--a huge sequence of falls and vortexes and water like a roller coaster. The boat flips. We all go out. I go under. Way under. I pop up just long enough to get air. Then back down. I go up and down for what seems like forever. Get a couple of stomachs full of water. At some point my helmet gets knocked forward over my face and my sunglasses, held on with a bandana, get knocked forward and around my throat. I was blind, exhausted, choking on my sunglasses, and drowning (so I thought). It finally peters out, and I meet the rescue kayak feeling barely (but very gladly) alive.

I can't remember for sure, but I think the area of the river was was called "The Bad Place." If so, here's a video. Language and douchy rafting guide warning.

I think I'd do it again, though.


New member
Aug 24, 2012
London '05

I was in London that year for a summer internship. I was riding the tube on the way to work, and had just passed Kings Cross when our train stopped for around an hour. Finally it continued to the next station where they made us get off, and informed us the tube and buses were shut down. Had to walk the rest of the way to work where I finally found out what happened. Turns out, Kings Cross was one of the stations that was bombed. For the rest of the summer, I would pass guards armed with assault rifles at every station.

I was in New York in 2010 for a Yankees/White Sox game. My family, wife, and I were eating at a restaurant around the corner from Times Square when the car bomb failed to go off. After we were done eating, we walked back to Times Square, where it was pretty much cleared out. Really odd to see empty streets there.

Both of those events were in Zero Dark 30. Fortunately, I wasn't at the Boston Marathon earlier this year.

When I was a freshman, I was invited to a formal that I didn't really want to go to. So I did the reasonable thing, which was to drink as much as possible before we go to dinner. At around the time we go to eat I'm starting to get blackout drunk. I don't remember leaving the restaurant, or anything after that until I somehow come out of my blackout while on the interstate on the way to Jackson (still 1 1/2 hours away). I have no recollection of packing or leaving campus. Freaked me out, but was dumb enough to continue driving home. There's a good story as to how I finally got back, but it's not scary. I still can't believe I woke up from being black out drunk instead of passing out like I do 99% of the time.


New member
Dec 5, 2011
This story isn't scary, but more of an awesome angel story.

I was a very young child and staying the summer with my grandparents in Brookhaven. We were in church on Sunday and I was laying on the pew with a peppermint in my mouth while the preacher was preaching. I rolled onto my back and when I did, I swallowed the peppermint and it got stuck in my throat and I began choking. My grandparents didn't know what to do so they started slapping my back and it wasn't working. Suddenly a man walks through the doors in the back of the sanctuary, walks down the aisle and picks me up off of the pew and gives me the Heimlich Manuever and I cough up the peppermint.

The man immediately sits me back down on the pew, walks out the back doors of the church, and was never seen again. Nobody in the church recognized him or knew who he was. I'm convinced that the guy was sent to save me that day.

Not sure what you guys would have done if he hadn't been there that day.**


New member
Oct 30, 2013
Which plantation were y'all having the ghost march?

This was at Florewood river plantation, it was outside of Greenwood. I believe it is now a blues museum, not sure I haven't been back in years. There were many other sightings of the same woman around the planters home during the reenacting weekends.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
Okay, so I read these comments until 10:30 last night beng intrigued. I have a monitor set up in my son's (a 2yo) room. My FIL was staying with us one night and he and I retire at 10pm. He went upstairs and I'm closing down shop. I look on the video monitor and notice he went in to look on my son. The boy had the croop the previous week. The next morning I ask if the boy had woken up in the night. He said no, and I explained that I saw him checking on him and just assumed he did. He then said he never went in his room.

4am this morning I wake up on the dot. Go pee. Hear the wife walk down our hall and up the stairs to check on the boy. Go to bed. She walks in with the boy. She explains he was fighting her and crazy upset. She holds him as she rocks him in the chair in his room. He stares at a corner, points and says "dat!". Does this 10x she said. Freaked her out. Takes him out of the room and he immediately calms down. Brings him down and thats when I see them. So she lays down with him. As usual, he never sleeps, but wants to play when she brings him to our bed. He sits up and points to the bedroom door. Stops. Does it aGAIN but this time he moves his finger across the room to the opposite corner of the room to my wife's side. THEN he moves his finger up to the ceiling. Being a real man, I look at her and shake my head, close my eyes and start praying. I open my eyes to see what my son is doing. He's actually laying down trying to sleep. He's never done that in our bed. I go back to praying until I pray myself to sleep.
Turns out my wife too has seen images in our monitor. We don't live near another family with kids young enough to warrant a monitor so there isn't any overlay of signals. I don't know if any of your stories are true (they're surely good ones if anything) but with God as my witness, these things have transpired. Freaked out I am. I've been trying to rationalize this all day. Can't seem to though. What a way to start Halloween.


