Thinking about those in Jackson…

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Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
You remind me of a child who just learned a new word and can’t stop saying it whether it applies or not.


New member
Sep 17, 2015
Jackson has done this to themselves as far as letting the $$$$$$$$ leave. I have a friend that had a THRIVING business in Jackson that gave the Mayor years of notice that if the water/sewage problem wasn't fixed he had no choice but to move all his residents to a town that would actually help him out. Also had tires and catalytic converters cut off of every company van they had mulitple times. Video of the people doing it and nothing was ever done. The mayor said he couldn't help. The mayor calls him a racist for moving his business where he can have utilities and a working police force that actually patrols through local business. Low and behold, in 2 years of being in Madison, utilities work and all catalytic converters intact.
Bury your head if you want but there is no getting Jackson back. I'm actually trying to get my wife to agree to move back to the country to get farther away than Madison. It will come here when all the life is finished being sucked out of the Metro area.


New member
Aug 29, 2012
The people of Jackson could've moved out years ago. And they should've. But, with the whole "Build back better" the federal government is supposedly touting as a huge infrastructure improvement initiative, seems to me there should be some money available now to fix a lot of this. Especially with the new "inflation bill".
Places like Jackson get so bad, everyone kinda turns their backs on it because they can't get out of their own way.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
A big reason Jackson is what it is is BECAUSE people moved out. And its all making our brain drain only worse.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
just my 2 cents, but it's not the state taxpayer's responsibility to take care of Jackson's decades old problem of giving water away as a form of buying votes, and therefore, not having the income to maintain their systems. every other water system in the state is a money maker for municipalities, and more than maintains itself with the income generated by COLLECTED rates. What needs to happen is Jackson needs to fall into bankruptcy, and then a judge can throw out the idiots running it (into the ground), and maybe get something accomplished.

btw, what happened to the Siemens money they got?

This is what happens when you throw money at idiots. It evaporates and never is used for what it's intended.

Not sure this is true. I think lots of cities collect enough to pay for operating expenses but not depreciation. They either scrounge for grants to pay for capital expenses or just roll it into the city's general debt, and while the water and sewer system "makes money", it's not necessarily enough to service the debt associated with the water and sewer system.


Well-known member
Mar 6, 2008
No, no, no. You have to type it as Kenny said it.


It’s too glorious not to quote accurately.


New member
Aug 29, 2012
A big reason Jackson is what it is is BECAUSE people moved out. And its all making our brain drain only worse.

What you expect when the crime and services and leadership are so bad? Expecting people to put up with that **** is laughable liberal BS takes. People would gladly stay if those problems were corrected.


Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
I get all of it. But if people had stayed long ago we could have elected better leaders. And we could attract better businessss and young people. Instead we are fooling ourselves into thinking young people want to stay in MS to live in suburbs. Jackson was not like this 30 years ago when the migration started.


New member
Sep 29, 2021
What you say IS true as far as white flight BUT Jackson was in its peak in the 80s/early 90s, population wise and otherwise. So that doesn’t jive buddy. Just because white people left in south Jackson doesn’t mean there were not similar economic folks of color replacing them.

The real problem started in the mid 90s when the upper middle class of all colors started to move out because crime and basic city services started to show the signs of neglect, along with higher taxes. Don’t get me wrong, there are still elites in Eastover and to a lesser extent, Belhaven.


Well-known member
May 6, 2009
If Mitt Romney moved to Jackson and ran for mayor on a campaign to restore the city’s basic infrastructure, Chokwe Lumamba would still beat him in a landslide. You know it. And I know it. And why would someone so incompetent beat someone who was so competent? Woke identity politics. Being woke has everything to do with this.

I believe you’re right about Chokwe would beat Romney. But that’s not woke. Please give an example of the wokeness in the city of Jackson politics? It’s just incompetence. I mean Kenneth stokes is likely the Jackson politician that seems the most normal right now… think about that for a minute.

Incompetent absolutely… but I’ve seen nothing work from the city of Jackson.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
If Mitt Romney moved to Jackson and ran for mayor on a campaign to restore the city’s basic infrastructure, Chokwe Lumamba would still beat him in a landslide. You know it. And I know it. And why would someone so incompetent beat someone who was so competent? Woke identity politics. Being woke has everything to do with this.

Yea, that's just traditional, racial/identity politics and the corruption that results. Woke is something else. I don't doubt lots of leadership may be woke now, but it's been a minor contribution. THe city isn't failing because they are hiring gender studies majors to run the water plants. The city is failing because a majority of its residents view the number one qualification for getting a vote for whatever position being that they look like them, and there is no minimum level of competence required. And then the elected leadership that results applies that same policy to a lot of key positions throughout the city. It's as simple as that.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Everyone wants to pigeon hole Jackson’s problems neatly into their worldview. The truth is the problems are myriad.

1. Leadership has been atrocious at least since Dale Danks left. Not only are they incompetent, but they will openly refuse help if it doesn’t come from the right people.

2. The white folks left and took the money. This started because of racism (in its purest form) and continues due to number 1.

