PSU - Rider Dual Thread

Tom McAndrew

BWI Staff
Staff member
Oct 27, 2021
I'm setting this up in advance, as I have a busy Friday, and then I'll be in attendance for the PSU - Rider dual.

Friday, Dec. 2, 2022

7:30 pm EST

@Rider (CURE Insurance Arena; Trenton, NJ)


Video Streaming:
It will be streamed by FloWrestling to subscribers.

Audio Streaming:
The radio network broadcast, with Jeff Byers doing the PBP, will be streamed for free. The pre-match segment starts at 7:10 pm EST, with the PBP at 7:30 pm EST. You can access it at:

As mentioned above, I'll be in attendance at the dual, so I won't be able to provide PBP. I hope that some of you will step forward and handle the task. As always, please try to provide scores for each match, as well as the team score, throughout your posts.

Also, a heads up that I'll miss at least the first half, and possibly the entire dual, on Sunday when PSU takes on Lehigh.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2021
I wanted to be the first to I get a prize? Tom, enjoy the fireworks tonight.


Well-known member
Dec 9, 2021
Byers not real clear tonight. Bunch of static. Can anyone get word to Rider gym in Jersey that’s there ? Wishful thinking.


Well-known member
May 3, 2022
He said something about the entire internet going down so sounds like it's something they won't fix. I blame Flo
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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
Anyone else experiencing technical difficulties with Flo?

For reference I’m using the Flo app on an AppleTV.
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Well-known member
Oct 6, 2021
I am borrowing a Flo account and this stream is unwatchable. I've tried on my AppleTV and now my Macbook Pro with Chrome. It's no wonder people hate this **** company so much. I would never in a million years pay for this. I am probably going to have to turn this off it's so bad.
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Well-known member
May 3, 2022
Starting at 125:
Steen vs. Klinsky

P1: Steen with a single leg TD, up 2-0. Escape, 2-1. 34 seconds RT
P2: Steen starts on top. Klinsky escape 2-2. 1:07 RT. Steen TD with 1 second left. 4-2
P3: Steen on bottom. Quick escape, 5-2, 1:01 RT. Klinsky TD 5-4, under 1:00 RT. Klinsky lets him up. restarts neutral, 6-4. Klinsky in deep, steen fights him off as time expires. 6-4 win for Steen.

3-0 PSU leads


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2021
Flo is incompetent. They’ve been doing this for how long now and they still can’t get the streaming right???? They should have checked the feed and got the bugs worked out well before the match. Classic PPP=PPP. Piss Poor Planning …
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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2021
Steen fight’s hard but it’s obvious since Howard is not wrestling this season due to his shoulder. Everyone wants to know if the Ohio State transfer will be in our room after Christmas ready to enroll for Spring semester. Hopefully Cael will answer soon.
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Well-known member
May 3, 2022
RBY vs. Koehler

P1: TD for RBY, 2-0. Gives the escape and another TD, 4-1. Let's him up again, 4-2. Another TD, 6-2. 1:00 left in period. Escape at edge. Restart and quick TD for RBY, 8-3. 1:32 RT after 1.
P2: RBY starts top. Let's him up, 8-4. Duck under TD, 10-4. Escape and TD, 12-5. Escape, 12-6. Koehler shot and RBY defends for stale mate. Restart and quick TD as time expires. 14-6.
P3: RBY picks neutral. TD and escape, 16-7. Stall on Koehler. Another TD and escape. 18-8. TD again, 20-8. 40 seconds to go. 3:08 RT. Gives the escape, 20-9. Another stall 21-9. Another stall 22-9. RBY close to another TD, but can't get it. MD for RBY 22-9.

7-0 PSU


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2021
RBY vs. Koehler

P1: TD for RBY, 2-0. Gives the escape and another TD, 4-1. Let's him up again, 4-2. Another TD, 6-2. 1:00 left in period. Escape at edge. Restart and quick TD for RBY, 8-3. 1:32 RT after 1.
P2: RBY starts top. Let's him up, 8-4. Duck under TD, 10-4. Escape and TD, 12-5. Escape, 12-6. Koehler shot and RBY defends for stale mate. Restart and quick TD as time expires. 14-6.
P3: RBY picks neutral. TD and escape, 16-7. Stall on Koehler. Another TD and escape. 18-8. TD again, 20-8. 40 seconds to go. 3:08 RT. Gives the escape, 20-9. Another stall 21-9. Another stall 22-9. RBY close to another TD, but can't get it. MD for RBY 22-9.

