Sound of Freedom Movie (question)

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Active member
Oct 29, 2009
What is the uproar on this movie? or is it a documentary?

I keep reading crazy things like they are trying to ban it from being far as not selling tickets online, shutting off AC at theaters, etc....

I understand it is a movie/documentary about child trafficking....i have no intention of seeing it, but would like to know why so many folks are against it being seen?


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2016
It's about Tim Ballard who created an organization to stop sex trafficking. I also have no idea what the uproar is. You would think a movie about a guy who has set out to put an end to sex trafficking would get a positive reaction. I know the company that made it, Angel Studios, is a Christian company that also made "The Chosen" tv series.
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Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
What is the uproar on this movie? or is it a documentary?

I keep reading crazy things like they are trying to ban it from being far as not selling tickets online, shutting off AC at theaters, etc....

I understand it is a movie/documentary about child trafficking....i have no intention of seeing it, but would like to know why so many folks are against it being seen?
If anyone is trying to ban it from being seen, they’re not doing a good job. It’s made over $40 million already in just a few days. It also has a 77% score on, which means movie reviewers are liking it too. (By comparison, the new Indiana Jones movie has a score of 69%). Rolling Stone (of course) gave it a scathing review, saying it stoked Qanon conspiracy theories, but that’s not surprising, seeing that Rolling Stone is about the most hard left publication out there.
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Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
What is the uproar on this movie? or is it a documentary?

I keep reading crazy things like they are trying to ban it from being far as not selling tickets online, shutting off AC at theaters, etc....

I understand it is a movie/documentary about child trafficking....i have no intention of seeing it, but would like to know why so many folks are against it being seen?
I don’t plan on seeing it in the theaters but I will be seeing it when it comes out to streaming to see what all the fuss is about. From what I understand the movie has no Qanon implications, it’s just about the good work this man has done. I don’t understand why this has become a right vs left thing. Child trafficking is horrible and needs to be stopped. The only thing I can think is it’s because Jim Cavizel is the star and he has parroted some Qanon theories. The movie isn’t about that so can we separate the person from the work? Hell how many Harvey Weinstein movies are still available to stream right now?


Well-known member
Mar 3, 2005
There is news report that 345K unaccompanied kids have shown up at the border since 2021 and given to sponsors. About 85K of them the Department of Health and Human Services have lost track of. They don't know where they or the sponsors are fearing they are technically slaves. I don't know how true it is but usually where there is smoke there is fire. I just think there is a push to keep this quiet and this film might bring attention to it.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
Because it's Christian, duh.

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I don’t plan on seeing it in the theaters but I will be seeing it when it comes out to streaming to see what all the fuss is about. From what I understand the movie has no Qanon implications, it’s just about the good work this man has done. I don’t understand why this has become a right vs left thing. Child trafficking is horrible and needs to be stopped. The only thing I can think is it’s because Jim Cavizel is the star and he has parroted some Qanon theories. The movie isn’t about that so can we separate the person from the work? Hell how many Harvey Weinstein movies are still available to stream right now?

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The film originally had a distribution deal with 20th Century Fox but that changed when Disney bought it-- Disney passed on distributing several movies where Fox had made deals-- so there's a Disney element too.

For what it's worth, I don't plan on seeing it.

I rarely watch movies. I've not seen one this year and the only movie I saw last year was Top Gun Maverick.
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Darryl Steight

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
What is the uproar on this movie? or is it a documentary?

I keep reading crazy things like they are trying to ban it from being far as not selling tickets online, shutting off AC at theaters, etc....

I understand it is a movie/documentary about child trafficking....i have no intention of seeing it, but would like to know why so many folks are against it being seen?
(a) It's a true story on a very difficult topic, and I think a lot of people would rather not know the reality of what's out there in the world. I know for me, I have daughters and it's terrifying to think about something happening to one of them. I almost don't want to see it because I know it will be tough to watch, but have been told by people who have seen it that all parents need to see it. So I'll go.
(b) It was distributed by a 'Christian' studio, so it automatically gets panned by certain publications, not talked about by others, and a lower number of theaters upon release, etc. That has been going on forever.
(c) I think a lot of the noise about it is because the movie makes a pretty loud statement about how world governments, and in particular the US Government, place way too many other things as priority over the safety of children. I heard an interview with the guy the movie is about, and he said he was in the middle of some south american country trying to capture child traffickers when he got a call that the US was cutting the budget and he needed to come home. That's basically what the movie is about, and I assume there are some in power who don't want the focus on that.
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Well-known member
Oct 2, 2018
I know the company that made it, Angel Studios, is a Christian company that also made "The Chosen" tv series.
I don’t think Angel Studios made the movie. 20th Century Fox did it and when they were bought by Disney, Disney refused to release it. At least that’s how I understand it.

