Out of curiosity where are your seats? I am in 114 and have been there since they started selling reserved seats. I am directly across from CDS seat on the bench.She won't leave because of the few haters. They don't show up to watch or support our team anyway. I am a season ticket holder and have been for years. The stands are filled with a mixture of all races and ages. A lot of older people. I was at the CLA celebration yesterday. It was very hot and the crowd waited for hours. Little old white women were dropping like flies but they came to support Dawn Staley and her team. Dawn told Coach Paris that he would love the people of Columbia. She knows they embrace and love her and her team. All of them.
You are so correct about the crowd makeup. I sit right next to Robbie Robertson who posts all the game videos on YouTube. Our section is about 50/50 male and female, white and black, gay couple in front of us, crazy minister nearby, former Gamecock football player, several former military. It’s a fun section