She's baaaaack. Go Gatuh, Go Gatuh! She'll probably win too, sad......

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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
And what attempt would you be referring to? This "coup" attempt?

I mean, holy ****, I understand the consternation over a relatively small group of goateed boomers storming the capital armed with cell phones and selfie sticks, chanting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America. We can't have that ****. Why couldn't they have burned and looted 12 blocks worth of property and business in downtown Minneapolis or threaten, intimidate, and disrupt the lives of federal judges and supreme court justices and their families, like good little protesters?

Stupidity on top of hypocrisy. The enema begins in November.

I'll bite on the whole "coup" deal. Did I like it? No. It was stupid. But, who here believes a group of basically unarmed (think guns etc) people can overthrow our government? That was a violent protest at best. Certainly not even to the level of burning up and taking over city blocks that the far left has participated in. I'm just as ashamed our capital can't defend itself from such a weak assed "coup" as I am the attempt at whatever that was.
But, since we're eliminating guns (not really, but that's the hype) I guess those at the capital will continue to not need guards/armed security?? I mean, they don't need those weapons for self-protection after all.
The circles our government runs in....It's a sad comedy.

5 security with guns drawn defending a barricaded door and congress members have evacuated. Apparently this is a picture of them overreacting since this was just a group of 'basically unarmed people' and 'chanting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America'.

It is possible for J6 to have been a big deal due to it being a violent attempt to stop the peaceful and rightful transition of government power, AND for violence and destruction of property to be a big deal during equality protests.
Both things can be wrong at the same time. It is possible for neither to be justifiable. It is possible for both to be condemned.
Both have been discussed extensively in print, on tv, on radio, on social media, and online. Both resulted in huge numbers arrested.

'but but what about violent protests in 2020 while protesting police treatment? trying to overthrow the government is nothing compared to that!'
What a 17ing **** take. Both are wrong to have happened and both are serious.
Drebin reducing j6 to 'a relatively small group...armed with cell phones and selfie sticks, chanting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America.' is about as on brand as it gets.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Just based on my wife's FB feed. I sincerely believe it is because people don't look for facts or truth. They consume opinion shows like they are news, only watch/read/listen to people they already know are going to say things they agree with and they simply live in ignorance and find their identity completely wrapped up with one party or another. That's how I was until 1/6 shook me out of my slumber and made me pay more attention.


Well-known member
Feb 5, 2010
4 weeks vs. 1 afternoon. You're right one was much worse. And let me know when four people who were shot inside the CHAZ fiasco receive 1/10th of 1 percent of the political attention the 1 afternoon received.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
You do realize that Trump did not send in any reinforcements, the level of security staffing was consistent with how they staffed for normal peaceful protests of that size, AND republicans refused to participate on the committee with two exceptions? Now Trump, Mr. Free Speech, is banning any talk of 1/6 on his social platform and clamoring for "equal time". If he wants "equal time" he should go testify under oath like a man.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
So far in my life the "worst presidents in history":

according to the right: Carter, Clinton, Obama, Biden

according to the left: Reagan, Bush, Bush, Trump<-they are right on this one

We are so divided because people don't think independently. Take something simple. A gazillion social media posts about Biden and gas prices and how we just can't drill because Biden. Meanwhile we are actually producing more domestic oil per day under Biden than we were under Trump and Biden is sending letters to oil company presidents prevailing upon them to drill and explore. I can easily state that many of Bidens positions aren't my own, but he is not the reason for oil prices. But go tell that to a partisan hack and they will just rail on the topic rather than simply look at daily production numbers (i.e. facts). It's a puzzle.

Oh, and I won't be baited into name calling. I don't think you are an idiot. I think you consume information from a very right leaning opinion side and don't try to look for truth by reading broadly and accepting facts when presented. You have the capacity, just not the willingness.