“Sound of Freedom” was originally set at 20th Century Fox and was completed in 2018 before Disney acquired the studio the following year and shelved the film. It’s now being distributed independently by Angel Studios, which recently released this spring’s Old Testament-inspired “His Only Son” and spent $15 million on the Caviezel-led action-thriller.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I don’t plan on seeing it in the theaters but I will be seeing it when it comes out to streaming to see what all the fuss is about. From what I understand the movie has no Qanon implications, it’s just about the good work this man has done. I don’t understand why this has become a right vs left thing. Child trafficking is horrible and needs to be stopped. The only thing I can think is it’s because Jim Cavizel is the star and he has parroted some Qanon theories. The movie isn’t about that so can we separate the person from the work? Hell how many Harvey Weinstein movies are still available to stream right now?
You're trying to use reason to understand the unreasonable.

And I'm not blaming specific people - Becoming unreasonable is what people do in a general sense when left to their own vices.


New member
Oct 29, 2013
What is the uproar on this movie? or is it a documentary?

I keep reading crazy things like they are trying to ban it from being far as not selling tickets online, shutting off AC at theaters, etc....

I understand it is a movie/documentary about child trafficking....i have no intention of seeing it, but would like to know why so many folks are against it being seen?
Although no reference to him at all in the movie, we all know that Jeffry Epstein was involved in human trafficking. And there are too many powerful people in this world with connections to him and trafficking itself. The implications I have heard is that there are some powerful people in this country supporting the pushback on this movie. Call it conspiracy theory or whatever you wish. But I saw the movie this weekend. Very powerful movie and I have no idea why people would be pushing back. Certainly nothing to do with right vs left. Frankly should get Oscar buz but it won’t.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I don’t plan on seeing it in the theaters but I will be seeing it when it comes out to streaming to see what all the fuss is about. From what I understand the movie has no Qanon implications, it’s just about the good work this man has done. I don’t understand why this has become a right vs left thing. Child trafficking is horrible and needs to be stopped. The only thing I can think is it’s because Jim Cavizel is the star and he has parroted some Qanon theories. The movie isn’t about that so can we separate the person from the work? Hell how many Harvey Weinstein movies are still available to stream right now?
Welp, I just spent 10 minutes reading about Cavizel and his Qanon related comments.
Apparently he was at a conference to speak about the movie and multiple Qanon promoters were also there as speakers. At the conference, Cavizel said Ballard couldnt be there because he was busy rescuing kids that victims of adrenochroming. That is a debunked Qanon conspiracy that claims elite liberals hold kids hostage and drink adrenochrome that has been pulled from the children's pituitary gland. It is a 'fountain of youth' practice, apparently.
What the absolute 17.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
I hadnt heard of the movie, but after reading the synopsis, its something I will watch if it is free on Amazon/Hulu/Netflix/Paramount/Peacock/HBO.


Well-known member
Aug 23, 2012
Although no reference to him at all in the movie, we all know that Jeffry Epstein was involved in human trafficking. And there are too many powerful people in this world with connections to him and trafficking itself. The implications I have heard is that there are some powerful people in this country supporting the pushback on this movie. Call it conspiracy theory or whatever you wish. But I saw the movie this weekend. Very powerful movie and I have no idea why people would be pushing back. Certainly nothing to do with right vs left. Frankly should get Oscar buz but it won’t.
Nail on the head. I watched it this weekend also. Tim Ballard is made of sterner stuff than most for sure - a true hero. It's a good movie about a despicable topic no normal human being would even think exists. I find it difficult to think of the number of people with the level of evil in their heart to commit such crimes (both the suppliers and the customers). I had to turn on the tube when I got home to watch something else before I went to bed just to be able to go to sleep.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
That is a debunked Qanon conspiracy that claims elite liberals hold kids hostage and drink adrenochrome that has been pulled from the children's pituitary gland. It is a 'fountain of youth' practice, apparently.
What the absolute 17.
History doesn't repeat itself, but it certainly rhymes



Well-known member
Mar 24, 2010
“Go see the film THEY DONT WANT YOU TO SEE” is great marketing. Everyone that runs to TikTok to talk about how it was warm in the moving theater in Akron just feeds into that information loop. Michael Moore films can pull a similar trick.

