Petition: Joe Paterno Field


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
OK! we name the field -- Paterno Field at Beaver Stadium. This would be quite an honor, but would only be mentioned during games within the stadium most likely.

I propose for the umpteenth time rename Curtin Road between Porter and University Drive as -- The Paterno Way. In addition, Beaver Stadium's address would become 409 The Paterno Way. Therefore Joe would be honored on every piece of mail sent from from the athletic/EMS offices. Above the South Tunnel (player entrance on game days), would read -- Success with Honor.
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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
Devil's advocate question: Would We be willing to accept a corporate sponsor-named/renamed/co-named Beaver Stadium in exchange for Paterno Field?

This might be an angle worth pursuing.
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Devil's advocate question: Would We be willing to accept a corporate sponsor-named/renamed/co-named Beaver Stadium in exchange for Paterno Field?

This might be an angle worth pursuing.

Pennrose Stadium


Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
Pennrose Stadium
Perfect. In a few years it would not be aware of it.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
I’m so surprised that so many BOT members have not signed. Until that narrative changes, there’s little chance of this gaining traction. Such a shame that Paterno continually gets connected with Sandusky.
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Well-known member
Oct 7, 2021
I’m so surprised that so many BOT members have not signed. Until that narrative changes, there’s little chance of this gaining traction. Such a shame that Paterno continually gets connected with Sandusky.
Captain Surma and the Ship of Fools?
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
So what happens with this petition? Who does it get submitted to? Is there any traction to having it taken seriously? Can funds be raised to pay for the naming rights for the field?


Active member
Oct 25, 2021
Devil's advocate question: Would We be willing to accept a corporate sponsor-named/renamed/co-named Beaver Stadium in exchange for Paterno Field?

This might be an angle worth pursuing.
As long as it isn't Blaise Alexander, Joel Confer or Wise Markets I am OK with corp sponsors


New member
Sep 6, 2022
So what happens with this petition? Who does it get submitted to? Is there any traction to having it taken seriously? Can funds be raised to pay for the naming rights for the field?
There is a lot happening right now, more than I will post on a message board. No funding is going towards naming the field after Joe, that much I can tell you.


New member
Sep 6, 2022


New member
Sep 6, 2022
OK! we name the field -- Paterno Field at Beaver Stadium. This would be quite an honor, but would only be mentioned during games within the stadium most likely.

I propose for the umpteenth time rename Curtin Road between Porter and University Drive as -- The Paterno Way. In addition, Beaver Stadium's address would become 409 The Paterno Way. Therefore Joe would be honored on every piece of mail sent from from the athletic/EMS offices. Above the South Tunnel (player entrance on game days), would read -- Success with Honor.
Yes, it will be quite an honor, for over a decade I have been pushing for this to happen, 83,000 signatures, more than any other petition has ever received in Penn State History. This is STEP 1 in the process of restoration of Joe's name. The things that you have listed above are all great idea's, and many other STEPS are being discussed. WE ARE...


May 8, 2022

View attachment 226345
When I sought to return to the BOT after two years away, I did so for several reasons, one of which was to work to ensure Joe and Sue were rightfully honored. We now have a University President and Athletics Director who aren’t afraid to embrace the name Paterno.

I wholeheartedly support Blake Tobias and Art Greenwald in their efforts. Thank you both for never giving up the fight. I know first hand just how easy that would have been.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
We now have a University President and Athletics Director who aren’t afraid to embrace the name Paterno.

This is very interesting, and encouraging. I don’t recall seeing or hearing any public statements by either about Joe. When Kraft came on board, I recall his positive comments about the Beaver Stadium atmosphere from his days at iu, but I still don’t recall him saying anything about Joe.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Yes, it will be quite an honor, for over a decade I have been pushing for this to happen, 83,000 signatures, more than any other petition has ever received in Penn State History. This is STEP 1 in the process of restoration of Joe's name. The things that you have listed above are all great idea's, and many other STEPS are being discussed. WE ARE...

