Thunder & Lightning: Where Is The Buzz For Mississippi State Football?


Active member
Aug 22, 2012
It’s bc we have a dinosaur that doesn’t make adjustments, despises our players that leave early, hates NIL, and won’t touch the portal enough roaming the sidelines. But hey at least he’s outspoken on twitter /fart noise

Uncle Ruckus

Well-known member
Apr 1, 2011
Why on God's green earth would he not attend his kids pro day? F that, HIS pro day. It's the Mississippi State football pro day and the Mississippi State head coach wasn't in attendance. MFer better have a good excuse.
Sep 12, 2013
It’s bc we have a dinosaur that doesn’t make adjustments, despises our players that leave early, hates NIL, and won’t touch the portal enough roaming the sidelines. But hey at least he’s outspoken on twitter /fart noise

We’ve acquired several players from the portal, how many do you want?


Well-known member
Feb 12, 2004
I’m still in show me mode from Joe’s hire. Joe showed me nothing and so far neither has Leach.


New member
Jan 29, 2020
Mississippi State starts spring practice today, and with the amount of production returning on both sides of the ball, its no stretch to think the Bulldogs could take another step forward in 2022. So why isn’t the buzz around this team louder? Brian Hadad and Robbie Faulk discuss spring storylines...
The post Thunder & Lightning: Where Is The Buzz For Mississippi State Football? appeared first on SuperTalk Mississippi.


We just need to give our "young" quarterback more time!!! He's barely had 20 starts in his career. What do you expect??*****


Well-known member
Apr 15, 2003
Leach is just like Howland as far as what he brings to the program as far as excitement. He doesn't sell MSU. So the only thing you have going for you is wins which remains to be seen.


Active member
Aug 22, 2012
Get ready for the Leach zealots to downvote you for speaking truth on “The best coach in America who is also sub .500 at MSU”


Active member
Aug 22, 2012
We have spots from this past class that he’s just not even trying to fill because he’s lazy and doesn’t give a ****. Spring practice is here and it didn’t stop other programs.


Well-known member
Nov 30, 2006
I've got a weird feeling that this season is going to test the patience of the Bulldog faithful. 8 games against teams expected to have better seasons than us, so while we're all hoping for 7-8 wins, we can't pretend that a 5-7 or 6-6 year isn't in play. Then, combine that with a scenario where Leach doubles down on Rogers at the end of the year which then pushes Robertson towards the portal, and many minds will be lost.

Last year wasn't a bad season per se, but Leach had some opportunities to capitalize on wins that would've bought him some good favor with the MSU fanbase, and he unfortunately failed to do so. Now, he's got a tough season in front of him without a lot of leeway


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
He loses games he’s not supposed to and wins games he’s not supposed to. That makes for an up and down and almost apathetic approach from fans eventually.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
Maybe we just got what we paid for......;base64,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 emvvW8QDkRmEMpIPnrlMepg 9JlSSNCTbMuWiD5ULxLBd4mU78j0NO0SVEj5VluwGOtW7RFoVphe9tKl1TMQSNww0zA/X0NCX G3VxK3CMxZCzx/1AsJcHkWQ5o6k tXCxhwRB5UT 7CBpOWY8pBB hrnk9lFG0VTDYXJ 5Mx Brlpj1BLhT9PrQfa3hPd3RdtxDnMCNg6 Ij/MBPrNWHGYeYHRlYeoM/6e9EY3C97b7t9pBB6MNQfwPUE0WqNVqiujBi6hs6SUFyySORGq 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Live from the Keys !


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
So far, he's just like Howland in production too. When you're 11-13 with 2 straight Egg Bowl losses and coming off a bowl loss, there's not going to be a lot of buzz around the program.

Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
Leach is just like Howland as far as what he brings to the program as far as excitement. He doesn't sell MSU. So the only thing you have going for you is wins which remains to be seen.
Accuracy here. I thought he would attract attention just by being Leach, but apparently not. Winning big will be the only way.
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New member
Aug 23, 2012
I think morale was generally in a good spot going into the Egg Bowl. We were 7-4 and had recently had the massive comeback win at Auburn. After the Bama game we had been playing really well for 4-5 weeks, the only loss in that stretch was the FG kicking fiasco at Arkansas, which we win regardless if a phantom PI isn’t called on a 4th down late. Most people had gotten over the Memphis loss to some degree and had we beaten OM the season would’ve been viewed as a big success.

But the Egg Bowl and the Liberty Bowl really got people down on Leach. I don’t think either loss is QUITE as bad as some want to make it, with one being against a Top 10 team and the other being an exhibition game where we were missing a bunch of key guys. But I do get the frustration of ending a season on a sour note, and it definitely carries into the next year. 2014 was our most successful season this century and all that many can think of with that year is how we finished by losing 3 of 4. Conversely, the 2013 and 2016 seasons aren’t viewed as poorly as they probably should be because we finished strong, even though the first 80-90% of those seasons really sucked.

