Rona got me

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Active member
Mar 4, 2009
Had 2x phizer last sept which the second dose made me feel bad for 2-3 days. Caught Covid end of December and felt bad for a full week. Have been non-Covid sick 3x this year since then including right now while working a big car show in Reno. Have also had an absolutely terrible year for allergies, by far the worst I remember. Prior to all of this, I averaged getting sick once every third year. All that to say it feels like my immune system has taken a dump, the cause of which I’m suspicious lies in one of the above, although I’m not sure which to blame.

Not to stir the conspiracy hornets nest, but my experience has been much like yours. 2x Pfizer last August. Got the Delta strain in late January this year (first time I’ve had it that I know of), but pretty much the last year I feel like I’ve been much more susceptible to catching something. Granted, I have a youngin in daycare which is a disease factory in itself, but even before I was good for about one good round of sickness per year. Now I feel like I’m on a constant see-saw of bad allergies, random sinus junk, and GI-issue flares (which I’ve always had but now is like one constant flare).

I’m sure it’s all a coincidence though.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
I’ve had the double dose of pfizer and a booster, have not to my knowledge ever had covid (I test myself if I feel sick), and have felt just as good as I’ve always felt. I’m sure it varies from person to person but I have nothing to complain about.

I helped take care of my daughters last fall when they got Delta and my wife and I never got sick. I chalk some of it up to be O negative blood type. There have been several studies done and people with Type O blood are 40% less likely to get covid.


Well-known member
Apr 13, 2018
Not to stir the conspiracy hornets nest, but my experience has been much like yours. 2x Pfizer last August. Got the Delta strain in late January this year (first time I’ve had it that I know of), but pretty much the last year I feel like I’ve been much more susceptible to catching something. Granted, I have a youngin in daycare which is a disease factory in itself, but even before I was good for about one good round of sickness per year. Now I feel like I’m on a constant see-saw of bad allergies, random sinus junk, and GI-issue flares (which I’ve always had but now is like one constant flare).

I’m sure it’s all a coincidence though.

It’s the kid in daycare.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I’ve had the double dose of pfizer and a booster, have not to my knowledge ever had covid (I test myself if I feel sick), and have felt just as good as I’ve always felt. I’m sure it varies from person to person but I have nothing to complain about.


Same as you only with Moderna. No problems at all. My booster was last October. Not sure when/if I get a fourth. Plan to discuss with my Dr on annual visit in a couple of months.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2020
I’ve had the double dose of pfizer and a booster, have not to my knowledge ever had covid (I test myself if I feel sick), and have felt just as good as I’ve always felt. I’m sure it varies from person to person but I have nothing to complain about.

I helped take care of my daughters last fall when they got Delta and my wife and I never got sick. I chalk some of it up to be O negative blood type. There have been several studies done and people with Type O blood are 40% less likely to get covid.

I was on the blood type kick early on based on people I know getting it and all. I also think O’s were less likely to have severe but I’m sure there’s plenty out there to debunk that myth…


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2006
Had the J&J back in March of 2020 and only wore a mask when I had to. As far as I know I've never had it but I did lose all sense of smell for about a week last August. I've tested 3 times. Twice for travel and once to visit my girlfriend just after she had surgery.

My girlfriend who is addicted to Purell, had both Modernas, the booster and religiously wore an N95 mask caught it this past winter. She thought it was just a sinus infection like she gets 3 or 4 times a year. She went to the doctor to get treated for a sinus infection but popped the Rona test they gave her.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Had the J&J back in March of 2020 and only wore a mask when I had to. As far as I know I've never had it but I did lose all sense of smell for about a week last August. I've tested 3 times. Twice for travel and once to visit my girlfriend just after she had surgery.

My girlfriend who is addicted to Purell, had both Modernas, the booster and religiously wore an N95 mask caught it this past winter. She thought it was just a sinus infection like she gets 3 or 4 times a year. She went to the doctor to get treated for a sinus infection but popped the Rona test they gave her.