New member
Dec 1, 2011
Okay, so I read these comments until 10:30 last night beng intrigued. I have a monitor set up in my son's (a 2yo) room. My FIL was staying with us one night and he and I retire at 10pm. He went upstairs and I'm closing down shop. I look on the video monitor and notice he went in to look on my son. The boy had the croop the previous week. The next morning I ask if the boy had woken up in the night. He said no, and I explained that I saw him checking on him and just assumed he did. He then said he never went in his room.

4am this morning I wake up on the dot. Go pee. Hear the wife walk down our hall and up the stairs to check on the boy. Go to bed. She walks in with the boy. She explains he was fighting her and crazy upset. She holds him as she rocks him in the chair in his room. He stares at a corner, points and says "dat!". Does this 10x she said. Freaked her out. Takes him out of the room and he immediately calms down. Brings him down and thats when I see them. So she lays down with him. As usual, he never sleeps, but wants to play when she brings him to our bed. He sits up and points to the bedroom door. Stops. Does it aGAIN but this time he moves his finger across the room to the opposite corner of the room to my wife's side. THEN he moves his finger up to the ceiling. Being a real man, I look at her and shake my head, close my eyes and start praying. I open my eyes to see what my son is doing. He's actually laying down trying to sleep. He's never done that in our bed. I go back to praying until I pray myself to sleep.
Turns out my wife too has seen images in our monitor. We don't live near another family with kids young enough to warrant a monitor so there isn't any overlay of signals. I don't know if any of your stories are true (they're surely good ones if anything) but with God as my witness, these things have transpired. Freaked out I am. I've been trying to rationalize this all day. Can't seem to though. What a way to start Halloween.

I'll tell you right now I wish my story was made up. However, everything I said happened. Have no reason to doubt your story either.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
When I worked in the Gulfport Project Office of the Miss. Highway Department in the late-'80's-1990, I was working on two projects near the Mississippi Welcome Center on I-10 near Kiln around the Louisiana State Line.

I would go to the Welcome Center to get a free diet coke, and flirt with the girls behind the desk. Anyway, because I worked on those projects from August, 1989-July, 1990, I was sort of a regular. "Miss Bobby", the Supervisor, even let me use the break room in the back when I wanted to do paperwork in the air conditioning (our trucks didn't have air conditioning at the time), eat lunch, or just hang out when the work was slow.

Anyway, one morning about 4:30 A.M., Bobby was woken up by a horrible premonition that one of her co-workers was going to die that day. Immediately, she got on her knees and prayed fervently until the feeling passed and she felt like that co-worker wouldn't die.

That person she prayed for was me. That morning, my pickup truck was t-boned by a semi on the I-10 bridge over Hwy. 607. I managed to pull myself out of the wreck, but I broke 7 ribs, punctured my lung, crushed my pelvis, and lost 6 1/2 pints of blood. However, I survived and it's been over 23 years since then.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
HA! Yours is the one I was really into last night and then I go thru a lite-version of it myself. I'm not sure what to make of it, but after having shared that with folks today, I've heard some other crazy shiz-ness. Today has been...odd...needless to say.


Jan 21, 2010
Opening day of deer season years ago, I arrive at the deer cabin and all the hunters are talking about where they are sitting that morning. I state that I am going to a ladder stand on a creek crossing. Another hunter says that he had bow hunted that stand a few weeks before and had moved it about 50 yds toward a ridge that runs parallel to the creek. I decide to go anyway since it was open timber and should be easy to find but as I start walking I realize it is pitch black. As I reach the ridge line I lean against a tree to wait for a little daylight to try to find the stand. After a few minutes and a little more light, I catch a movement to my right. There is a tree blown over, the base is on top of the ridge and the top is snagged on a tree in the creek bottom in front of me. The trunk is parallel with the ground but about 10 feet off the ground. I see something hanging below the trunk swinging back and forth. My first thought was a snake but it's to cool for a snake. I wait for more light and finally see a cat laying on the trunk and the movement was its tail twitching back and forth. When I say cat, I mean 100lbs, jet black, and a 3 foot tail. I finally licks itself, stands up, stretches, jumps off the tree, and runs away from me down the ridge line. I'm still standing leaned against a tree, gun on my shoulder, hands in my pocket. It never occurred to me to unsling my gun. They say there is no such thing as panthers in Ms but I saw what I saw!