But, this film has been successful. A quick google search shows it as #3 box office over the weekend, I’m sure it’s getting millions of social media impression too. For a small indie studio - that’s amazing. Notice how this doesn’t remove that feeling of oppression though. Delivery that message to people is big, big business today.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Ideologues, especially those who moralize their ideology and simplify politics as a battle between good people and evil people, try to force Americans to take sides on all sorts of things especially when they prioritize some issues over others. Some have moronic takes such as the idea that pedophiles are screwing up the HVAC systems of individual theaters to keep people from seeing the movie. "And a clogged toilet too. That's what pedophiles do to protect their networks." And lefty film critics, the ones who elevate crappy films with social justice themes, think any film with a slight conservative message is gonna make Americans join Oath Keepers or some other weird group that fetishizes the word "Patriot." Epstein existed, and he used his vast wealth to get away with it, but lots of people think he was part of a vast conspiracy of child molesters involved in trafficking that goes straight to the White House (mainly Dems). We do have Hollywood and the Catholic Church (I'm Catholic btw). We're a vast country and random things happen that aren't part of some conspiracy. Trafficking of kids and young adults is serious stuff. It happens. So is murder, homelessness, drug abuse... Conservatives need to get smarter and stop falling for dumb conspiracy theories. The Left has its share of idiotic beliefs, just look at the nonsense that comes out of humantiies and social science departments on college campuses, and doesn't need to police its extremists because the Left controls a lot of cultural and opinion-making institutions. I'll watch the movie when it's available in my living room. Well, I might not because of the subject. I watched the Dahmer series and lots of crime stuff but couldn't make it through more than 30 minutes of that Epstein documentary because it infuriated me.
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Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
“Go see the film THEY DONT WANT YOU TO SEE” is great marketing. Everyone that runs to TikTok to talk about how it was warm in the moving theater in Akron just feeds into that information loop. Michael Moore films can pull a similar trick.

But, this film has been successful. A quick google search shows it as #3 box office over the weekend, I’m sure it’s getting millions of social media impression too. For a small indie studio - that’s amazing. Notice how this doesn’t remove that feeling of oppression though. Delivery that message to people is big, big business today.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
The fact that this has turned into a left vs right deal just shows the sad state that this country is in. And I am not sure how any normal human could be against someone exposing child trafficking
Are people against the idea of exposing child trafficking? It isnt a topic I have ever looked into- who does/doesnt support exposing child trafficking, so I am not sure if people are against that idea.
I havent looked into it because I just assumed anyone that is decent would support exposing human trafficking.


Well-known member
Oct 13, 2016
Welp, I just spent 10 minutes reading about Cavizel and his Qanon related comments.
Apparently he was at a conference to speak about the movie and multiple Qanon promoters were also there as speakers. At the conference, Cavizel said Ballard couldnt be there because he was busy rescuing kids that victims of adrenochroming. That is a debunked Qanon conspiracy that claims elite liberals hold kids hostage and drink adrenochrome that has been pulled from the children's pituitary gland. It is a 'fountain of youth' practice, apparently.
What the absolute 17.
He must be the first person in Hollywood to believe conspiracy theories then****

By the way, I think the Qanon people are nutjobs but if it really has gotten the reaction it has gotten because one actor is crazy, then that's a little over the top. Hell, Mark Ruffalo is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, but that didn't stop me from seeing the Avengers movies. It turns out, there are a lot of weirdos in Hollywood.


