There has been a lot of complaining about our offense...


New member
Oct 10, 2006
0 response though. While I agree that our style of offense helps a player get to the next level better than the spread, why is this argument always made in reference to MSU football? Let's get real. We don't send football players to the NFL on a regular basis do we? And if that's the case, then why does what scheme we run matter one damn bit except how it's helping us win games in the SEC? Is our primary concern supposed to be whether or not our players get to the next level, or is it supposed to be winning games? From my viewpoint, Croom is (over)paid to do one thing, win games. However he does it is not any concern of mine just as long as he gets it done. If he can do it with the WCO and stiff defense, then he should keep doing it as long as we're consistent. If it becomes obvious that we need to change our offensive scheme to something like the spread, then we better do it. Whatever it takes. Just win baby!
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