Oh god. The black panther debate... I can provide you with absolute proof that there are no "black panthers" in the states, but you won't believe it. I'll just move on.


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
This actually happened to a friend of mine....

But its still a pretty good story. Years ago he worked 3rd shift at a local hospital while in school and late one afternoon he was hanging out with a friend who worked for a local funeral home. The friend was called to pick up the body of a lady who had died in a car accident in a small town about 25 miles away. He asked my friend if he wanted to come along to keep him company and he agreed in that he should have plenty of time to get back for work. On the way there they passed part of the time repeating ghost stories they had acquired over the years. The victim had been pronounced dead at the scene so she was taken to a local funeral home and that is where they went to pick her up. When they got there the funeral home director took them back to a room where the body was laid out on an embalming table and she was a mess. Massive injuries to her head and torso and one leg that was almost completely amputated about mid shin. My friend got kind of weak kneed and so he excused himself while the other two prepared her for transport.

Well turned out that the funeral home didn't have any body bags so the corpse was just wrapped in some sheets and placed on the stretcher. Well when by the time they started back it had gotten dark and fog had rolled in and it was super spooky as they made their way back on the remote and very dark rural highway. They were now regretting the earlier ghost story session. As they were making their way on a bypass the road made a long sweeping curve to the left with a long slopped embankment off to the right. Well in the fog the driver missed the curve and ran off the road and down the embankment. The hearse bounced around violently as they rolled down the bank and finally they got stopped. The kid driving started screaming and my friend tried to calm him down by reassuring him that the car wasn't damaged and they were OK when discovered why he was screaming. In all the bouncing around the body had come partially off the stretcher and there was the dead woman's badly mangled face plastered against the glass separating the front and rear compartments, one unseeing eye staring blankly at them. Well, my shell shocked friend gave the dead woman the hearse but then on the way up the hill felt bad about leaving the other guy behind and stopped and turned around only to be flattened by his buddy who was right behind him.

At that point neither had the nerve to get back in the car so they went up to the road but could not get one of the few cars to pass by to stop when they tried to flag them down. Well, after about 30 minutes of that they decided they would just have to just forget about the gristly spectacle staring at them against the back glass & got back in the hearse and managed to maneuver it it back on the road. Well my friend said we cannot take her back like that but neither one of them had the fortitude to get in that rear compartment and fix her so they drove back to the funeral home where they had picked her up earlier. When the funeral director opened the door the woman's leg that was just hanging on before fell out onto the ground. The funeral director, who was none too happy, commented. "Poor woman had two car accidents in one day". Well they got her back on the stretcher and made it back home. That night my friend went to work and someone asked him if he had heard about so-and-so who worked at the hospital and was killed in a car accident that day near this same small town. My friend was shocked to realize that the unfortunate accident victim was a co-worker that he did not recognize due to her condition.
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New member
Jul 20, 2008
I've got 3 stories that are alot like many others that have been told:

1) My junior or senior year of high school at Madison Central, we are warming up before a baseball game. It wasn't raining, but it was pretty dark outside and there was some thunder around. All of a sudden a lightning flash shoots down. I'm not sure exactly where it hit, but some of my teammates claimed it hit a light pole behind the fence. We all swiftly ran off the field.

2) My sophomore or junior year of high school I was leaving church on Wednesday night with a friend of mine. Some of y'all I'm sure know where Broadmoor is on Highland Colony Parkway. Well it had been raining that day, and I was impatient trying to get home for no reason. I was turning out of the church to go left, and a car was probably 50 yards away heading that direction so I kind of gunned it to beat the car. When I did we hydroplaned and did two full circles and another half of one and ended up in the grass on the other side of the parkway turned in the opposite direction I had intended on going. I just started on the gas and decided to go home. Neither of us had seatbelts on, and we were both freaked out. It felt like a rollercoaster ride.

