Saw article Barry is suing our BOT

Keyser Soze 16802

Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
Please explain how you know someone else's motivation. That is truly an amazing talent.
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Well-known member
Oct 12, 2021
The discussion about returns is just a deflection and is an issue that can be taken up later. In order to fulfill his duties and responsibilities a trustee has every right to ask for a schedule of fees received by investment advisors, the amounts they have under management, an\d the returns they've achieved. I'd go a step further and say he has the right to review contracts.

As for Barry's approach, he's asked both the Board chair and the University president. That should be sufficient.
Nov 3, 2021
The discussion about returns is just a deflection and is an issue that can be taken up later.
Hit the nail right on the head.

The most telling thing about this lawsuit is the nerve it hit. The people who have acted like Penn State was a private corporation for decades are now scurrying for the baseboards because someone is turning the 'have you checked the laws?' light on.

The new PSU General Counsel seems to be bringing her diverse and inclusive interpretation of the Sunshine Act to the table (for some reason Neeli seems to be outlawing the word 'equitable' all of a sudden) but that's going before a judge so we'll see what smart people have to say about that.

I for one am glad Barry's not p&^%ing around supplicating himself before his betters on the Board and hoping they'll allow him access at some point. Penn State takes taxpayers money so the books have to be open, and if all of a sudden having 36 trustees making requests is burdensome then they need to beef up their staff.

If I was one of those B&I trustees who thought a ride on the Board was going to be free dinners and their picture on Old Main wall, I'd be finding some reason to step down. All those messages asking for comments from the Wall Street Journal have to be piling up. They uncovered RiteAid and Theranos.


Active member
Nov 1, 2021
Hit the nail right on the head.

The most telling thing about this lawsuit is the nerve it hit. The people who have acted like Penn State was a private corporation for decades are now scurrying for the baseboards because someone is turning the 'have you checked the laws?' light on.

The new PSU General Counsel seems to be bringing her diverse and inclusive interpretation of the Sunshine Act to the table (for some reason Neeli seems to be outlawing the word 'equitable' all of a sudden) but that's going before a judge so we'll see what smart people have to say about that.

I for one am glad Barry's not p&^%ing around supplicating himself before his betters on the Board and hoping they'll allow him access at some point. Penn State takes taxpayers money so the books have to be open, and if all of a sudden having 36 trustees making requests is burdensome then they need to beef up their staff.

If I was one of those B&I trustees who thought a ride on the Board was going to be free dinners and their picture on Old Main wall, I'd be finding some reason to step down. All those messages asking for comments from the Wall Street Journal have to be piling up. They uncovered RiteAid and Theranos.
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