And you don't realize how dumb (or intentionally ignorant) you really are. Take away the guns (or try), these crimes will continue to happen, as the guns will be obtained on the black market. We have violent people here, not violent guns. Other countries don't have that. It's such a common sense thing that I don't think it's possible for the brainwashed sheep like you to ever comprehend. People are different.
Guns actually keep people in line more than you will ever understand, as well. You'll never understand that these events, while plastered all over the news, are almost non-existently (that's likely not a word) rare as far as a percentage of population. Many many more crazies are thwarted because of the threat of retaliation. Not to mention how many stabbings or beatings are prevented/stopped with guns. And without them, most people are sitting ducks in society. Because people are mean, there are bullies, there are predators, there are villains. You seem to think people are inherently good and will be better if people like you just 'explain' things to them. EL OH 17-ING EL.
Thankfully I'm sobered up this morning and don't just give you a 17 you pusstard comment or similar. If you truly want to change things you'll start trying to figure out how to change the people, not the guns. But you just parrot the same old talking point, no individual or independent thought at all.
I’m pretty sure you and I are on the same side of this debate but your first paragraph is pretty silly. Other countries don’t have violent people. Be honest about it… everywhere has violent and crazy people. There is way more access to guns here, there is no denying that. That is certainly part of the problem. But where you and I agree is that the problem can’t be solved by taking a right away from law abiding people, like most gun owners are. The fact is, and what golfer does not want to admit, there has been no “common sense” reform suggested that would have solved most of the mass shootings.
Once more, I don't want to a ban on guns.
Goat- your claim that other countries are simply not violent is 17ing absurd. A real conversation can't be had when someone approaches it with such a disconnect from reality.
Ronny- please list what you view to be 'common sense'. That term is largely meaningless since both sides seem to think their view is common sense, but I would enjoy some details.
As I have posted in the past, I do not want a ban on guns.
The right to bear arms is one that has been limited for decades now, so the claim that 2a is sacred is simply BS. We aren't allowedd to own many types of arms and yet that reality is ignored(or not even recognized) by many.
I want guns that can hold fewer than 5 bullets to be legal.
Once again, guns should be legal.
My idea will not stop all gun killings. It will not stop all mass shootings. But it will make it more difficult for mass shootings to realistically happen. Sure someone could bring 10 guns with them and effectively have 50 bullets still, but I think that is more difficult to pull off and less likely to happen.
My idea would still allow for everyone to carry, so that emotional fear wouldn't be an issue.
Once again, it would not solve everything. I have never claimed it would solve everything. I think it would improve things though.
Here is the kicker- I have seen nothing from gun advotcates that would legitimately reduce mass shootings.
- The common suggestion is access to mental health. OK then, but that's hollow since social Healthcare spending is constantly threatened to be reduced or eliminated by the right.
- Another common suggestion is to further arm the populace and that would allow the public to take action and shoot people that would potentially harm others. That's straight absurd since we have more carrying than I've ever known in my life and mass shootings certainly aren't going down.
If someone has a solution that would actually reduce mass shootings, I'm all ears.
Until then, I will continue to find the prayers sent to victims to be insulting and hollow.