7-0 PSU
Thanks for the updates. Where are you watching this?


Well-known member
May 3, 2022
Bartlett vs. Bell

P1: Lot of neutral fighting. Deep shot by Bell late and gets the TD after a battle. 2-0 Bell after 1.
P2: Bell starts bottom. Quick escape, 3-0. Bartlett TD, 3-2. Cuts free, 4-2. More neutral fighting. Close at end of 2 for a Bartlett TD, but doesn't get it. Still 4-2
P3: Beau takes down. Reversal for Beau as he takes him to his back. Fall at 6:08!

13-0 PSU


Well-known member
May 3, 2022
SVN vs. Kinner

P1: Lots of neutral before SVN in on double, switches to single. Gets the TD and cradles him to his back. 2 NF also, 4-0 after 1. 25 seconds RT.
P2: SVN starts on top. Reversal for Kinner, 4-2. Kinner tries taking SVN to back, but he rolls through and gets the reversal, 6-2. RT over 1:00. Escape for Kinner, 6-3. I don't know what happened, but Byers says 6-5. (SVN had him on his back for a second, but time ran out. Not sure how Kinner got 2).
P3: Missed the start trying to figure out how it got to 6-5. SVN got a TD and then an escape, 8-6. TD for SVN, 10-6. RT locked up. Rides him out. 2:31 RT, wins 11-6.

16-0 PSU
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Well-known member
May 3, 2022
Bearclaw vs. Silverstein

P1: Match started during a commercial. Silverstein hurt. Byers saying dislocated shoulder or elbow. Awful result, Injury default.

22-0 PSU
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Well-known member
Oct 27, 2021
Well, I was always reluctant to give Flo my money. I usually just listen or follow along with you guys. After listening to all the complaints about Flo every year, I will never even consider giving them a dime. Seems like they are stealing people’s money.


Nov 2, 2021
I’ve had flo for 2 years and can say of all the things I ever streamed before this is the first I’ve had or seen problems. This really sucks but again been a fine track record prior.
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New member
Oct 31, 2021
I’ve had flo for 2 years and can say of all the things I ever streamed before this is the first I’ve had or seen problems. This really sucks but again been a fine track record prior.
Agree. I watched the Black Night tourney and it was great. I watched the All Star Classic, it was fine. Sometimes s**t happens with technology on the internet.
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Well-known member
May 3, 2022
Facundo vs. Mays

P1: Mays in deep on right leg, but lots of fight. Foot goes up on his shoulder, then drops down and can't get other leg. Facundo gets out of it. 1:15 left in period. Still neutral with :27 left as they go off the mat. Single by Facundo and is able to complete the TD with 2 seconds left, 2-0
P2: Facundo takes down. Quick escape, 3-0. :09 RT for Mays. Facundo snap down and gets behind for TD, 5-0. Lets him up and quick TD, 7-1. Cuts loose again, 7-2. Duck under, but can't complete as period ends.
P3: Facundo on top. Stall on Mays. Escape, 7-3. 1:10 RT for Facundo. TD Facundo, 9-3. Off mat and optional start for Facundo. Gives escape, 9-4. another TD Facundo, 11-4. Another stall, 12-4 as period ends. 13-4 MD with riding time.

26-0 PSU
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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2021
Agree. I watched the Black Night tourney and it was great. I watched the All Star Classic, it was fine. Sometimes s**t happens with technology on the internet.
Overloaded. Plus depends on location.


Well-known member
May 3, 2022
Starocci vs. Rietsma

P1: Starocci TD at edge of mat, 2-0. Not much going on so cuts him loose, 2-1. TD Starocci, 4-1. Escape, 4-2. Over 1:00 RT. Another TD, 6-2. 1:15 RT.
P2: Starocci on top. Little bit of ride before cutting loose, 6-3. Another TD, 8-3. Cuts loose with 40 seconds left, 8-4. Another TD, 10-4. Rides him out to end period. 2:21 RT
P3: Starocci takes down. Quick escape, 11-4. Quick TD and escape, 13-5. Stall on Rietsma. TD Starocci, 15-5. Escape, TD, 17-6. 2:59RT as match ends. 18-6 MD

30-0 PSU


Well-known member
May 3, 2022
Ball vs. Terrell

P1: TD for Ball at edge. Being reviewed. Call stands, 2-0. Escape Terrell, 2-1. Stall on Terrell after near TD for Ball. Another near TD for Ball as time expires. 2-1 Ball.
P2: Ball takes down. Escape, 3-1. 5 seconds RT for Terrell. Another near TD for Ball at edge of mat. Single by Ball, reaches across for the double and gets the TD, 5-1.
P3: Ball on top. Caution Ball. Escape Terrell, 5-2 Ball. Shot Terrell, but Ball fights it off and chain wrestles for his own TD, 7-2. Escape Terrell, 7-3. Ball with the shot and gets the late TD, 9-3 no RT.