No, we are so divided as a country because people can't make honest arguments. Like your one about us producing more domestic oil per day under Biden than Trump, ignoring the rather large difference in demand and variables in the foreign market at the time versus now. It's like people giving Biden credit for adding jobs and the GDP growing last year despite the fact that was only result of the economy returning to pre pandemic levels.

If everything was great with domestic oil production and this is all just about price gouging from those evil oil companies, Biden wouldn't be begging the Saudis to pump more and looking to get into bed with Venezuela.

By any measure, Biden's presidency is a catastrophic disaster. That's why he's polling in the high 20s with independents right now. It's not a right leaning opinion.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
me too! It's a first, but unfortunately, even off message boards and in real life, if you don't toe the party line, you get labeled with the other parties "negative" labels. I wonder if anyone knows that the US is basically a liberal democracy? the horror


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
You do realize that Trump did not send in any reinforcements, the level of security staffing was consistent with how they staffed for normal peaceful protests of that size, AND republicans refused to participate on the committee with two exceptions? Now Trump, Mr. Free Speech, is banning any talk of 1/6 on his social platform and clamoring for "equal time". If he wants "equal time" he should go testify under oath like a man.

Apparently he offered the National Guard several days before but the Queen refused. Intelligent was saying there could be trouble. All that may be true or not but that is out there and I would like to know if it is true or not but this committee is not out for the truth. Don't you want to learn everything about what was done or not done or you just out to hear one side? That is all you are getting. We are not learning what needs to be changed to keep this from happening again. This committee is not out for the truth.
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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I wish I could hold up a mirror for you and you could see how much of a partisan talking point you are. I'll just be over here in the middle with no political home trying to not vote for people who prefer elections being taken by force if you need me...
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Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Drebin reducing j6 to 'a relatively small group...armed with cell phones and selfie sticks, chanting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America.' is about as on brand as it gets.

Except that's exactly what it was. Nobody's proven anything otherwise.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I mean this kind of stuff happens every election cycle. Nothing to see here.*** And we are 2 years into a president not peacefully conceding power, and not conceding position since his coup attempt failed. That feels different but it's probably nothing...


Dec 27, 2009
So far in my life the "worst presidents in history":

according to the right: Carter, Clinton, Obama, Biden

according to the left: Reagan, Bush, Bush, Trump<-they are right on this one

We are so divided because people don't think independently. Take something simple. A gazillion social media posts about Biden and gas prices and how we just can't drill because Biden. Meanwhile we are actually producing more domestic oil per day under Biden than we were under Trump and Biden is sending letters to oil company presidents prevailing upon them to drill and explore. I can easily state that many of Bidens positions aren't my own, but he is not the reason for oil prices. But go tell that to a partisan hack and they will just rail on the topic rather than simply look at daily production numbers (i.e. facts). It's a puzzle.

Oh, and I won't be baited into name calling. I don't think you are an idiot. I think you consume information from a very right leaning opinion side and don't try to look for truth by reading broadly and accepting facts when presented. You have the capacity, just not the willingness.

That's a farce and skewed statistic ... The shutdowns from Covid and lack of demand under Trump make it sound like Biden's producing more but a lot of folks don't have the capacity for objective reasoning and totally miss this perspective


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Apparently he offered the National Guard several days before but the Queen refused. Intelligent was saying there could be trouble. All that may be true or not but that is out there and I would like to know if it is true or not but this committee is not out for the truth. Don't you want to learn everything about what was done or not done or you just out to hear one side? That is all you are getting. We are not learning what needs to be changed to keep this from happening again.

You are correct.

Of course, the FAcT chEcKErs at the Washington post said it wasn't true. Then Mark Meadows produced texts from January 5 showing that it was true. Then they said, no, those were just requests for National Guardsmen to protect the Trump supporters.

