a low bar to get overWell,
Maribeth is a tad prettier than Barry,
a low bar to get overWell,
Maribeth is a tad prettier than Barry,
Will the umbrella of the PS4RS endorse her or the incumbents?FWIW: Maribeth Schmidt recently announced that she has passed the 250 thresh hold, and so will be on the ballot.
Done, if nothing else for the guaranteed entertainment of him calling out the incumbents on voting 'yes' yesterday on the room & board increase - only 'no' vote was Lubrano.The nomination process is coming down to the wire. I've heard through the grape vine that Barry is very close to 250 so we need a final push to put him substantially over. So, could each of you that nominated Barry contact your Penn State family and friends and ask them to nominate Barry? Yes, Barry may be outspoken, but remember, you're not asking for their vote, you are asking them to nominate Barry so that he can participate in the election process including media events. They can make up their minds about voting for him during the election process.
Put it this way: the folks in Old Main would be exceedingly unhappy, you know, how you feel when confronting an upcoming proctological exam, except on a far more frequent basis.Without corresponding oversight?![]()
In fairness to the folks the in power at PSU at the time, this thing was probably a non-starter. Even if they had agreed to the level of oversight discussed, it faced a titanic uphill slog in the Legislature. But at least a group was willing to tryIf this isn't reason enough to burn it down, I don't know what would be
Thanks. If possible send Barry a copy of your receipt please or post it here. Barry's email: [email protected]Done, if nothing else for the guaranteed entertainment of him calling out the incumbents on voting 'yes' yesterday on the room & board increase - only 'no' vote was Lubrano.
Maribeth is a tad prettier than Barry,
But may garner more votes in election …I only nominated Barry
My biggest concern is that the incumbent trustees are actually some of the better alumni trustees. I still prefer Barry and Maribeth, but whoever loses I hope runs against some of the other alumni trustees in future elections.
Congrats - you are now the #5,000 post referencing "onion dip". It was hilarious the first 4,999 times someone cracked that joke. Not so much anymore.58 gallons of onion dip to be delivered!
Yet on a Friday afternoon the #5000 post got you to respond. Now that is funny!Congrats - you are now the #5,000 post referencing "onion dip". It was hilarious the first 4,999 times someone cracked that joke. Not so much anymore.
Well, if you're planning to vote for Barry will you consider nominating him so that he can be on the ballot?Against my better judgment, I plan to vote for Barry if he gets on the ballot
MRS had the largest group around of unhappy Penn Staters at her disposal and accomplished nothing with it. Hard pass
Sadly, every time the university raises room rates the downtown landlords raise their rates. It like clockwork.Done, if nothing else for the guaranteed entertainment of him calling out the incumbents on voting 'yes' yesterday on the room & board increase - only 'no' vote was Lubrano.
Sadly, every time the university raises room rates the downtown landlords raise their rates. It like clockwork.
Sadly, we don't have universal higher education- and as a result we are falling behindSadly, every time the government offers more student loans the university raises rates.
Sadly if we weren't telling every kid they have to go to college, we wouldn't have these issues.Sadly, we don't have universal higher education- and as a result we are falling behind
sadly, while not every kid should go to college, we need the smartest ones to do better than our adversaries' kids do- and they aren'tSadly if we weren't telling every kid they have to go to college, we wouldn't have these issues.
True but if we could get a quarter of these kids into a trade or even just into the workforce in some type of hospitality or labor job (where many end up anyway) they would have less to no debt, the colleges would have lower enrollments and costs should go down at least a little due to needing less faculty and buildings.sadly, while not every kid should go to college, we need the smartest ones to do better than our adversaries' kids do- and they aren't
This.Does the BOT ever address the university’s long term debt which is now at around $3.5b? When Barron took over it was $900m. It’s Barron’s legacy.
This concerns me. My sense is that no one on the BOT either understands or is in the least bit sensitive to it. The new CFO is more worthless (yes, linguistically impossible, but PSU is always breaking new ground) than the last one.This.
This has been discussed and written about for years - but not by the folks who should be discussing it, the Penn State Administration and Board.
It was discussed in a write up on the February Board meetings, which I will pull up and link in when I get some time.
There was an item on the agenda for the February public meetings, "Update on the Status of Borrowing and Remaining Debt Capacity". But the "public" was kicked out of the public meeting, as the Chairperson declared the meeting at that point to be "privileged and confidential". Even though there is nothing on that topic that is either privileged or confidential.
The $3.5 Billion of long-term debt already creates a $100 Million+ annual surcharge to tuition costs (just to pay the carrying costs of the debt). As interest rates rise, that "tax" will increase significantly. At the current rate of growth of the debt, and normalized interest rates, annual expenses of $300-400 million per year or more might end up being optimistic - and the only revenue stream available to pay those annual expenses will be tuition money.
The Hershey Medical Center Revenues (about 1/2 of the total revenues reported on Penn State's CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENT) are, of course, a separate legal entity.
The Research funds, about 1/4 of the University's $4 Billion annual revenue, are, of course, allocated by contract to those specific research projects.
The one remaining large revenue stream? That would be Tuition. And that is what is tapped into every year to support those massive debt (and interest) loads.
Buckle Up! We haven't even seen the beginning of the beginning regarding how that debt is going to impact future generations of Penn Staters. And every year things continue in this direction will likely require five years of reasoned and difficult fiscal decisions to just get things back to square 1.
It should be very concerning.This concerns me. My sense is that no one on the BOT either understands or is in the least bit sensitive to it. The new CFO is more worthless (yes, linguistically impossible, but PSU is always breaking new ground) than the last one.
