You are correct. I’m nearing the half century mark.In all seriousness, how do you keep your knees intact
Assuming you are middle age or older
I do a few things to help with injuries but randomly will have something come up:
1. I follow the 80/20 method. 80% of the time I run slow and try to keep my heart rate low (140s or less). 20% of the time I run hard. I rarely go in the middle. This conditions tendons and ligaments to deal with the damage of running.
2. I increase mileage no more than 10-15% over a long period of time after a break. I usually have 3 weeks up in mileage followed by one down to let my body heal and rest.
3. I worked on form for six months a few years ago. I focused on stride, gate, foot strike, arm position, etc. for about a month each. We didn’t have access to YouTube in the 80s and 90s when we were being coached by people who probably didn’t know much about running form. So I did my research.
4. I workout specifically for running.