In all honesty, I believe this was the worst overall officiating I have seen and I believe if all coaches were honest, they all felt it was very hard to know how to coach their teams because calls were extremely inconsistent.
Look at yesterday for example. LSU had no fouls at all with about a minute to go in first quarter while Iowa had about 7 already. Then within a 20 second span, LSU got three fouls called on them. It was almost as if they made those calls to try and even it up. I can think of several times even the announcers were baffled by some calls. I think Lobo was stunned at some of the calls made against Boston Friday night and said it was really tough to have those called on here. The technical on Clark was iffy as well and most times a ref is behind the basket which is where she bounced the ball towards. She probably assumed a ref was there and did not intend to cause a delay of game.
Officials earn their way to these games but these ladies all seemed way in over their heads and officiated the games in a state of panic not knowing whether to make a call or not and went with making lots of calls rather than none. It was making the games hard to watch and very hard for the teams to get in any flow. Its a shame that we had lots of superstars there to play and notice that Boston sat all 2nd quarter of our game and some of first. Reese sat all second quarter and part of first yesterday. Clark had 3 fouls in first half. The refs were almost saying that they wanted to put the stars in their place and refs be in charge but it really affected outcomes of games.
A good ref is one you almost dont know is there because their calls do not determine the game, the players do. Overall the refs did determine alot about these games and not in a good way.