I am also a nerd I suppose on this topic so I emailed the manager of the airport and received this:
The minimum length of runway needed for certain narrow-body aircraft types (e.g., Boeing 737-800, 737-900, 757-300) to operate nonstop to the west coast with full passenger, payload, and fuel loads on a warm day exceeds the length of the current runway at University Park Airport, which is currently 6,701 feet and generally adequate to accommodate current demands. These types of aircraft can and do, however, operate from the existing runway with concessions made for the number of passengers, payloads, and fuel loads.
This sounds like KUNV will not handle west coast departures for the football teams. Wasn't it Bobby Knight who complained about the local State College airport? Sounds like either they'll need to lengthen the runway or there will be complaining about having to fly into Harrisburg to play PSU.