Tennessee Football


Well-known member
Jan 18, 2022
Well, they aren't. And nobody would be discussing them if I hadn't brought up all the nuthugging last year. There is a prettier girl in town this year. It'll be someone else next year.

But we are. So let's discuss.

Do you think we'll equal their 9-4 second year with an outback bowl win?

Or do you want to talk about our game against them?

I think either one highlights why you're regretting bringing them up.

Atlanta Cock

Well-known member
Jan 18, 2022
such a liar. Nobody every said that Satterfield was "awesome", just that he deserved some time to fix this instead of howling monkey calling for him to be fire after 3 games.

And Heupel already ran an undefeated team into the ground and then lied and claimed he built it "from the ground up".

All Hendon Hooker. You will see.
This guy is SC.

gamecock stock

Well-known member
Jan 21, 2022
No, they can't. That's why they aren't.

Yeah, a game the defense lost, not the offense. And they are still 5-3 THIS year, with a bad loss to TAMU.
You often defend the Satterfield offense that is 99th in the nation. Our defense is far and away doing better than the offense. It is ranked 51st in the nation out of 131 teams. Just imagine how much better the defense would be if we had an offense that could produce and sustain drives.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2022
How he got their is important, because it is by far the exception, not the rule. You can't just look at the best case scenarios and say "why hasn't that been the case here?"

I remember the same line about Arkansas last year. Why hadn't done in half a year what Arkansas did in a year and a half. Now they are 5-3 this year, and people have moved on to Tennessee because she is the pretty new girl in town.

It took a legendary offensive coach 5 or 6 years to get our offense going here, and it was never really great. Not sure why anybody believed it was going to be a quick turnaround here. I saw many of the same issues we saw Sat several years into Spurrier's tenure.

And again, I'll ask the same question that nobody seems to want to answer becaise they would just rather scream about firing the OC. Who could we get and how long will you give them?

I agree that what Heupel has done with UT's offense in 21 games is far from normal. Yes, it's a perfect storm of coaching and talent and we can't expect that here. However, UT"s offense was slightly worse than ours in 2019. While our offense is just a few points better (about 4 I think), their offense has more than doubled from about 22 ppg to 47, I'm not saying our offense should have done the same. That would obviously be unreasonable. But I don't think it's unreasonable to ask for more than a 4 point improvement after 21 games.

ALL I'm asking to see is improvement, and thus far I see none. After 21 games, there's nothing in particular we do better offensively. Notably, we are the slowest of slow starters. Our offense basically doesn't even show up until the second half. In league play, we essentially forfeit the first quarter (unless the D helps us out and spots us the ball in the red zone). After 21 games I can't wrap my head around how Satterfield can't figure out a way to jump start this offense earlier in games. It's chronic.

There are plenty of examples of head coaches and OCs who step in and breathe life into an offense immediately. What Heupel has done is the extreme and an anomaly, but plenty of coaches find ways to score more points quicker than 21 games. I gave Satterfield a pass last year, but how many years do we have to give him a pass? If this year, why not next? And the next?

Should we see a totally revamped offense after 21 games? Maybe, but I don't think it's essential. However, after 21 games, should we be able to point to a few specific areas of definitive improvement? I think so. But we can't do that.
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Well-known member
Jan 19, 2022
Per Tony Romo, Heupel will get interest from NFL teams this off-season:

“We were watching Tennessee upset Bama a couple weeks back, remember?” Romo said to Jim Nantz on the broadcast. “Tennessee head coach Josh Heupel, remember he was at Central Florida with Scott Frost when he went undefeated, goes over here to Tennessee. Brings them back now to prominence. He will be on the radar for every NFL team after this year.”

With how connected Romo is to the NFL world, the comment very likely could be coming from someone he trusts within the league.

“Just throwing that one out there for you,” Romo said to close.

“I’m looking at you, and I know you know something,” Nantz said back to Romo. “So, okay.”

“Not saying he’s going to go,” Romo responded. “But I’m just saying they’ll be asking if he is wanting to.”

I seriously, seriously doubt Heupel would give up what he's got there in Knoxville, but it would be great if he did.


Jan 24, 2022
I love all these folks.....have all the answers but have never even played, must less coached football.


Active member
Aug 5, 2022
Per Tony Romo, Heupel will get interest from NFL teams this off-season:

“We were watching Tennessee upset Bama a couple weeks back, remember?” Romo said to Jim Nantz on the broadcast. “Tennessee head coach Josh Heupel, remember he was at Central Florida with Scott Frost when he went undefeated, goes over here to Tennessee. Brings them back now to prominence. He will be on the radar for every NFL team after this year.”

With how connected Romo is to the NFL world, the comment very likely could be coming from someone he trusts within the league.

“Just throwing that one out there for you,” Romo said to close.

“I’m looking at you, and I know you know something,” Nantz said back to Romo. “So, okay.”

“Not saying he’s going to go,” Romo responded. “But I’m just saying they’ll be asking if he is wanting to.”

I seriously, seriously doubt Heupel would give up what he's got there in Knoxville, but it would be great if he did.
For the same or, more likely, more money and no recruiting or riding herd on a bunch of 18-22 yr olds and the ego massage of coaching at the highest level of the sport he is in I think Huepel would take an NFL job in a skinny minute. Huepel isn't stupid, he knows UT is having a one off year this year and he is the belle of the ball. If he turned down NFL money and UT regresses to even 9-3 type seasons the bloom is off the rose for Huepel as far as being a hot commodity. Huepel has no allegiance to UT outside of the paycheck and I'm sure he is already working with his agent to leverage the media lovefest this season into a huge raise and extensions with guaranteed money. I look for a Mich St/Mel Tucker style deal after this season for Huepel if he stays in Knoxville.


Well-known member
Jan 19, 2022
For the same or, more likely, more money and no recruiting or riding herd on a bunch of 18-22 yr olds and the ego massage of coaching at the highest level of the sport he is in I think Huepel would take an NFL job in a skinny minute. Huepel isn't stupid, he knows UT is having a one off year this year and he is the belle of the ball. If he turned down NFL money and UT regresses to even 9-3 type seasons the bloom is off the rose for Huepel as far as being a hot commodity. Huepel has no allegiance to UT outside of the paycheck and I'm sure he is already working with his agent to leverage the media lovefest this season into a huge raise and extensions with guaranteed money. I look for a Mich St/Mel Tucker style deal after this season for Huepel if he stays in Knoxville.

I don't know. After seeing Rhule and Meyer spectacularly flamed out, I would think he'd be leery.