I mean, is losing your sense a smell a common occurrence for you? Seems like a given you probably had COVID last August?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Not to stir the conspiracy hornets nest, but my experience has been much like yours. 2x Pfizer last August. Got the Delta strain in late January this year (first time I’ve had it that I know of), but pretty much the last year I feel like I’ve been much more susceptible to catching something. Granted, I have a youngin in daycare which is a disease factory in itself, but even before I was good for about one good round of sickness per year. Now I feel like I’m on a constant see-saw of bad allergies, random sinus junk, and GI-issue flares (which I’ve always had but now is like one constant flare).

I’m sure it’s all a coincidence though.

When my child went to daycare I got sick a lot the first year or two. Lots of colds and stomach virus twice after having it once in probably the prior 20 to 25 years. But I also had had sinus surgery prior and was told by a nurse after the surgery (but not by the doctor) that you are more susceptible to infections for a long while after sinus surgery because the lining of your nasal passages don't really heal completely for a long time. Never really followed up to see if that was true or not.


New member
Sep 1, 2017
It's going around everywhere right now. I have only 5 real close friends. None of us have hung out together in the past 2 weeks, 3 of them have it now. Guy I work with his small Church got hit hard. He said that about 10-15 that they know of have it right now including the preacher & his his wife. Good news, most cases are very mild. Weird though, 1 of my buddies who's a lot younger & a fireman in great shape is having the hardest time shaking it. An other buddy who's over weight, don't exercise & drink 7 days a week said it's nothing to it.


Active member
May 28, 2007
Just finished 5 days of Paxlovid this AM. Worked like a champ after two days and I'm good now. So what's next...who TF knows.
Worked for Brandon.

i avoided it until this past April. Extremely mild for me personally.
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
This is correct. Paxlovid is a combination of 2 drugs, one of which was developed for HIV treatment 20-30 years ago.

Is there anything to the noise that patients taking Paxlovid are more likely to suffer rebound infections? Or is that just people taking instances of rebound infections and attributing them to Paxlovid with no data to back them up?


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
It's going around everywhere right now. I have only 5 real close friends. None of us have hung out together in the past 2 weeks, 3 of them have it now. Guy I work with his small Church got hit hard. He said that about 10-15 that they know of have it right now including the preacher & his his wife. Good news, most cases are very mild. Weird though, 1 of my buddies who's a lot younger & a fireman in great shape is having the hardest time shaking it. An other buddy who's over weight, don't exercise & drink 7 days a week said it's nothing to it.

It's surprising to me that COVID has such strong seasonality in the summer. I feel like cold and flue are damn near non-existent in the summer, despite people being hunkered inside to a large extent. Is Wuhan still just novel enough that we don't have enough immunity yet but the summer spikes will disappear in the future? Or is it really different than other coronaviruses and flu and will have essentially two seasons each year when people are stuck inside?


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2006
No its not so I very well may have had it but I wasn't going to get tested just because of that. Where would you draw the line? I woke up this morning and my nose was running...go get tested. I woke up this morning with a headache and upset stomach....go get tested. I woke up this morning and my joints are aching....go get tested....etc. I did go get tested before visiting my gf after her surgery because I did feel bad with absolutely zero energy and ran a low grade grade fever for about 14 hours just 2 days before I was going to visit. It was the exact same symptoms I experienced almost exactly 24hours after getting the J&J shot and this was 8 months after the shot.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
No its not so I very well may have had it but I wasn't going to get tested just because of that. Where would you draw the line? I woke up this morning and my nose was running...go get tested. I woke up this morning with a headache and upset stomach....go get tested. I woke up this morning and my joints are aching....go get tested....etc. I did go get tested before visiting my gf after her surgery because I did feel bad with absolutely zero energy and ran a low grade grade fever for about 14 hours just 2 days before I was going to visit. It was the exact same symptoms I experienced almost exactly 24hours after getting the J&J shot and this was 8 months after the shot.

I wasn't implying you should get tested. If you're not around people that would be particularly high risk, I would say don't test at all now. It's a cold or flu at this point. Stay away from people if you have symptoms, just like with any other virus. I guess with it being indistinguishable from a sinus infection for so many people, kind of hard for people prone to those to stay away from people every time they have a sinus infection unless they can work remotely, so maybe take some at home tests for that?

