Our teams suck


New member
Feb 26, 2008
It makes me sick to think that OleMiss is destroying us in baseball --- definitely think that Nutt has it going in football, and eventually, their basketball program....well **** - sorry guys i'm just sick of all the bs that's been happening of late.

Please, everyone - just post some positive info --- we need to dig deep - but my gut tells me that we are sliding down Mt. Everest in all sports.

Afro Dawg

New member
Jan 23, 2007
Baseball notwithstanding, what makes you think their football team won't be awful again this year? And, as long as Stansbury and Kennedy stay in their respective positions, basketball will be fine.


Apr 6, 2008
Because I care about your health... I'm gonna respond in hopes that you'll ease up a bit. Yep, baseball stinks about as bad as burnt hair on a turd as my father used to say. But ya gotta learn to take those types of seasons with humor and know that when you pride yourself in your program, as we do, it will get better eventually (and this new coach will help...)

Also, Football and Basketball are just fine. OM basketball will always be that red headed step child to State. Not to mention, that we were far above respectable last year... we were pretty dang good. I think nothing will change from that.


dont hate on the players by saying they suck they dont come up to you when you are washing dishes at work


New member
Oct 10, 2006
........programs at this time. Neither have risen above ours to date, so we shouldn't be concerned with them in those sports. Baseball, yes, because Bianco has clearly had the better overall program this decade.

Back to football for a minute. I believe Nutt will eventually win at Ole Miss, but I'm not convinced he'll do it this year. I'm certainly not convinced by their Spring game numbers, because all they did is what MSU should do......run up the numbers for the visiting fans. They do have a talented QB though, so iut'll be interesting to see what happens in the Fall.

As for MSU football, it's a wait-and-see for me. I'm still not totally convinced after last season that we have something going.


Active member
Apr 24, 2006
It makes me sick to think that OleMiss is destroying us in baseball
Why should it matter how good Ole Miss is? What about all the other really ****** programs that are kicking our ***?

definitely think that Nutt has it going in football
Yeah, because..... why again?

their basketball program....well **** - sorry guys i'm just sick of all the bs that's been happening of late.
You are jealous of their NIT runs?


New member
Aug 21, 2007
Seshomoru said:
It makes me sick to think that OleMiss is destroying us in baseball
Why should it matter how good Ole Miss is? What about all the other really ****** programs that are kicking our ***?


Now that's the real question. I can't stand fans that get caught up in the rivalry so much that they forget how we look compared to the other 10 @%%@$+* teams in the SEC. Two years ago in football we finished 4-8, but it was OK with a lot of people because we beat MSU, and you guys were 3-9. Why the %*#$ does that matter? 4-8 sucks no matter who you beat.

As for basketball, if you're using our program as a measuring stick, then you'll be happy a lot. We have the worst program in the SEC historically in round ball. We're going to be competitive under Kennedy, but we're still never going to be competing for national titles and probably not even SEC titles. If you aspire for your basketball program to have a chance to compete nationally, then I wouldn't spend my time comparing to us.

With baseball, there is no reason both of our programs can't be national programs, so I can see using the MSU-OM comparison for baseball, but that's it. In football, basically since the 70s we've both had a handful of good years, one or two really good years, and then a load of ****** years. Why either of us would try to justify the suckiness of our respective football programs by comparing to the other school's ****** program is beyond me.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
to do on this board, it's somewhat natural to compare yourself to your closest competitor. For MSU, that's Ole Miss and vice versa- save me the LSU is our real rival to some BS.

We're not the only ones who have fans who do this- Bama/Auburn, Texas/Tex. A&M, Florida/Florida State, etc.

It happens all over the country.

You're right that some do take the "obsession" thing to far- but there is some logical validity to comparing ourselves to each other. For example, if you're MSU and you're supposed to be "the baseball school in Mississippi" and Ole Miss has a better program, then yes, there should be some cause for concern. Those concerns are finally starting to be addressed by Byrne. Same thing for football with Ole Miss. They are supposed to be "the football school", and if we're going to the Liberty Bowl while they are going 0-8 in the SEC, then yes, there should be some concern, and they have addressed that as well.

Besides, comparing yourself to your competition is not always a bad thing.
Dec 8, 2006
just went to the NCAA tourney and a bowl game and you're concerned about a program that went to the NIT and went 0-8 in the SEC?

But clearly, Bianco has overtaken MSU and our baseball program. The only hurdle that remains for him is to get to Omaha. Most OM fans seem to continue to give him a pass with his choke jobs (Bruiser will come to his rescue now). Would I rather have OM's baseball program right now? Yes. But I wouldn't be satisfied if we kept getting close to Omaha every year but never actually making it there.

Here's hoping we can get a good baseball coach who can get our program back to where it should be.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
if we hire someone who starts taking us to Omaha consistently. The pressure would then shift to Bianco, especially if we start beating them some. Although, this year is probably one of UM's better chances at making it with the pitching that they have.

I don't think a John Cohen at MSU vs. Dan McDonnell at UM is that far fetched in the future.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2007
was saying OM wasn't going to be competing for national titles in basketball. we compete for them...but typically only for the first weekend of the tournament. it would be nice to turn that corner soon.


New member
Mar 3, 2008
But it's retarded for an Ole Miss fan to say they'll never compete for a NC in basketball. All you have to do is make the tournament (which, with good coaching, isn't that damn hard) and you are "competing for a National Championship". We've never made a VERY deep run into the tournament, but it's foolish for him to write the program off for the rest of time, especially considering that they are making progress.