She's baaaaack. Go Gatuh, Go Gatuh! She'll probably win too, sad......

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New member
Aug 29, 2012
The fact she's even allowed to run again is criminal in itself. It's been a hot topic in FL this week.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I genuinely dont understand why someone convicted of multiple federal crimes can run for office. Maybe its good that they can for some reason I cant think of? Maybe it harkens back to reps from the South being allowed to come back?
Not sure.

Someone stealing from a charity that was set up to help fund education thru scholarships should not represent people in an elected capacity.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
There seems to be a pattern here

Lets not go that direction- youtube is flooded with examples of morons regardless of party affiliation. It would be a never ending back and forth.
I did laugh when I read that Johnson's staff claimed he is really good at deadpan humor and his comment was just a way to show his concern for overpopulation. The General's ability to keep a straight face was impressive. I know I would never have that level of restraint.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I don't think dorn participated in the attempt.

And what attempt would you be referring to? This "coup" attempt?

I mean, holy ****, I understand the consternation over a relatively small group of goateed boomers storming the capital armed with cell phones and selfie sticks, chanting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America. We can't have that ****. Why couldn't they have burned and looted 12 blocks worth of property and business in downtown Minneapolis or threaten, intimidate, and disrupt the lives of federal judges and supreme court justices and their families, like good little protesters?

Stupidity on top of hypocrisy. The enema begins in November.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
They have cell phone records, and lots of other evidence. This little thing called the 1/6 commission has plenty of proof that Trump KNEW the election was not stolen, KNEW he was attempting to overturn the election illegally and stoked 1/6 through his lies in an attempt to stay in control.

This group that you keep trying to downplay forcibly took over our capitol and got within about 40 feet of Mike Pence after Trump said he might deserve what they were suggesting (to kill him) because he wouldn't act illegally. You can be dense, and try to pretend that it is anything less, but you have judges testifying that Trump and his band of idiots is STILL a legitimate "...threat to our Democracy.". This is not overreaction on my part or anyone else who takes this very seriously. Trump and the hate that he stokes through lies is a legitimate threat. There are people in Arizona refusing to certify elections yet again. His minions are saying that if they lose in 2024 they will make sure they are successful this time.

You are purposely being head in the sand on this and I've seen enough of your posts to know you are smarter than that. Unfortunately, I run across a lot of people in my circle who still just don't get it. This is NOT politics as usual.


New member
Aug 29, 2012
I'll bite on the whole "coup" deal. Did I like it? No. It was stupid. But, who here believes a group of basically unarmed (think guns etc) people can overthrow our government? That was a violent protest at best. Certainly not even to the level of burning up and taking over city blocks that the far left has participated in. I'm just as ashamed our capital can't defend itself from such a weak assed "coup" as I am the attempt at whatever that was.
But, since we're eliminating guns (not really, but that's the hype) I guess those at the capital will continue to not need guards/armed security?? I mean, they don't need those weapons for self-protection after all.
The circles our government runs in....It's a sad comedy.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
You keep pushing the Dem talking point that basically every person that refuses to vote for the socialist leaning Dem party is somehow compliant with Trump. That is nothing but a cheap, desperate political lie.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
They have cell phone records, and lots of other evidence. This little thing called the 1/6 commission has plenty of proof that Trump KNEW the election was not stolen, KNEW he was attempting to overturn the election illegally and stoked 1/6 through his lies in an attempt to stay in control.

This group that you keep trying to downplay forcibly took over our capitol and got within about 40 feet of Mike Pence after Trump said he might deserve what they were suggesting (to kill him) because he wouldn't act illegally. You can be dense, and try to pretend that it is anything less, but you have judges testifying that Trump and his band of idiots is STILL a legitimate "...threat to our Democracy.". This is not overreaction on my part or anyone else who takes this very seriously. Trump and the hate that he stokes through lies is a legitimate threat. There are people in Arizona refusing to certify elections yet again. His minions are saying that if they lose in 2024 they will make sure they are successful this time.

You are purposely being head in the sand on this and I've seen enough of your posts to know you are smarter than that. Unfortunately, I run across a lot of people in my circle who still just don't get it. This is NOT politics as usual.

You could have just said "I'm a biased progressive meathead that doesn't know what physical evidence is" and saved a bunch of keystrokes.

