The pass was incomplete.


Active member
Jan 31, 2022
I believe that was the right call after the review that the pass was incomplete as the Hurricanes hang on to beat the Gobblers. The ESPN commentators was silenced and maybe in disbelief after the play was reviewed and called incomplete.

Not sure if Miami is a playoff team with how their defense performed tonight.

In the third quarter the Gobblers should have kicked the field goal instead of the doomed fake field goal.


Well-known member
Jan 22, 2022
It wasn’t that call that changed the game. Once again, the referees decided the outcome of the game when they threw the bogus made up holding Call on Virginia Tech when they’re running back ran for a long touchdown. It was late in the game and that game was sealed with that run. The ref threw a flag and the player tagged made a great block. Announcers were stunned.

I have said it on here many times, but the article I read many years ago on a plane from a referee who wanted to remain anonymous, talked about how he could change the game by simply dropping the proverbial holding flag anytime he wanted.

Miami got beat….ACC refs said no.

Harvard Gamecock

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2022
My take on the last play.

When you watch all the players come down, after a brief pause you see #43 for Miami come away with the ball. Then the refs rush in confer and make the call.
But at that point, it appears to me, that the refs are now rushing in to take a look, then they confer, then make a call. In my opinion, if they weren't right on top of the play, and you have to discuss the circumstances, you should not be awarding a TD without 1oo% certainty on your part.

Harvard Gamecock

Well-known member
Jan 20, 2022
It wasn’t that call that changed the game. Once again, the referees decided the outcome of the game when they threw the bogus made up holding Call on Virginia Tech when they’re running back ran for a long touchdown. It was late in the game and that game was sealed with that run. The ref threw a flag and the player tagged made a great block. Announcers were stunned.

I have said it on here many times, but the article I read many years ago on a plane from a referee who wanted to remain anonymous, talked about how he could change the game by simply dropping the proverbial holding flag anytime he wanted.

Miami got beat….ACC refs said no.
I agree that call is questionable, but on replay from behind the line, the ref throws the flag immediately, way before the VT RB is running down the field, so the ref could not possibly know what the outcome of the play would have been..

To be fair, there were 1 or 2 PI's against Miami, that were pretty shoddy, considering for the most part that was going on most of the game for both sides.

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