It's been 42 years since I listened to that record. It just came to me. I really liked that record when I was in college, especially this song.Lake, wowee!
I would put that in the Songs You Hate thread
Going back 50 years for this. Still a nice listen
Not a great one, but a fun little novelty song for sure.
Spot on Bob. 1969/1972 were phenomenal years for music.Sirius/XM is doing a "50 albums turning 50" deal on Ch. 26 Classic Vinyl, going on right now. They have a special channel set up to play one song from each album as well. Really every one selected is a great, great listen imo. I'm in classic rock heaven listening to it off and on today.
1972 might rival any other year as the best ever for great rock music. Of course, 1969 was another very nice year as well.
Help a brother out:
Fake sweetness.saccharine ?