Was the J6 protest justified? No, like most protests, it was, at it's core, a bunch of misinformed people rallying behind a false narrative. But you have to be a special kind of stupid to think it was anything close to a coup attempt. Nobody had weapons. It was a separate group from the Trump rally which was elsewhere in Washington. This is just a bunch of people with severe TDS trying to "trump" up something that isn't there.

Nobody outside of the moron wing of the democrat party, "principled conservatives" like Liz Cheney, or really stupid people give a damn about it. That's why some terrible show like Gutfeld on Fox outdrew the J6 hearings in the ratings. The harder they try, the dumber they look.


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2008
I'll bite on the whole "coup" deal. Did I like it? No. It was stupid. But, who here believes a group of basically unarmed (think guns etc) people can overthrow our government? That was a violent protest at best. Certainly not even to the level of burning up and taking over city blocks that the far left has participated in. I'm just as ashamed our capital can't defend itself from such a weak assed "coup" as I am the attempt at whatever that was.
But, since we're eliminating guns (not really, but that's the hype) I guess those at the capital will continue to not need guards/armed security?? I mean, they don't need those weapons for self-protection after all.
The circles our government runs in....It's a sad comedy.

The fact that they were dumbasses and losers doesn't change the fact that their intent when entering the Capitol was, by their own words, to force Congress to declare Trump the winner of the election.

Hugh's Burner Phone

Well-known member
Aug 3, 2017
I'll bite on the whole "coup" deal. Did I like it? No. It was stupid. But, who here believes a group of basically unarmed (think guns etc) people can overthrow our government? That was a violent protest at best. Certainly not even to the level of burning up and taking over city blocks that the far left has participated in. I'm just as ashamed our capital can't defend itself from such a weak assed "coup" as I am the attempt at whatever that was.
But, since we're eliminating guns (not really, but that's the hype) I guess those at the capital will continue to not need guards/armed security?? I mean, they don't need those weapons for self-protection after all.
The circles our government runs in....It's a sad comedy.

They should keep it to the state level.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Didn't say anything of the sort. Simply stated that the attempted, but failed, coup was real and really driven by Trump, and he is still doing the same things he was doing, and a LOT of people are listening and acting based on his lies to this day. I have no party now. Trump runs the Republican party. The Democratic platform is not my cup of tea. But i will not play what about when the current Republican leadership actually attempted a coup and are still trying to manufacture the same results in midterm, and they are gunning for 2024. Trump and his minions are a real danger. I've not accused anyone on this board of being a minion. I've simply begged intelligent people to pay attention and put aside normal partisan thinking for a bit.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Fox put their fingers in their ears and ran 2 hours of opinion BS with no commercials for fear that someone might flip the channel during commercial and see the hearings and find some truth. Have you ever seen a network forgo revenue for two hours in such a desperate attempt to keep people from focusing on the only time in history our capitol has been taken over in a violent coup by a sitting president? I have not.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Taking over a city block vs removing democracy from out nation is not comparable. I'll take the former over the latter any day if I MUST choose. I'd prefer neither.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Fox put their fingers in their ears and ran 2 hours of opinion BS with no commercials for fear that someone might flip the channel during commercial and see the hearings and find some truth. Have you ever seen a network forgo revenue for two hours in such a desperate attempt to keep people from focusing on the only time in history our capitol has been taken over in a violent coup by a sitting president? I have not.

Yes, I have seen a network do that. NBC did it yesterday when they cut away to cover golf.

If j6 was a real issue, people would care about it. The only people who care about it are the 20% of the country pounding the table and demanding that everyone else ignore the very real issues they're facing on a daily basis to devote more time to this partisan nonsense.

I really hate that you've fallen for it, horshack. You're a smart guy...way too smart to be this gullible.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Taking over a city block vs removing democracy from out nation is not comparable. I'll take the former over the latter any day if I MUST choose. I'd prefer neither.

REmoViNG DEmocRaCY!!11!

We never were a democracy. That's a feature, not a bug.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Had Trump been successful, he would now be in a similar position to Putin the first time he usurped Russia's democracy to remain in power. I cannot see how that doesn't bother EVERYONE. I mean maybe an exception for those near Trump who would benefit directly and were part of it, but the whole rest of the country should be up in arms yet we see, just like a cross section of this board, that many continue identity politics and live in an echo chamber. I'm perplexed. That I voted for Trump twice is, post 1/6, a big hit to my character. Up until then, I was in line with party politics, everybody is a liar, none are better than the other, just different policy mentality...


