PSU BOT Committee meetings being held (on line) today


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
Barry, can you confirm what I’m seeing here.

For the November BoT meeting it was Thursday from 1200-1430 and Friday from 0800-until complete for a total meeting time of 7.5+ hours. Is that correct? And amongst that was a few sub-committees? However all board members and trustees were present (more or less)?

just trying to understand the process.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2021
Barry, can you confirm what I’m seeing here.

For the November BoT meeting it was Thursday from 1200-1430 and Friday from 0800-until complete for a total meeting time of 7.5+ hours. Is that correct? And amongst that was a few sub-committees? However all board members and trustees were present (more or less)?

just trying to understand the process.
That is generally correct. I'll provide more thorough answer after a meeting (that I am currently in) concludes.

The "Thursday/Friday" sessions are the 5 times per year full Board meetings.
There are also 13 various Committees and Subcommittees of the Board.

Back in the day, most of the public Committee meetings also took place on the Thursday/ Friday sessions - with Committees meeting all day Thursday, and the full Board on Friday.

More recently, most of the Committee meetings take place "off-cycle" - ie, not on the "Thursday" - and are generally held via a Zoom session. Many of them allow the Public to join in and watch the Zoom meeting, some do not. They are typically an hour or so in length - and often are primarily a report/discussion from one of more administrators or other University groups. Sometimes on a "general topic", sometimes on one specific issue.

The "Thursday/Friday" sessions now typically start later in the day Thursday - say mid-afternoon - and may include a couple of in-person Committee meetings in the afternoon, covering a couple of hours. A typical session will then include a Social Event / Diner / Cocktail Hour Thursday evening. Those typically include the Trustees (38), a bunch of Emeriti Trustees, and various Administrative folks. (I rarely attend those - but from what I hear, and the ones I have attended, I would say 50+ - up to, in some cases, maybe 100+, especially when held at a Commonwealth Campus - would be a typical turnout).
Fridays are typically a morning full Board session (3-4 hours) - not open to the Public - followed by a luncheon of some sort. Then the full Board meeting, that most are familiar with, on Friday afternoon (a couple of hours, much of which is filled with an address by the President, and usually an administrator or two) .

Generally, the attendance at the full Board meetings on Friday are fairly heavy - 80-90% or more of Trustees in attendance, OTTOMH.
For the Committee meetings: Each committee has maybe 10-12 Trustees as Committee members. Generally, the vast majority, but not necessarily all, of the Committee members are there. Attendance of Trustees who are not members of the particular Committee varies - from just a few, to a significant number.
Back in the day, the Trustees most likely to turn out for Committee meetings, even if they were not members of that particular Committee, was skewed towards the Alumni Elected Trustees (they were most likely to turn out - and I used to keep a ledger of that). Now, that most of those meetings are held via Zoom, it is harder to monitor - but I would say, in general, Alum-Elected Trustees are a bit more likely to attend (but I don't have precise numbers for that)

Hope that helps]
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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
That is generally correct. I'll provide more thorough answer after a meeting (that I am currently in) concludes.

Thanks for that response. Damn, I want whatever the BoT is eating and drinking, since it costs $20,5XX for a day and a half of meetings and dinners! But I guess that’s the DoD in me talking, where if you’re having meetings on base/post/camp, you will only get 3.50$ a day per diem and you’ll eat at the dining facility only, otherwise it’s on your dime. Fiscal responsibility and all…..


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2021
Thanks for that response. Damn, I want whatever the BoT is eating and drinking, since it costs $20,5XX for a day and a half of meetings and dinners! But I guess that’s the DoD in me talking, where if you’re having meetings on base/post/camp, you will only get 3.50$ a day per diem and you’ll eat at the dining facility only, otherwise it’s on your dime. Fiscal responsibility and all…..
BOT doesn't just laugh at fiscal responsibility, it falls over in painful laughter at fiscal responsibility.


Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Thanks for that response. Damn, I want whatever the BoT is eating and drinking, since it costs $20,5XX for a day and a half of meetings and dinners! But I guess that’s the DoD in me talking, where if you’re having meetings on base/post/camp, you will only get 3.50$ a day per diem and you’ll eat at the dining facility only, otherwise it’s on your dime. Fiscal responsibility and all…..
Onion dip is expensive.
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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
BOT doesn't just laugh at fiscal responsibility, it falls over in painful laughter at fiscal responsibility.

I’m starting to understand the ire of some towards the BoT. All the while PSU becomes less and less attainable for my 5, 3 and 9 month old kids to attend as out of state residents.
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Well-known member
Oct 13, 2021
I’m starting to understand the ire of some towards the BoT. All the while PSU becomes less and less attainable for my 5, 3 and 9 month old kids to attend as out of state residents.
Yep. Mine are seven and five and have besides mom and dad, three aunts, two uncles and a grandmother who all went to Penn State. Being out of state, or frankly, even in-state I’m not sure it would be a viable option at this rate.
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Well-known member
Nov 1, 2021
I’m starting to understand the ire of some towards the BoT. All the while PSU becomes less and less attainable for my 5, 3 and 9 month old kids to attend as out of state residents.
Posted before about this as a former PSU athlete, employee, son of a booster and alumni rep: my two oldest attended wonderful out of state schools and I spent half of what PSU charges in-state. Would make no sense to spend almost 4x for one of my children to attend PSU.