You're not going to get any honesty from them, no matter how many facts you throw at them.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Trump was actually producing the most oil of any president at just under 12MM barrels/day whereas Biden is just over 12MM per day comparable. And of course Trump pumped nothing, nor did Biden. They have very little to do with what gets pumped, but you get the idea.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I wish I could hold up a mirror for you and you could see how much of a partisan talking point you are. I'll just be over here in the middle with no political home trying to not vote for people who prefer elections being taken by force if you need me...

Or, you know, you could dispute my facts to counter your biased argument that we're pumping so much more oil under Biden.

You're not in the middle. If you were, you wouldn't be making the arguments you're making, because they're extreme left arguments.


Well-known member
Nov 1, 2011
Serious question. When did the country start down this road of division? My first recollection of this all or nothing mantra was Newt Gingrich's Contract with America. I'm a republican and conservative but that's my earliest memory of this, it probably started long before that.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
"Do you realize that roughly 45% of our nation still supports either the Republican party (and thus Trump)"

100% flimsy Dem talking point. Nothing positive to campaign on so run against Trump.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
Now just how many idiots (in that crowd of idiots) actually had overthrowing the the US government on their minds ? Even a Dem operative like yourself will have trouble spinning that one.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Except that's exactly what it was. Nobody's proven anything otherwise.

Totally serious question- is your real name Rep. Andrew Clyde?
“Watching the TV footage of those who entered the Capitol and walked through Statuary Hall showed people in an orderly fashion staying between the stanchions and ropes, taking videos and pictures,” Clyde continued. “You know, if you didn’t know the TV footage was a video from January the 6th, you would actually think it was a normal tourist visit.”

Here you are, helping to barricade the door before armed guards draw their guns and face the mob trying to break in.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2012
They were so dangerous that security opened doors and welcomed them. Only thing missing was complimentary cookies and milk.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
The fact she's even allowed to run again is criminal in itself. It's been a hot topic in FL this week.

My wife summed it up simply. There are no consequences for your actions anymore, especially if you are in politics. You could be convicted and then still turn right around and try to get the same job and possibly, or probably go back and do the same things all over again without any problems from your previous misdeeds.

I should've went into politics when I was young man.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
Immediately after George Washington. He had the closest to universal support ever seen in our history. Immediately following, dirty divisive politics ruled the game and has continued.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2009
You know...the dipshits that got tricked into running into the Capitol for photo ops. Their combined IQ is probably in the double digits at best, but the Left thinks they were capable of overthrowing the US govt.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
They have cell phone records, and lots of other evidence. This little thing called the 1/6 commission has plenty of proof that Trump KNEW the election was not stolen, KNEW he was attempting to overturn the election illegally and stoked 1/6 through his lies in an attempt to stay in control.

This group that you keep trying to downplay forcibly took over our capitol and got within about 40 feet of Mike Pence after Trump said he might deserve what they were suggesting (to kill him) because he wouldn't act illegally. You can be dense, and try to pretend that it is anything less, but you have judges testifying that Trump and his band of idiots is STILL a legitimate "...threat to our Democracy.". This is not overreaction on my part or anyone else who takes this very seriously. Trump and the hate that he stokes through lies is a legitimate threat. There are people in Arizona refusing to certify elections yet again. His minions are saying that if they lose in 2024 they will make sure they are successful this time.

You are purposely being head in the sand on this and I've seen enough of your posts to know you are smarter than that. Unfortunately, I run across a lot of people in my circle who still just don't get it. This is NOT politics as usual.

Meanwhile we still can't afford to put gas in our car, buy groceries, or pay for our inflated electric bill but those things aren't as important to the majority of the country are they?

Jan 6 should have not happened but we have bigger problems than Jan 6. They do not need to be surprised if they continue to ignore every day Americans and then subsequently get their asses kicked to the curb in the upcoming elections in the next few years.


Dec 27, 2009
Trump was actually producing the most oil of any president at just under 12MM barrels/day whereas Biden is just over 12MM per day comparable. And of course Trump pumped nothing, nor did Biden. They have very little to do with what gets pumped, but you get the idea.

lol ... Trump approves pipeline construction and new Federal Leases - Biden shuts down pipeline construction and drilling on new leases


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2009
When social media cred became the most important metric of a person.


