Yes. You can't stop those posters from spewing when there's a loss. They not only complain about the obvious problems in that game, but then they'll just make crap up to complain about, and go on to complain about all sorts of historical stuff. There will be many posts to make sure we know just how displeased they are. And then when there's a win, they'll either stay silent, give the ole "good game ... glad to see it" or, worse yet (cough, cough), go out of their way to "yeah, but ..." Like, they'll give a sentence or two about how it was a good game, but, you know, if Tanner Morgan was in there, things may have been different. Those posters are insufferable. Because there was no "yeah, but" following a loss, that's for sure. There was just piling on and taking the criticism to an extreme.