Similar situation: When Fortune intercepted that pass in the end zone and his momentum carried him out of the back of the end zone, my adult son asked me why isn't that a safety because he didn't kneel in the end zone? I didn't have an answer. Fortune did establish both feet in the end zone before stepping out.
Yep, momentum carried him out. *THAT* is why it wasn't a safety. Same exact rule. I'm kind of surprised at some of the uncertainty in this thread as the "momentum" thing, has been a thing for a long time. Many years.
Footnote - ala the "judgement" call thing and the bing bag being thrown at the 2 or whatever....refs would it right....(momentum) (Correct call) .....or they would call a "safety" on the field, and it would go to review 9999, out of 10000 times and it would be reversed - 9998 times out of 10000.
The 2 times review get it wrong - *THEY* are wrong. I promise.
A quick googler result resulted in the college football 2024 rule book: Section 8-5-1 :
ARTICLE 1. It is a safety when: a. The ball becomes dead out of bounds behind a goal line, except from an incomplete forward pass, or becomes dead in the possession of a player on, above or behind their own goal line, or becomes dead by rule, and the defending team is responsible for the ball being there (A.R. 6-3-1-IV; A.R. 7-2-4-I; A.R. 8-5-1-I-II, IV and VI-X; A.R. 8-7-2-II; and A.R. 9-4-1-VIII). When in question, it is a touchback, not a safety. RULE 8 / Scoring FR-93
Exception: It is not a safety if a player between their own team’s five-yard line and goal line:
intercepts a pass or fumble; or recovers an opponent’s fumble or backward pass; or catches or recovers a kick; and
the player’s original momentum carries that player into their own end zone; and
the ball remains behind that team’s goal line and is declared dead in that team’s possession there. This includes a fumble that goes from the end zone into the field of play and out of bounds (Rule 7-2-4-b-1).
If conditions (Ifa)-(c) are satisfied above, the ball belongs to this player’s team at the spot where that player gained possession.
So technically, I was wrong - it would *NOT* be a touchback.....but it would be Bama's ball at the spot of the interception. 3 yrd line, ish.....
Bama's ball, they take a knee, game over.