I know someone in the city of Madison that pays $3,300 for a 3,800 square foot house with a poil.
they pay $5,300 for. 1,300 square foot house in Starkville.
and Starkville still has the same crappy streets and stop lights that they have had for 30 years. Where does this tax payer money go in Starkville?
Not sure it works they same in MS as it does in NWA but property taxes here are totally separate from other tax revenue. My city gets $0 directly from property taxes. That money goes to school district and ??. The streets and lights ( as longs as they are not listed as a state highway) are funded by sales taxes and such. Any road that is also listed as a state hwy is all but off limits for the city. Kinda like union work, if the city does any work, then they took work from a state employee...... For us, we can't even mow the ditches. The city can make written requests to the state for changes/improvements but that's it.
As for why Starkville so much more than other areas, can't tell you. Just saying it may not have
near the relevance to city business as many think.
ETA: Our city millage is 4.6. We are building schools properties like they are free. The city is also prosperous (not from property tax) and has more than a years operating expenses in reserve. Just for comparison purposes.