Recorded excerpts from coaches headsets (posted by Dawgowar)

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Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
JWS - Morris - what play do we call next?

Watts - We can run the one where Kevin underthrows Justin by five feet or the one where he hits the ballboy on the sideline.....

JWS - Underthrow.....underthrow.

Cooper - Can I call a my headset working?

JWS - Morris I said pull his plug ALL the way out....Cooper has a plug...Cooper has a plug.

Templeton interupts - Guys...pwease find a way to win....I'll never get that SEC job if you keep this up.

Hallman - Yeah, and the fans are getting pissed.

Templeton - Oh who gives a rat's *** about our fans, I damn sure wish they would quit cheering too, the bells were bad enough.

JWS - Okay, incomplete - we're down 34 - 6 ....Hey! Let's quick kick!

Cooper - Is it my turn? Is it my turn yet?

JWS - Morris?!

Watts - He found the plug - don't worry, I just gave him some chewing gum that'll keep him occuppied this series.

JWS - Okay we need a defensive set - I got it, let's give them a twenty yard cushion on the corner, out of bound zone by the safeties - that'll confuse the **** out of them...Hey, who erased the Domino's menu from my notepad?

Cooper - I thought it was a play number.

JWS - Is there anybody else in this year's recruiting class we are redshirting, put them in now, I want to see them play before we go.

Blake - Where's Charles Haley and Leon Lett - I didn't really have to coach them but they made my resume look good.

Cooper - T Kelly could go to the NFL....

Hallman - In a Mascot Suit maybe.

JWS - I'm too old for this ****.

Fans - We know! We know.
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