Chris Lemonis = 1 very slow walkCade Smith = 5 walks
AZ Pitcher = 0 walks
Yea. The hitting faces this pitching in scrimmages/practice. We know our pitching sucks. We know nothing about our hitting yet.I mentioned a few days ago that we better not get too happy about our batting until we saw them against a few decent pitchers, and this game isn’t making me feel very good about that so far
Friday night starter**3 innings
3 hits, 6 walks, 1 hbp, 5 earned runs
I don't know why everyone thinks he's a good Pitching Coach?Yet happening over and over and over again with virtually any pitcher that Foxhall has had more than a season to work with
Not for me. I'll just tune them out and not worry about it.Gonna be a LONG year boys!
His talent ran out on him too and he's got nothing this year either.Bring Butch back! At least he knows pitchers!!!
No, per BartIs the run rule in effect for these games?
I hope so to save even worse embarrassment.Is the run rule in effect for these games?
Anyway we could get Kermit to stop by and pick up Lemonis' fat ***.........Good start.**
ASU’s lead off hitter nearly doubled down the line, then pulled the next pitch over the left field wall.
1-0 ASU.
It’s baseball. But when you’ve had 1 game out of the 1st 6 that you looked even decent in, it’s a real problem.I know it's baseball and tomorrow could be different but this just looks like a really bad team. I might have a lot of free time by not watching and going to games this year.
Yep, home plate ump caught it but ASU did not, so it wasn't pursued. Again, not that it matters . . . . . except something that you learn in T - Ball - you ALWAYS touch the bases, all of them.Jordan didn’t touch home plate
not that it matters…..