33-0 PSU
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Well-known member
May 3, 2022
Dean vs. Laird

P1: Lots of neutral. Minimal TD attempts. No score as period ends.
P2: Dean takes bottom. Quick escape, 1-0. Not too much happening. At least a couple shot attempts. Still 1-0 as period ends.
P3: Laird takes bottom....time to ride. Laird gets out, 1-1. Dean shoots deep and can't finish. Good defense. 1:00 to go. Good scramble. Dean was close but can't get it. Headed to SV. Rider challenging that Dean grabbed singlet. Review determines no penalty.
SV: Quick single for Laird, hit mat but roll through. Penn State questioning, but they give it to Laird. 3-1 Laird. Wish I could see it.

33-3 PSU
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Well-known member
Dec 9, 2021
Dean vs. Laird

P1: Lots of neutral. Minimal TD attempts. No score as period ends.
P2: Dean takes bottom. Quick escape, 1-0. Not too much happening. At least a couple shot attempts. Still 1-0 as period ends.
P3: Laird takes bottom....time to ride. Laird gets out, 1-1. Dean shoots deep and can't finish. Good defense. 1:00 to go. Good scramble. Dean was close but can't get it. Headed to SV. Rider challenging that Dean grabbed singlet. Review determines no penalty.
SV: Quick single for Laird, hit mat but roll through. Penn State challenging.
Max gotta work on finishing TD at the beginning of the match. Definitely the favorite for that match. Better wrestle a lot better against Micheal Beard who is relentless on his feet. Already split with Dean in wrestle offs.


Well-known member
May 3, 2022
Kerkvliet vs. Szuba

P1: Quick TD for Kerk, 2-0. Stall warning on Szuba. 2:47 RT as period ends.
P2: Kerk takes bottom and quick escape, 3-0. TD Kerk, 5-0. 3:59 RT after 2.
P3: Kerk another TD, 7-0. Missed how they started, assuming neutral. Stall on Szuba, 8-0. RT locked. Szuba escape, 8-1. Another TD 10-1. 5:31 RT. 11-1 MD.

37-3 PSU Final
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Dec 23, 2021
Max gotta work on finishing TD at the beginning of the match. Definitely the favorite for that match. Better wrestle a lot better against Micheal Beard who is relentless on his feet. Already split with Dean in wrestle offs.
Will be interesting to see how Beard wrestles on Sunday. He did not have a good showing against Pitt. He was thoroughly beat. There is an intensity about Max. I expect that on Sunday he will wrestle with a lot of fire in the belly.


Active member
Oct 31, 2021
Max gotta work on finishing TD at the beginning of the match. Definitely the favorite for that match. Better wrestle a lot better against Micheal Beard who is relentless on his feet. Already split with Dean in wrestle offs.
Perfect match for Dean to adjust to another tall lanky guy.


Oct 6, 2021
Perfect match for Dean to adjust to another tall lanky guy.
Dean isn't a "big 197". More like a "bulked up 184".

Would be curious to know exactly what each wrestler weighed in at tonight and, for that matter, whether Dean typically comes in a few pounds shy of the 197 limit. To see the difference good weight can make when you need to add it, look no further than Greg Kerkvliet from last year to this-. A guess is that it could be the difference between his winning a first National Title and not-. Obviously Max Dean couldn't add the kind of weight Kerkvliet appears to have added and remain at 197 but, not knowing his normal pre-match weight with certainty, can't help wondering if maybe 2 - 3 pounds of additional good weight might be helpful.
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Tom McAndrew

BWI Staff
Staff member
Oct 27, 2021
my thanks to @gimb14 for the PBP.

My trip:

- GPS sent me a different way there due to an accident, which added @ 15 unexpected minutes to my trip
- same thing on the way home (going a different route), where it changed the initial directions to avoid an accident

The arena:

- I didn't pay too much attention to where my seats were (I knew they were on the floor). When I finally figured out my seat, I was directly behind PSU's corner seats. I chatted briefly before the match with CS and with Cody, and over the course of the match with most of the team (not all; didn't speak with Kerk, Dean, Steen, or Facundo)
- sorry I didn't check the web site, as I didn't know there were issues with Flo's coverage, or with Ironside's audio stream. (Not sure what I could have done, but I would have told those that I knew.) I spoke briefly with Jeff before the dual -- I always try to say hi to him at the rare PSU dual I get to attend.

