We moved back home to Mississippi after living in Texas for 12 years in 2000. My children were in the Midway ISD (a suburb of Waco) which was one of the most highly-rated school districts in Texas. Both of my children struggled in one of the smallest school districts in Mississippi after we moved back here. They struggled in English, math and science. My wife and I were both shocked, because we assumed that they would excel in Mississippi public schools. As it turned out that was far from reality. They actually benefitted here in Mississippi from smaller class sizes, and the teachers actually gave them more one-on-one instruction than they ever had in Texas-as it turned out, that was a blessing. Texas and other states love to “toot their own horns” about their great elementary, middle school and high school educational systems, but our experience definitely paints a different picture from what Texas wanted us to believe. Texas loves to brag about their zero state income taxes, no sales taxes on groceries, pharmaceutical drugs, etc., but they don’t talk about their property taxes. The property taxes go to the local schools (the same schools that they love to brag about) are 10x what we pay in Mississippi. We had a $200,000 home in a suburb of Waco (Hewitt, TX) with property taxes of over $3,500/year and built a $250,000 house in rural Mississippi with property taxes of approximately $700/year and our kids got a hell of a lot better education in Mississippi in the meantime. The proof is in the pudding, as the saying goes. People believe whatever they want to believe, and that’s fine. To each his own. I just know from first-hand experience that you cannot believe whatever the census-takers tell you. They make the statistics look however they want to make them look. Both of my kids ended up with academic scholarships-but it wasn’t because of anything that happened to them in Texas. It was in spite of that, from our experience. They got those scholarships because they sweated blood in those classrooms in Mississippi-because they were far behind due to their education in Texas. As a result of our personal experience, you better not believe even 25% of what the “educational experts” tell you. We seriously considered placing our kids in private schools when we relocated here in 2000, but after talking to friends and family we quickly realized that most parents in our area choose private schools due to opportunities to excel in sports/extracurricular activities, which means dick compared to actually learning. The first mission of school should be to provide the absolute best to be had academically. That was our first priority as parents, and we put our children in one of the smallest public schools in Mississippi because of that. We have no regrets from doing that.