Active member
Aug 22, 2012
Who is against a movie shedding light on pedophiles and child trafficking? Pedophiles and human traffickers. Unfortunately, it's a huge business in the US.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Powerful people and institutions can protect criminals. Joe Paterno did that and he was respected by all sorts of people before it was discovered he protected a pedophile and serial sexual abuser. He was always respected more than Sherrill but we all know who the better man is.


Well-known member
Sep 18, 2004
He must be the first person in Hollywood to believe conspiracy theories then****

By the way, I think the Qanon people are nutjobs but if it really has gotten the reaction it has gotten because one actor is crazy, then that's a little over the top. Hell, Mark Ruffalo is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, but that didn't stop me from seeing the Avengers movies. It turns out, there are a lot of weirdos in Hollywood.
Yup. One thing I saw was Ballard, who has disavowed the conspiracies, was asked about them and he said "Some of these theories have allowed people to open their eyes. So now it's our job to flood the space with real information so the facts can be shared."
I can’t argue with that logic. If it sheds light on a problem and saves hundreds of lives as a result it’s fine by me. Just keep the crazy to yourself and don’t go out and commit acts of violence as a result of your crazy.
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Darryl Steight

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Because there aren't any.
No one is "for" child trafficking, or would admit it publicly. But I could see how there might be some people who would publicly poo-poo the topic, distract from it with unrelated conspiracy theories, or bring up wild stories about one of the star's political leanings, which could theoretically lead some to not want to see the movie for political reasons. I mean, I could see that happening.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
He must be the first person in Hollywood to believe conspiracy theories then****

By the way, I think the Qanon people are nutjobs but if it really has gotten the reaction it has gotten because one actor is crazy, then that's a little over the top. Hell, Mark Ruffalo is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, but that didn't stop me from seeing the Avengers movies. It turns out, there are a lot of weirdos in Hollywood.
Ruffalo believes nonsense that's about as dumb as the Q stuff. He rich and respected by the left because he has such good thoughts on issues they value. It's like the Ben and Jerry's statement on the need to give back land stolen from American Indians. They've made a fortune and could have given away their land and wealth but didn't. It's the thought that counts and makes them moral to nitwit lefties who support Equity knowing full well it doesn't require giving up any financial equity.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
No one is "for" child trafficking, or would admit it publicly. But I could see how there might be some people who would publicly poo-poo the topic, distract from it with unrelated conspiracy theories, or bring up wild stories about one of the star's political leanings, which could theoretically lead some to not want to see the movie for political reasons. I mean, I could see that happening.
You don't have to watch a movie to be against sex trafficking. If the source of the movie is regurgitating blood libel, yeah, that's a reasonable thing to point out.
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Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
He must be the first person in Hollywood to believe conspiracy theories then****

By the way, I think the Qanon people are nutjobs but if it really has gotten the reaction it has gotten because one actor is crazy, then that's a little over the top. Hell, Mark Ruffalo is a 9/11 conspiracy theorist, but that didn't stop me from seeing the Avengers movies. It turns out, there are a lot of weirdos in Hollywood.
It seems like the claimed reaction that it has gotten is really only applicable to the terminally online crowd. In that echo chamber its probably quite loud and so the reaction likely seems big, but again- thats just the terminally online crowd. Its probably a whisper or a faint mention for everyone else.

Anyways, yeah he isnt the first person in Hollywood to believe in conspiracy theories. My post about Caviezel pushing the adrenochroming conspiracy was not meant to make it seem like he is the first and only actor to push a conspiracy, and I dont think my post reads like he is the first and only actor. Just because others have dont it doesnt mean Caviezel shouldnt be laughed at or ripped on for also pushing a universally debunked conspiracy. I mentioned it because Caviezel claimed it was the reason why the actual guy who fights child trafficking wasnt at the conference. To me, that is different from an actor just randomly believing a conspiracy and not bringing it up at an interview or a conference talk.