Thoughts (that I remember) from the match:

- Steen: 1st time I've seen him wrestle in person. He had some game
- RBY: he's so fast, and can do most anything he wants. His opponent had no chance
- Bartlett: he looks more natural at 141 than he did at 149. I still wish he initiated more offense, but he remains primarily a counter wrestler. The kid he wrestled was long and lean, and gave Beau some problems. The opponent liked to control the head, or in tie-ups to control Beau's wrist. He was with Young Guns before he moved to his HS in New Jersey, so he has some talent. When Beau does decide to act, he's really fast. His pin was sweet. As soon as he got into the hold which resulted in the pin, I knew it was over
- Van Ness: first time I've seen him wrestle in person. Wow. Kinner is a 2X NJ Champ, and was at Ohio State for a couple of years. He's got a lot of talent. Van Ness got him in a cradle, but didn't have it all that deep, and he only got 2 NF from it. Later, Kinner put Van Ness on his back for a second, but Van Ness was really sharp in response, and Kinner didn't even get any NF points. I was also surprised (and pleased) that Kinner seemed to be struggling after each break, whereas Van Ness was in great shape and back in the circle right away
- Bearclaw: well, I didn't get to see him on the mat for long. I knew right away, the way his opponent was holding his forearm, that the injury was not good. You hate seeing something like that happen to an wrestler
- Facundo: another PSU wrestler that I was watching for the 1st time in person. He is quite talented. I was talking with a PSU wrestler during a bunch of the match, so I didn't pay as close attention to him as I would have liked
- CStar: he's elevated his skillset a good deal since I 1st saw him in person. His opponent had no chance.
- Ball: I was looking forward to watching Brooks, but Ball did well. As Ironhead reported, Brooks is fine. I spoke with Aaron a couple of times during the evening. There's a good chance he'll be on the mat on Sunday
- Dean: ugh, a frustrating match. Max seemed to have trouble with Laird's length, but he's almost always the shorter guy, and we've seen him work through that. Dean came close to one TD (PSU's corner was calling for it, but in real time to this ref, it was never a TD). I didn't think Dean had grabbed the uni of Laird (which Rider's corner challenged at the end of regulation), but the finish took place on the opposite side of the mat from me, so I couldn't say for sure. As for the TD which Dean gave up in OT, it was very frustrating. Laird showed more energy on that move than he had throughout the match. The TD took place @ 8 yards from me. I thought it was a TD, that Dean immediately rolled through for a reversal. Unfortunately, the match ends on the 1st points, and it wasn't as though the sequence was a continuous move with no control for a TD. PSU challenged the TD, but it didn't take the refs long to review it and award the TD.
Kerk: I was surprised that Kerk didn't get the pin. The opponent was outclassed, but Kerk had trouble getting any type of turning combination on him. I think he was working a bow-and-arrow for a bit (I hope I'm not confusing matches), but that didn't work

PSU's corner:
- CS, as usual (I even teased him before the match), says almost nothing during the match. If there's a stoppage for blood, injury, etc., he does talk with the wrestler, but he's the most reserved on the bench. After each match, he did head back behind the curtain, and it appeared that he would speak to each PSU wrestler after their match, out of sight and ear of the fans.

PSU's wrestlers:
- they were mobbed during intermission, and during the 2 media timeouts, for pictures with kids and with adults, by kids wanting them to sign their headgear or some other wrestler clothing, by adults that wanted to speak with them, etc. A few times the support staff had to clear the people away so that there was a pathway for the PSU wrestlers
- the team really does root for their teammates. I was surprised by how much they were encouraging guys, calling out instructions, etc. This team is close, and tries to support each other

- they bused down Thursday evening, got a workout in today, are spending Friday night back at the hotel they were on Thursday evening, then busing to Lehigh on Saturday

It's been a long day, and a fun evening, so I need to wrap up this post.
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Active member
Oct 31, 2021
I watched the TD in OT and I didn’t think it was a takedown…there is a split second of “reaction time” that is typically taken into consideration. Dean never stopped moving and I didn’t think Laird had control when they hit the mat…Dean was already rolling through as they hit. Oh well, that should light a fire for Max.