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
Immediately after George Washington. He had the closest to universal support ever seen in our history. Immediately following, dirty divisive politics ruled the game and has continued.

Somebody locked this 17ing thread. The amount of deflection and redirecting to keep arguing going on here is making me dizzy.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
Never go full retard, dorn.

Pick on me all you want, I assure you I don't put much stock in criticism from individuals I wouldn't ask advice from. But r____ is ugly talk & I encourage you to consider refraining from it.


Oct 11, 2020
Where’s the best hotel in Boston,
Oh sorry wrong thread.
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Jul 15, 2021
Fox put their fingers in their ears and ran 2 hours of opinion BS with no commercials for fear that someone might flip the channel during commercial and see the hearings and find some truth. Have you ever seen a network forgo revenue for two hours in such a desperate attempt to keep people from focusing on the only time in history our capitol has been taken over in a violent coup by a sitting president? I have not.

It must have been Tucker Carlson's overwhelming power of mind control that kept anyone from 1. Choosing to watch the J6 Telethon 2. Choosing to watch Tucker while streaming the J6 Telethon or vice versa. 3. Choosing not to watch either. I chose option 3


Dec 8, 2021
Violent coup? Where were the guns? The military?

I get it. You hate the bad orange man.

but you need to admit there were election shenanigans that caused 500,000 people to go to DC to ask the senate to investigate them.

pence got him multi million book deal as a payoff.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I genuinely dont understand why someone convicted of multiple federal crimes can run for office. Maybe its good that they can for some reason I cant think of? Maybe it harkens back to reps from the South being allowed to come back?
Not sure.

Someone stealing from a charity that was set up to help fund education thru scholarships should not represent people in an elected capacity.

Haha, I just revisited this thread and saw this post has 2 of 6 upvotes. What issue could 4 people have with it? Do they actually want people convicted of federal crimes to hold legislative office? Do they think stealing from an educational charity is OK?
I genuinely cant think of what could be disagreed with.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
You know...the dipshits that got tricked into running into the Capitol for photo ops. Their combined IQ is probably in the double digits at best, but the Left thinks they were capable of overthrowing the US govt.

I dont think the morons would have kept power from transitioning forever, but they were there on that day to stop the peaceful and rightful transition of power from Trump's administration to Biden's administration. They marched to the Capitol to 'stop the steal' and not allow the election results to be certified. That is an attempt to overthrow the democratic process. It is an attempt to overthrow democracy.

I get that phrasing in that manner is triggering to some, but its accurate.

They were charged up and only a wall away from reaching legislators who they were wanting to stop. Armed guards had barricaded the doors and had guns drawn ready to shoot. Legislators said in real time that they feared for their safety.
This wouldnt have actually changed anything, it would have just further delayed the inevitable. But in the meantime more would have been hurt and killed had the mob been more successful that day.


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
And what attempt would you be referring to? This "coup" attempt?

I mean, holy ****, I understand the consternation over a relatively small group of goateed boomers storming the capital armed with cell phones and selfie sticks, chanting the Pledge of Allegiance and singing God Bless America. We can't have that ****. Why couldn't they have burned and looted 12 blocks worth of property and business in downtown Minneapolis or threaten, intimidate, and disrupt the lives of federal judges and supreme court justices and their families, like good little protesters?

Stupidity on top of hypocrisy. The enema begins in November.

They were also chanting about hanging the Vice President… maybe that’s not a big deal either. It’s ok to say what they did that day was terrible and not try to whitewash it. It’s just as bad as all the rioting in Minneapolis.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
They were also chanting about hanging the Vice President… maybe that’s not a big deal either. It’s ok to say what they did that day was terrible and not try to whitewash it. It’s just as bad as all the rioting in Minneapolis.

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