Again- some actors believe crazy stuff. Your Ruffalo example is one. I havent said I wont watch the movie due to Caviezel believing a Qanon conspiracy, and I actually said I would likely watch the movie. But just because others spout off with ignorance doesnt mean Caviezel shouldnt be called out for his ignorance.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Are people against the idea of exposing child trafficking? It isnt a topic I have ever looked into- who does/doesnt support exposing child trafficking, so I am not sure if people are against that idea.
I havent looked into it because I just assumed anyone that is decent would support exposing human trafficking.
People in Hollywood have sexually abused women since it was founded. Harvey Weinstein was celebrated even though everyone knew who he was and what he did. He was a friend of the Clintons and Obamas and visited the White House a bunch of times. But, gosh, how would they ever know what he did? It wasn't something they looked into or even considered might be true. These are people who could find out what Brazil's ambassador had for breakfast whenever they wanted to but didn't know what Epstein was up to. I'm supposed to believe that? Anyway, let's just move on from that now and forget it ever happened because 3 Percenters or something.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Who is against a movie shedding light on pedophiles and child trafficking? Pedophiles and human traffickers. Unfortunately, it's a huge business in the US.
Some people online consider anything anti pedophile to be anti LGBTQ+ rhetoric. That "+" harbors a lot of sick perverts that have co-opted the gay rights movement to argue for their right to be attracted to minors and animals.
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Well-known member
Mar 24, 2010
The fact that this has turned into a left vs right deal just shows the sad state that this country is in. And I am not sure how any normal human could be against someone exposing child trafficking
I don’t see much L vs R here. We have laws against child trafficking, we have law enforcement to enforce them. On an international stage, I expect the US and our allies to be leading the charge against trafficking.

But QANON is dangerous. Especially on topics like vaccines and child safety. It seems reasonable to hold those views against someone directly involved in the film’s production in the same way we would if they had a long history of antisemitic comments.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
People in Hollywood have sexually abused women since it was founded. Harvey Weinstein was celebrated even though everyone knew who he was and what he did. He was a friend of the Clintons and Obamas and visited the White House a bunch of times. But, gosh, how would they ever know what he did? It wasn't something they looked into or even considered might be true. These are people who could find out what Brazil's ambassador had for breakfast whenever they wanted to but didn't know what Epstein was up to. I'm supposed to believe that? Anyway, let's just move on from that now and forget it ever happened because 3 Percenters or something.
Wow, was this intended to be a response to what I posted, or did you just click reply to the post closest to your cursor so you could start typing out this rant?


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Some people online consider anything anti pedophile to be anti LGBTQ+ rhetoric. That "+" harbors a lot of sick perverts that have co-opted the gay rights movement to argue for their right to be attracted to minors and animals.


Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
Wow, was this intended to be a response to what I posted, or did you just click reply to the post closest to your cursor so you could start typing out this rant?
"It isnt a topic I have ever looked into- who does/doesnt support exposing child trafficking"
I responded to that, the idea that it isn't something you checked out because all reasonable people believe yada, yada, yada. I think that's a typical attitude that dismisses legit concerns about what actually occurs but is ignored or not even looked into because conservatives complain about it. All reasonable people support exposing sexual harassment and assault. Yet Weinstein was a friend of the Obamas and Clintons and they aren't criticized for hosting the guy at the White House.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
"It isnt a topic I have ever looked into- who does/doesnt support exposing child trafficking"
I responded to that, the idea that it isn't something you checked out because all reasonable people believe yada, yada, yada. I think that's a typical attitude that dismisses legit concerns about what actually occurs but is ignored or not even looked into because conservatives complain about it. All reasonable people support exposing sexual harassment and assault. Yet Weinstein was a friend of the Obamas and Clintons and they aren't criticized for hosting the guy at the White House.
Man you're right, that's weird, you never really hear any criticism about the Clintons or Obamas.
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Well-known member
Oct 1, 2022
I don’t see much L vs R here. We have laws against child trafficking, we have law enforcement to enforce them. On an international stage, I expect the US and our allies to be leading the charge against trafficking.

But QANON is dangerous. Especially on topics like vaccines and child safety. It seems reasonable to hold those views against someone directly involved in the film’s production in the same way we would if they had a long history of antisemitic comments.
Qanon is dumb. Some people have bad reactions to vaccines, something that's normal. Qanon decides that vaccines are now dangerous and part of some elaborate conspiracy to control or kill people. Cancer treatments brutalize some people but oncologists aren't part of some conspiracy to ruin the lives of others. I remember growing up in a mixed neighborhood how The Man was in charge of all sorts of nefarious things. I never found out who The Man was but apparently Q has.
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