3. City leaders kicking the can down the road. We’re paying now for not doing basic maintenance for the last 40 years.

4. Bills that would be helpful to Jackson are routinely killed because they are “Jackson Bills.” Elected leaders from around the state know they better not help those people in Jackson or they won’t be elected much longer.

Tons of white people with money would love to live in the city. At any time, the residents of Jackson could have chosen to elect people based on competency rather than skin color and people with money would have flooded back in. If they had also pushed for a voucher system to where even middle class families could afford to live there, it'd be booming compared to anywhere else in the state. I'm not bashing them because I'm not sure I would act differently if I and my family had been on the receiving end of racism like theirs, but you can't blame white people that left 50 years ago for the voters decision to keep making it unattractive for anybody that hasn't had the money to live in Eastover and pay $12-$18k per kid for private school education without it cramping their lifestyle.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
If Mitt Romney moved to Jackson and ran for mayor on a campaign to restore the city’s basic infrastructure, Chokwe Lumamba would still beat him in a landslide. You know it. And I know it. And why would someone so incompetent beat someone who was so competent? Woke identity politics. Being woke has everything to do with this.

Now do the Mississippi cities where David Duke would defeat Joe Manchin


Active member
Dec 2, 2007
Yea, that's just traditional, racial/identity politics and the corruption that results. Woke is something else. I don't doubt lots of leadership may be woke now, but it's been a minor contribution. THe city isn't failing because they are hiring gender studies majors to run the water plants. The city is failing because a majority of its residents view the number one qualification for getting a vote for whatever position being that they look like them, and there is no minimum level of competence required. And then the elected leadership that results applies that same policy to a lot of key positions throughout the city. It's as simple as that.

Correct - it has nothing to do with woke and more to do with a voter base that is uneducated in matters and keeps electing people that are most incapable of doing a good job because they are in over their heads. They then hand out favors to friends who are also out of their element and you get a huge snowball effect.

Incompetence isn’t solely a Democrat or Republican issue, nor is it woke. They’ve just had unqualified and poor leadership for years and it’s coming to a head now.

It’s a shame to the state taxpayers are going to have to foot the bill but there really isn’t any choice now. Fixing it isn’t going to be quick and easy though.

The city has seen too many business leave (some it’s own fault, others not) as well as those with higher earnings and now you have a big infrastructure with massive deficiencies with a reduced tax base.

I would like to think it’s very possible to run a city somewhat effectively on the existing tax revenue but I do have some doubts here.
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Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
Once it gets so bad that you are about to delve into chaos, the City will abandon much of the corruption and find a way to fix the ****, even if it's with the help of the state. We are approaching that stage right now. Before now, too many have been worried about greasing their buddies' pockets but if you without water long enough you'll have a full scale riot on your hands.

My question is - why isn't this front page news on CNN? Where is the President? Where is Bennie Thompson? Why isn't federal money flowing in to fix this? Don't they want to 'help' people?
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Well-known member
May 29, 2007
I have two very affluent (super nice) black couples living within two houses of me who fled Jackson. Are they racist for leaving ???


New member
Sep 17, 2016
I just moved back to this damn place. What the hell did ya'll do? 160K MS residents are about to be without drinking water??


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
I have two very affluent (super nice) black couples living within two houses of me who fled Jackson. Are they racist for leaving ???

I really can't tell if you are being intentionally obtuse or if you just have zero skills in reading comprehension.

Maroon Eagle

Well-known member
May 24, 2006
It is front page news on cnn's website: the fourth major headline.

Reeves declared a state of emergency yesterday afternoon/evening. We'll see what happens and if he talks to Guest & Thompson about bringing this up at the federal level-- if it's not been done already.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
A charter revocation causes the municipality to cease to exist but it doesn’t really solve the larger problems (public safety/quality of life/public health, etc) and it doesn’t address the greater issue which is the insolvency and who pays the debt that is outstanding. We need a state statute that creates a receivership process similar to the one employed in Michigan whereby the governor declared the city in receivership, shitcanned the elected leadership and appointed a receiver (a kickass public manager with serious turn-around chops). It worked well for Detroit.

I would say a receivership process doesn't really solve the larger problem of having a city population incapable of self governance. How long can you keep a city from having elected leadership?

A charter revocation would give the state the chance to break up the city into smaller municipalities. Have the state take over the water and sewer and invest money into with the intent to eventually sell to a for profit entity regulated by MPSC. Make a capitol district that includes downtown, Belhaven, and Fondren and that will immediately be a viable municipality. One Circuit and Chancery District with appointed judges subject to recall. Authorize the formation of 3 or four more municipalities. NE Jackson would be one, then have a South Jackson and West Jackson? Not sure on how to break them up. They can by vote incorporate or not with a special election. If they choose to incorporate, they can also choose to be part of Capitol District or stay part of Hinds County Circuit and Chancery Courts.

