for the 2023-24 season are below. They include:
- a 3-pt TD
- elimination of hand touch to mat by a defensive wrestler to be a TD
- changing NF from 2 & 4 to 3 & 4
- tweaking riding time to only award 1 point if the person that has accumulated 1 min of riding time also gets a NF against their opponent
- tweaking the video review process
- a MF in a tournament would count as a loss
- etc. (read the article)
- a 3-pt TD
- elimination of hand touch to mat by a defensive wrestler to be a TD
- changing NF from 2 & 4 to 3 & 4
- tweaking riding time to only award 1 point if the person that has accumulated 1 min of riding time also gets a NF against their opponent
- tweaking the video review process
- a MF in a tournament would count as a loss
- etc. (read the article)
Wrestling Rules Committee proposes 3-point takedown -
The NCAA Wrestling Rules Committee at its annual meeting in Indianapolis this week recommended making all takedowns worth 3 points, effective with the 2023-24 season.