3) I was in Newcastle, OK on May 20, 2013 for a clinical rotation. I had gotten to Oklahoma the Friday night before, and I had Mondays off so I had not even worked a day yet as May 20th was on a Monday. I was staying above the clinic, and since the clinic was open on Mondays, I just stayed upstairs and watched TV. I was watching the movie "The Kingdom", and it ended at 2:00 PM. About 5 minutes after the movie ended, the satellite signal goes out and I get an alert on my phone saying that inclement weather is very close. It starts to rain pretty heavily, and since the TV was out, I decided to go downstairs into the clinic to hang out. I go down and talk to some of the PTs and techs and patients for about 15 minutes when it starts hailing outside. We are looking out the back window at the hail when the tornado sirens start going off. Obviously, tornadoes in Oklahoma are pretty normal, so no one really freaks out (except for one tech who decided to leave at that point). A few moments later it has stopped hailing and someone tells us to come look out the back window. As we look outside, we see the sky circulating above us and just a bit to the south. At this point we decide it is best if we leave promptly and head to our tornado shelters. A mad dash occurs and we jump in our car and head to the shelter. We are driving past the Newcastle Casino when the radio broadcast says "Get out of the Newcastle Casino, you will not be safe in there. This is a storm where you need to be underground to survive." We then show up to our ABOVE ground storm shelter about 4 minutes after leaving the clinic just in time to hear that the tornado is on the ground. Point being, the second largest tornado (at the time) in the history of ever dropped down half a mile from where I was staying, and crossed right over the road I had just driven down two minutes before. I wasn't scared at the time, but after seeing how close we really were and how much damage had been done to the city of Moore, it really became reality to me.

Two weeks later, the largest tornado in the history of ever hit about 15 miles north of us. So within a matter of 2 weeks of being in Oklahoma, the 1st and 3rd biggest tornadoes ever touched down within 15 miles of me. To say I was ready to be back in Mississippi is an understatement.

Crazy Cotton

Well-known member
Aug 26, 2012
had a crazy woman point a pistol at me in Starkville

so one night about 1:00 AM my future wife and I are driving home from a date, and we see an older African American woman in a night-robe running down the road, over near Russel street. I see her jump in the ditch when she sees us. I stop, get out and ask her what's wrong, and she says she has to get to her son, who is a fireman at the station down the street. So, I put the girlfriend in the backseat, and she jumps in. Two things I notice immediately: 1) she has crazy eyes 2) her fingernails are about 3 inches long. She gives me the wild eyed look and says "you the man from the train!" What do you say? which answer gets your eyes clawed out? So we haul *** to the firestation, me telling her we'll be there in a second. The fire station is dark, she's getting incoherent, so I say we are going to the next firestation and book down the street to the cop station. Girlfriend jumps out and runs in to get the cops, the lady jumps out and goes tearing down the street again. A squad car goes and picks her up while we're there, and the cop tells us she is a local woman who occasionally gets off her meds and has this kind of episode. So, we did our good deed, and that's the end of it. Except:

A month later, I'm walking home to Hogan street in the cotton district where I live, after working at the bike shop in the shopping center on Russell. To get there, I go down the road that runs by the cemetery. There's a few houses across from the cementary on the street. As I approach one of the houses, I see the same lady standing out in the front yard, wearing the nightgown. She looks at me as I get parallel with her, and says "you the man with the bird" I start to nod and keep going, when I notice she is holding a large pistol at her side - I look back at her face and there are those crazy eyes, and now I see the pistol coming up. In her front yard is a large oak tree. I take a few quick steps and now the tree is in-between me and the lady. I turn and run like I've never run before into the cemetary and I mean I am hauling ***, waiting to hear the gunshot or feel something hit me in the back. I book it through the cemetary and get to a phone and call the cops. I don't know what happened after that, because I found me a different way to get to work and back from that day forward for damn sure.


Dec 27, 2009
getting shot by my younger brother while deer hunting ... took a load of HP # 6's duck & pheasant in the chest from about 25-30 yds .... fortunately for me, he had been shooting cans down on the river and forgot to reload with buckshot or I would have been DRT ... as it was, they pulled lead out of me for 2 hrs in the ER ... got back home and the turkey (it was Thanksgiving day) was burned like bacon
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