I just thought the uncertainty regarding having it when you lost your sense of smell was a little funny/different. I would say as far as you know, you had it in august but didnd't get confirmed with a test or antibody test.


Well-known member
Nov 7, 2010
After avoiding the mother17er this whole time, it finally got me after being on a week long sea trial with members of the US, Canadian, and Australian Navy.

Dr. Pepper tastes like complete and total *** now and Busch Light tastes how I’d imagine a moldy strawberry would taste like.

We're you on RIMPAC?


Nov 14, 2012
I'm type O+ and my kid tested positive with symptoms. We're both vaccinated, neither of us had it before. Couldn't really quarantine myself from him so I was fully exposed. Within 10 days or so I developed same symptoms, felt like complete ****, but tested negative at home and the doctor's office. I dunno.


Well-known member
Dec 11, 2007
2nd round for me right now

1st time was in January. Had cold symptoms and a nasty cough for a day and a half then cleared. Had the brain fog BAD for at least a month. Definitely impacted getting work done at the office. I'd read and re-read sentences several times and would just zone out. Very strange.

2nd round has been decent cold symptoms - sore throat, congestion, cough. Doesn't seem to be lingering though and feels like it's sitting higher in the respiratory system than Rd 1. Hopefully done with that part of it and can avoid the brain fog this time. I did have a massive headache yesterday, so my hopes aren't too high there.

Is what it is. Seems to be going around everywhere. Like any coronavirus, we're just gonna have to get exposed to it several times, let it do its mutating thing, and eventually we'll shelve it next to the other coronaviruses that cause the common cold. I'm just glad we seem to be past the versions that killed so many folks. That or earlier versions were no more deadly than today, but simply took advantage of a naïve population with a slow immune response. Time solves that with natural infections and vaccinations.

Surely we are getting closer to where we can treat this like a common cold right or flu? I get the "long covid" concerns, but what virus doesn't have long-view risks? Not sure why Covid is any different there and it's simply not practical to have a zero exposure strategy as an individual. I work from home mostly, so it's not the biggest deal for me, but "isolating" myself for a week seems to be overkill. I know folks that have to be present for work can't do this. So, why not come out of the cave when you don't have a fever for a day like any other common contagious airborne disease we try to manage? Maybe hospitalization rates are still a bit higher than flu/colds/etc., but surely we are getting close to "acceptable risk" point?


Well-known member
Sep 2, 2006
Yeah, if I had symptoms such as even a low fever and fatigue I would stay out of work and get tested but losing my smell with zero other symptoms or normal aches, pains and sinus problems that I don't even medicate for aren't worth getting tested for in my opinion.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2014
It's very strange. First time, all I had was a backache and the second time... well, I had allergies that were worse, and I am completely unvaccinated.

Not to belittle others who had it worse or those who choose to get the vaccine.


Aug 9, 2019
Got all 4 shots of pfizer and tested positive back in February, but had zero symptoms. Two weeks later came down with bronchitis which I get every year


Active member
Nov 11, 2007
You mean march 2021?
Had corona in Dec 2020. No symptoms and came off quarantine Christmas day 2020. Vaccines for health care worker were available the next week for the first time.

Got 1st vaccaine 90 days later (at horse barn before MSU baseball game) which made me feel funky for approx a week-ironic felt worse post vaccaine than with covid. Go figure.

Been taking zinc for approx 20 years. Read in journal article zinc suppressed viral replication and started taking for cold virus....did it help??? don't know but I will continue taking.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Same here on blood type. Had all the Moderna's, but I'm pretty sure the mild headache I had in December was COVID. My wife had same symptom and tested positive. I just quarantined with her assuming I had it as well. It was very rough on my parents and some other friends of mine.


Well-known member
Aug 25, 2014
Had last month. Had a stomach bug too tested positive for both anyway. Tough 3 weeks. Cough wasn't too bad. Terrible *****. Just bad congestion and still having issues with random coughing fits. All seemed to be up higher.

Was an an international conference so it was bound to happen


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
Tested positive on 7/20. Luckily, felt like a common cold. Never had fever.

Digging dog

Active member
Aug 22, 2012
(Knocks on wood) somehow nobody in my family - including in laws have gotten it. Btw. Get well boss.
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