The Faked Injury Epidemic


Active member
Nov 16, 2005
Cramps are a real thing, even if they’re faked a lot. I think a time out or sitting out for the remainder of the series is sufficient. If it’s still a major problem after that, then you can escalate the punishment.
I like the sit out the rest of the series plan. Same as sitting out a play, but a little longer. But I guess they could always run a 4th string walk on out there and have him fall out.


Active member
Jan 23, 2007
Pretty simple to fix. Game stopped for injury, player is out for remainder of quarter no matter what.
Not the remainder of the quarter because this happens most at the end of the game in the last view minutes. Do 15 minutes of game time and let it roll into the next game. The second time for the year that the same player does it make it 30 minutes, etc. Ideally it would be for only offensive time on the field if you or an offensive player, or defensive time for a defensive player.
Nov 22, 2023
Review each injury to determine if it was signaled after the game. If determined to be faked, the university has to donate $100k to their instate rival's NIL. We'll have the biggest war chest ever, or Ole Miss will have to cut that schitt out.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
I like the sit out the rest of the series plan. Same as sitting out a play, but a little longer. But I guess they could always run a 4th string walk on out there and have him fall out.
If they are faking injuries, they are either trying to slow down the offense or it is related to clock management. So I think pretty much any time you'd have to have somebody that's out there actually playing to do it.

Still have the ability to do it once or twice on a drive probably without really hurting your team. On offense, can probably pretty safely interchange your third WR for your fourth. Maybe you have two more or less interchangeable RBs. And can have a TE go down and replace him with a WR (or a vice versa if you are a no TE formation) without losing much probably.

On defense, you probably have a couple or starters that are only marginally better than the backup, but that could get pretty dangerous quickly.


Well-known member
Oct 6, 2012
The injured employee must set it out at least the rest of the quarter and the next quarter. If deemed a fake by the league office, then the HC should be suspended one game.


Active member
Sep 15, 2016
So QB1 hurts his hand during a play and has to come out. The opposing coach can then say QB2 can't be in for the next play?
That's brutal, especially in a tight game, or a 3rd and 10 situation, etc.
Likely, a hand injury would not require a stoppage of play because the injured player could just run off the field.

Any injury that does not require a stoppage of play would not be subject to any sort of penalty.
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