Probably politically and possibly legally impossible (although I think if you made sure the debt was paid to avoid a contract clause issue it would be a bunch of handwaving about it just not seeming right to be able to do that), but that would at least allow the state to have a thriving city. If we go the receivership route, we just get to start the process of shitification again once the receivership ends.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
The exodus started when demographics shifted to the point that people realized that Jackson would for evermore have leaders elected for the color of their skin and knew what was to come (and it did). That's not racist, that's exercising one's freedom to get themselves and their family out of a situation they felt would only deteriorate further.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
From what I understand, there is no legal authority under state law for a municipality to be placed under receivership. There is also no legal authority for a municipality to file a Chapter 9 reorganization. So for anything appropriate to happen (ala Detroit), the legislature must pass legislation to authorize the action. In my opinion, the legislature should enact legislation authorizing the governor to declare the city insolvent, seize all assets, disband the elected government, and appoint a receiver to oversee corrective actions until solvency is restored.

Given that said city is the state capitol, and said legislators are directly affected by the complete failure of city leadership, that legislation should pass with unanimous consent. Unfortunately, it would be contentious because we've got too many people involved who clearly don't know what's good for them.


Well-known member
Aug 22, 2012
Everyone wants to pigeon hole Jackson’s problems neatly into their worldview. The truth is the problems are myriad.

1. Leadership has been atrocious at least since Dale Danks left. Not only are they incompetent, but they will openly refuse help if it doesn’t come from the right people.

2. The white folks left and took the money. This started because of racism (in its purest form) and continues due to number 1.

3. City leaders kicking the can down the road. We’re paying now for not doing basic maintenance for the last 40 years.

4. Bills that would be helpful to Jackson are routinely killed because they are “Jackson Bills.” Elected leaders from around the state know they better not help those people in Jackson or they won’t be elected much longer.

I'm sure there is some truth to your point #2. But the bigger reason for the white flight is the misuse of tax money, degradation of schools, and high crime. It happened in Memphis and most other big cities in the south. There is a common denominator with regards to which political party is in power in every example.


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2012
I always thought that DD was one of the most dangerous racist scum out there. He could actually string together words to form a sentence, which put him in rare air with that crowd, and sucked in others who might not have otherwise been inclined that way.


Well-known member
Jun 4, 2007
Tons of white people with money would love to live in the city. At any time, the residents of Jackson could have chosen to elect people based on competency rather than skin color and people with money would have flooded back in. If they had also pushed for a voucher system to where even middle class families could afford to live there, it'd be booming compared to anywhere else in the state. I'm not bashing them because I'm not sure I would act differently if I and my family had been on the receiving end of racism like theirs, but you can't blame white people that left 50 years ago for the voters decision to keep making it unattractive for anybody that hasn't had the money to live in Eastover and pay $12-$18k per kid for private school education without it cramping their lifestyle.

Yep, and I don't see anything here that contradicts what I said.

Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
The real question, and the only question, was that if you could take all those "racist" people who left Jackson over the years, and suddenly snap your fingers and make them immediately NON-racist, would they all move back to Jackson? Of course not. Thus, your point is not valid.

Racism is not the main driver of this. If it were, Memphis/Birmingham/etc. would have similar infrastructure problems. All those cities have racial issues as well. Racist or non-racist, people didn't leave due to that. They left due to crime and ultimately lack of these basic services.

Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
Figured I would quote this in the hope that people read something of mine before just downvoting.
Cry me a river. You, dorn, olblue and anonymous are the fastest downvote spammers on this site. What is most pathetic, is that you care.

Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
The exodus started when demographics shifted to the point that people realized that Jackson would for evermore have leaders elected for the color of their skin and knew what was to come (and it did). That's not racist, that's exercising one's freedom to get themselves and their family out of a situation they felt would only deteriorate further.
This is true. Integration started in 1970. Jackson saw a 32% population increase from 1970-1980, and then basically held steady until 1990 (-3.2%). Been declining since then.


Well-known member
Sep 6, 2015
I’ll throw my two cents in, as I think I’m qualified to do so. The fault here lies 100% with Jackson’s elected leaders, and no one else. After years of working in the private sector and running my own business, about two years ago I accepted a position of deputy city manager for a municipality that is almost the same size as Jackson. We do a very good job of providing utilities to our citizenry. But if we weren’t able to do that, we wouldn’t hesitate to contract with the private sector and let them run it. And make no mistake, if this were offered to the private sector, there are plenty of companies that would immediately step in and do a better job of operating the utility. I often say that citizens get the government they deserve. I stand by it. Although I do hate to see this happen, maybe it’ll be an eye opener for voters.

Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
Given that said city is the state capitol, and said legislators are directly affected by the complete failure of city leadership, that legislation should pass with unanimous consent. Unfortunately, it would be contentious because we've got too many people involved who clearly don't know what's good for them.
Therein lies the problem. If you fix Jackson, then money and influence would flow in. That is NOT what many people, especially the people currently in power, want.


Well-known member
Feb 24, 2008
Cry me a river. You, dorn, olblue and anonymous are the fastest downvote spammers on this site. What is most pathetic, is that you care.


I couldn't care less if how my posts are voted...that really should be clear by now. If I did care, I would post in line with the geoupthink. Good lord what a terrible take by you

I also rarely up or down vote. Like really rarely.

Me noticing up and down votes is not the same as me caring about them.
Now go defend Jackson from all the typical complaints
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