I’ve been a CSpire customer for almost 30 years, ever since they were Cellular South and maybe the best cellular provider in Mississippi. That has changed drastically in the past few years. CSpire is about to force me to find another provider. I can’t be on the phone for over 2 minutes without the person on the other line saying “you’re breaking up” or “I only heard half of what you said” no matter where I’m at. It always happens at the worst time when I’m on the phone with a client trying to explain something in detail. I’m also sick of the internet not working on my phone whenever I’m in a well-populated area and my phone says I have 3 to 5 bars of service. Whenever it does work, it is excruciatingly slow. It has only been getting worse and worse. Now I’m even starting to have no service in places that I used to always have service. There were always places you would expect to drop a call, but now it can happen anywhere at any time it seems. It’s very frustrating, and I’m beyond sick of it. CSpire seems to only be focused on their fiber now. I know I’ve seen another thread on this before, but what are your opinions on who is currently the best cellular provider for someone who lives in east Mississippi?