Something of a warning about the crowd here, myself included. Without naming names, we’ve heard words of encouragement regarding the restoration of Joe’s legacy, changing the narrative, etc. from various people over the years only to see no movement of the proverbial needle. So don’t be surprised if you are met with skepticism here.
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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2021
When I sought to return to the BOT after two years away, I did so for several reasons, one of which was to work to ensure Joe and Sue were rightfully honored. We now have a University President and Athletics Director who aren’t afraid to embrace the name Paterno.

I wholeheartedly support Blake Tobias and Art Greenwald in their efforts. Thank you both for never giving up the fight. I know first hand just how easy that would have been.
Any chance we can get the BOT to name the restrooms under the North stands The Surma *******!


New member
Sep 6, 2022
Something of a warning about the crowd here, myself included. Without naming names, we’ve heard words of encouragement regarding the restoration of Joe’s legacy, changing the narrative, etc. from various people over the years only to see no movement of the proverbial needle. So don’t be surprised if you are met with skepticism here.
Yes, there has been much talk over the past decade, many groups have come,”Joe’s Bench”, Movies, Brick Walk, put the statue back, etc., and after a decade my petition is the only one still here, and as of the past few months it has made leaps and bounds towards being complete d! It’s alright, the skeptics don’t bother me, if they did I would have walked away years ago!


Well-known member
Oct 26, 2021
Yes, there has been much talk over the past decade, many groups have come,”Joe’s Bench”, Movies, Brick Walk, put the statue back, etc., and after a decade my petition is the only one still here, and as of the past few months it has made leaps and bounds towards being complete d! It’s alright, the skeptics don’t bother me, if they did I would have walked away years ago!
And get the plaques put back where they belong. Anything you need… just ask
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Well-known member
Oct 18, 2021
Plaques need to be somewhere on stadium exterior where they have stone, not back where they were.
"They" re-landscaped that area and it looks like a front lawn now. That whole area has been white washed of the statue and the plaques


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Interesting read.....


Here it is, I wasn’t going to tell anyone about the whole conversation that I had with Graham as I mentioned in a post update from weeks back, but I’m tired of the fighting, opinions, hate emails, yes hate emails from Penn Staters telling me what I’m doing is horrible, give up, move on, Joe Paterno didn’t want any recognition like this, etc. The emails stating, I will never sign your petition because Joe wasn’t about recognition, that my group needs to stop this useless crusade, leave well enough alone, etc.

SORRY, THE BUCK STOPS NOW…. Graham Spanier enlightened myself, along with my son, Blake Jr., when he told us both, the following, “I’m going to tell you something that 99 percent of the people today still have no idea about, and I can tell you that in 2011 only 3 people knew about the plan that was set into place”. Tim Curley (our former Athletic Director), Graham Spanier and none other than Joe Paterno all agreed on a special dedication. Joe signed paperwork that 2011 was his last season as Head Coach of the team, though many figured that much, what nobody knew was the rest of the story.

“The 3 of us all planned on holding a dedication to name the field after Joe, effectively “Joseph Vincent Paterno Field at Beaver Stadium”. I hope everyone read that sentence, after 11 years of arguing, personal opinions, threats against me, and more, I have been fighting the good fight, and have been doing it correctly from day 1 of our petition! Maybe it was a subliminal message from Joe himself that was sent to me, “you go kid, you are doing it right, this is what we had planned, don’t let anyone stop you”. If you want to give your opinion on why my petition was always to name the field after Joe, have at it, come up with your stories, I’d love to read them.

I would love to be the guy to say, “I told you so”, after all the literal garbage that I’ve put up with for over 11 years, but hell yes, I TOLD YOU SO… I deserve that much satisfaction for all that some of you have put myself, Art Greenwald, and my son, Blake Jr. through. I on the other hand was so relieved when Graham told us that this was planned, and the field was going to be named exactly how our petition was fighting for, otherwise it would have been back to the drawing board. It could have been worse, Graham could have said what some of you naysayers have over the last 11 years, “Joe didn’t want this, you should stop”. BUT GRAHAM DIDN’T SAY THAT, he was beyond thankful for The Paterno Field Group to keep carrying the torch for Joe, and that things are definitely changing in the right direction for the first time since 2011.

It’s now time to pass this post onto those friends