College football has effectively gone professional and is now less stable than the NFL. In the NFL you have players under contract so there is some continuity and predictabilit’s as to who will be on your team from year to year. College football is now so unstable that an entire college team can leave for greener (in every respect) pastures with no notice. I predict there will be several side effects. First, there will be teams who cannot safely field a team for bowl games due to the number of defections after the regular season and some bowls willl get cancelled.. There will be some schools with wealthy alumni who can simply buy a team. How long will college athletics survive if alumni who have loyalty to a school disparity of supporting professional athletes who don’t have loyalty to a school. I isuggest a couple changes to adjust to the new reality and to save college football. We need to start treating players as the pro’s that they now are. Similar to professional baseball a luxury tax on NIL deals for teams with NIL money over a certain amount should be considered. If the school exceeds that amount, they lose scholarships. If a college offers and a player accepts a multi year scholarship instead of a one year scholarship and the player then leaves early (other than to the NFL draft) thatis a breach of contract and the player has to either repay the school for the tuition he would have paid absent the scholarship or otherwise be barred from playing for a year. NFL players cannot simply leave for another team if they are under contract. If college players want to be treated as pro’s then they should be hel accountable lIn the same way professional players are. What say you?