Still trying to figure out whether borrowing to pre-fund retirement benefits made any sense. The numbers that were released publicly are confounding.
I thought he was very close a week or two ago to 250. Yet still not there.@BobPSU92 as I stated above, Barry is getting very close to the required 250 nominations for him to appear on the ballot. Nominations close this coming Friday, February 25th at 5:00AM EST so for all intents and purposes they close on Thursday February 24th. The good news is that there is still enough time and room for you to jump on the bandwagon. I think we all know you want to do it, so just go ahead make the jump. We'll be there to catch you!
I'm pretty sure that will leave @Tom McAndrew standing alone on an island. But no fear Tom, there's at least one seat for you.![]()
Barry is exactly like a former president. While I agree with his politics, his personality traits will prevent him from winning. It's too bad as I really do think he is exactly what is needed to address the massive amount of financial waste that is the Pennsylvania State University and it's BOT.The nomination process is coming down to the wire. I've heard through the grape vine that Barry is very close to 250 so we need a final push to put him substantially over. So, could each of you that nominated Barry contact your Penn State family and friends and ask them to nominate Barry? Yes, Barry may be outspoken, but remember, you're not asking for their vote, you are asking them to nominate Barry so that he can participate in the election process including media events. They can make up their minds about voting for him during the election process.
So, I've identified a few of you from an earlier thread on this topic who appeared to be supporting Barry. Could you each contact a few people and ask for their help? Be sure to send them the link below.
@Midnighter @Sarasotan @JohnJumba @ValleyForgeLion @91Joe95 @Pride @step.eng69 @BW Lion @AvgUser @ChiTownLionPSU
If I missed any I apologize and ask for your support by nominating or by asking others to nominate Barry J Fenchak Class of 1984
Request BOT nomination ballot
EDIT: Could you post a screenshot of your receipt or send one to Barry. This way he can keep count. If you'd like to contact Barry or send him your receipt directly his email is: [email protected]
Sadly, we don't have universal higher education- and as a result we are falling behind
This has been discussed and written about for years - but not by the folks who should be discussing it, the Penn State Administration and Board.
It was discussed in a write up on the February Board meetings, which I will pull up and link in when I get some time.
There was an item on the agenda for the February public meetings, "Update on the Status of Borrowing and Remaining Debt Capacity". But the "public" was kicked out of the public meeting, as the Chairperson declared the meeting at that point to be "privileged and confidential". Even though there is nothing on that topic that is either privileged or confidential.
The $3.5 Billion of long-term debt already creates a $100 Million+ annual surcharge to tuition costs (just to pay the carrying costs of the debt). As interest rates rise, that "tax" will increase significantly. At the current rate of growth of the debt, and normalized interest rates, annual expenses of $300-400 million per year or more might end up being optimistic - and the only revenue stream available to pay those annual expenses will be tuition money.
The Hershey Medical Center Revenues (about 1/2 of the total revenues reported on Penn State's CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENT) are, of course, a separate legal entity.
The Research funds, about 1/4 of the University's $4 Billion annual revenue, are, of course, allocated by contract to those specific research projects.
The one remaining large revenue stream? That would be Tuition. And that is what is tapped into every year to support those massive debt (and interest) loads.
Buckle Up! We haven't even seen the beginning of the beginning regarding how that debt is going to impact future generations of Penn Staters. And every year things continue in this direction will likely require five years of reasoned and difficult fiscal decisions to just get things back to square 1.
Look, clearly you don't understand higher education. You have to spend money to spend money.
I'd be happy to- reality needs to raise its ugly head at some pointHa, universal higher education requires merit based admissions for a limited number of slots. Who's going to tell all of those high-school grads their schools didn't prepare them to either get in college, or be prepared to get a job in the real world?
It should be very concerning.
I can tell you from extensive personal observation and interaction, that your comment ( "...BOT either understands or is in the least bit sensitive to it..." ) is, if anything, optimistic.
I have heard vigorous arguments put forward that "Penn State doesn't take on enough debt" (nevermind that no reason was ever even considered as to what PSU mission would be furthered from that "injection of debt"), as if they were viewing PSU as a start-up tech company looking for venture capital (debt) or some similar thing.
My best guess is that one or more of the "Financial Engineering Geniuses" on the Board read a book (maybe the Cliff's Notes of a book) on business capitalization - and figured they would transplant the word salad they read there onto the PSU Board.
Now hide Joe, do you understand your accusations are directed at the supreme beings that control the BOT and members of the PA Legislature. Typical example ....I think it also is worth pointing out that the trustees who think the university needs more debt aren't necessarily wrong. They grasp the fact that the people and organizations they spend money on are funneling money back to politicians in the form of campaign donations, thus ensuring the government will always bail out their bad behavior. There's a reason government has taken on the structure almost identical to organized crime.
Now hide Joe, do you understand your accusations are directed at the supreme beings that control the BOT and members of the PA Legislature. Typical example ....
First, Yudichak proposed oversight governance for the BOT, then got his a$$ handed to him.
I, John sorry a$$ Yudichak will consider the following:
Yudichak: Penn State Trustees May Have Broken Law with Recommendation
State Sen. John Yudichak, a Penn State graduate who represents Luzerne and Carbon counties, says a Penn State Board of Trustees committee may have violated a state law by recommending board reform.onwardstate.com
They did send me a ballot, thanks for the link. I got my Masters from Arkansas.Nitfan,
I see they sent you a ballot and you submitted said ballot. Nice!
Did you graduate from Arkansas?