Well-known member
Dec 20, 2010
That’s good

Taking over a city block vs removing democracy from out nation is not comparable. I'll take the former over the latter any day if I MUST choose. I'd prefer neither.

Because the former has happened multiple times and the latter was never even close to happening. I have a better chance of beating Alabama football by myself, 1 vs 11, than those few nut jobs had of removing democracy from our nation. Do you make a conscious effort to stick your head that far up your *** or were you born that way?


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
semantics. again. You have no defense for what actually happened so you change the subject to political specifics. we are a republic that depends on a democratic process that Trump attempted to squash. That matters. A lot. A lot more than continuing in identity politics. And you are correct, we are a fledgling to the democratic process, it having only been in place since 1965.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Do you realize that roughly 45% of our nation still supports either the Republican party (and thus Trump) or is a big fan of Trump and completely lost? That's not an insignificant percentage who value party over nation. That's a real problem.


Well-known member
Mar 11, 2008
Because the former has happened multiple times and the latter was never even close to happening. I have a better chance of beating Alabama football by myself, 1 vs 11, than those few nut jobs had of removing democracy from our nation. Do you make a conscious effort to stick your head that far up your *** or were you born that way?

Do you understand what role intent has in criminal cases? Obviously even if they had been successful beyond their wildest dreams, it wouldn't have held up in Court, but they didn't know that because they'd been told otherwise by Trump and his allies, and they weren't very bright.

If I try to rob and bank and fail, pointing out that their security was way too good for me to have been able to actually get any money isn't going to get me off the hook.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
You could have just said "I'm a biased progressive meathead that doesn't know what physical evidence is" and saved a bunch of keystrokes.

horshack was just called a biased progressive meathead.
TIL horshack is apparently progressive. Huh.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
semantics. again. You have no defense for what actually happened so you change the subject to political specifics. we are a republic that depends on a democratic process that Trump attempted to squash. That matter. A lot. A lot more than continuing in identity politics. And you are true, we are a fledgling to the democratic process, it having only been in place since 1965.

I'm not defending what happened. I said earlier that it was dumb. It doesn't rise anywhere near to the level you idiots are making it out to be, and it certainly doesn't justify a committee hell-bent on retaliation against a former president and a handful of his supporters. This **** is why we're so divided. We literally have the worst president in the history of this country driving us off the cliff in real time- and I understand the urgency behind trying to distract the public from that, but at least be honest about that. Luckily for sanity's sake and for the health of this country, nobody gives a damn about it.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I think you and I both could list out many counterexamples to this line of logic.

Objection sustained. Let me rephrase:

If what happened on J6 rose to the level of what the J6 Committee was framing it to be, more people would care about it.


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
Yes, I have seen a network do that. NBC did it yesterday when they cut away to cover golf.

If j6 was a real issue, people would care about it. The only people who care about it are the 20% of the country pounding the table and demanding that everyone else ignore the very real issues they're facing on a daily basis to devote more time to this partisan nonsense.

I really hate that you've fallen for it, horshack. You're a smart guy...way too smart to be this gullible.

I would like to know why the capital was so unprotected, I like to know why a unarmed women was shot and killed. I like to know why capital police was taking selfies with protesters if it was really a coup. If they are going to do this how about putting more than two republicans on the committee or at least the two you have are not anti trump. Let's hear opposing views and counter questions to the witnesses. This whole committee is a shame. I understand why they are doing it. It is political but Americans are more worried about inflation, gas prices, the 250K illegals that inter our country in may. Those are the things Congress should be worried about now.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
So far in my life the "worst presidents in history":

according to the right: Carter, Clinton, Obama, Biden

according to the left: Reagan, Bush, Bush, Trump<-they are right on this one

We are so divided because people don't think independently. Take something simple. A gazillion social media posts about Biden and gas prices and how we just can't drill because Biden. Meanwhile we are actually producing more domestic oil per day under Biden than we were under Trump and Biden is sending letters to oil company presidents prevailing upon them to drill and explore. I can easily state that many of Bidens positions aren't my own, but he is not the reason for oil prices. But go tell that to a partisan hack and they will just rail on the topic rather than simply look at daily production numbers (i.e. facts). It's a puzzle.

Oh, and I won't be baited into name calling. I don't think you are an idiot. I think you consume information from a very right leaning opinion side and don't try to look for truth by reading broadly and accepting facts when presented. You have the capacity, just not the willingness.
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