ETA: I also think there’s something about college football in general right now that people are down on. It’s hard to get super excited when you know ahead of time that your ceiling under the best of circumstances is still probably 2nd or 3rd place in your own division.
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Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
This retirement stuff is the wrong take. And it's a simple-minded one because he's 61 years old, meanwhile Saban is like 70.

Can you explain why he's recruited right on par with previous coaches? What about the impact guys he's brought in from the portal? What about the fact that he's got some pretty good guys on his staff? I don't see this laziness. Not to mention he's runs the 17 out of the team. He understands that we need a different type of player at MSU, can't just have the typical primadonnas.

Think some of you need to at least wait until this next year is complete before trying to cause a bunch of dissention in the ranks. And then you have idiots like SterlingArcher with strong opinions based on ****. The sooner some of you realize that we can't do the same stuff the other schools do, the better.

Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
I think morale was generally in a good spot going into the Egg Bowl. We were 7-4 and had recently had the massive comeback win at Auburn. After the Bama game we had been playing really well for 4-5 weeks, the only loss in that stretch was the FG kicking fiasco at Arkansas, which we win regardless if a phantom PI isn’t called on a 4th down late. Most people had gotten over the Memphis loss to some degree and had we beaten OM the season would’ve been viewed as a big success.

But the Egg Bowl and the Liberty Bowl really got people down on Leach. I don’t think either loss is QUITE as bad as some want to make it, with one being against a Top 10 team and the other being an exhibition game where we were missing a bunch of key guys. But I do get the frustration of ending a season on a sour note, and it definitely carries into the next year. 2014 was our most successful season this century and all that many can think of with that year is how we finished by losing 3 of 4. Conversely, the 2013 and 2016 seasons aren’t viewed as poorly as they probably should be because we finished strong, even though the first 80-90% of those seasons really sucked.

ETA: I also think there’s something about college football in general right now that people are down on. It’s hard to get super excited when you know ahead of time that your ceiling under the best of circumstances is still probably 2nd or 3rd place in your own division.
Well if our fans are dumb enough to be mad about that Egg Bowl, then that's on them. Ole Miss had an old team spearheaded by their 2019 class, where they wiped the floor with us in state (half our guys aren't even on the team anymore). We actually over-achieved last year. And the Liberty Bowl? Good Lord, we had like 25 players out.

I agree with your last point about the state of football. That will change eventually because the other conferences will get tired of being left out of the playoff and it'll expand, for the betterment of everyone.

Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
He loses games he’s not supposed to and wins games he’s not supposed to. That makes for an up and down and almost apathetic approach from fans eventually.
Agree but isn't it a little early for apathy? I mean it's pretty obvious we are on an upward trajectory.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
This retirement stuff is the wrong take. And it's a simple-minded one because he's 61 years old, meanwhile Saban is like 70.

Can you explain why he's recruited right on par with previous coaches? What about the impact guys he's brought in from the portal? What about the fact that he's got some pretty good guys on his staff? I don't see this laziness. Not to mention he's runs the 17 out of the team. He understands that we need a different type of player at MSU, can't just have the typical primadonnas.

Think some of you need to at least wait until this next year is complete before trying to cause a bunch of dissention in the ranks. And then you have idiots like SterlingArcher with strong opinions based on ****. The sooner some of you realize that we can't do the same stuff the other schools do, the better.

We've always had a contingent who are thrilled with 6-6. Nothing new under the sun.


Well-known member
May 28, 2007
I've always said, you can lose the Egg Bowl or you can lose a bowl game and keep fanbase energized going into the spring and next season. But if you lose both, the fanbase is going to be flat until you start winning.

Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
We've always had a contingent who are thrilled with 6-6. Nothing new under the sun.
Show me where I have even remotely alluded to that. I think that is your tunnel vision again, pretty obvious that you cannot argue with my post, so right on point, move the goalposts based on something I never said (or even inferred).
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Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
I've always said, you can lose the Egg Bowl or you can lose a bowl game and keep fanbase energized going into the spring and next season. But if you lose both, the fanbase is going to be flat until you start winning.
Are people really just that simple? That's sad if true. It's crazy to me that people can't look at the information and form an educated opinion.

I mean yeah I get that the general populace is stupid, but ****, I don't want to be so cynical about it.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
Saban is ALL about football and is willing to do ANYTHING to win...Leach actually has a life outside of football and I could see him filling his retirement account and walking away from coaching college football because he can't stomach the direction it's headed .
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New member
Apr 16, 2017
We should’ve just kept Morehed if we were gonna keep underachieving. At least he cared about our players pro development and building a team culture.


Well-known member
May 29, 2007
Did you think college football fandom is some sort of bastion of the human intellect ? LOL


Well-known member
Aug 30, 2012
This is just revisionist history. What team culture did Moorhead build? One where our starting LB breaks the face of the starting QB with a punch? The program was in complete disarray when Moorhead was fired. That’s why he was fired, not because of wins and losses. I know Leach hasn’t exactly set the world on fire yet but let’s not look back fondly on Moorhead and make stuff up just because we don’t like Leach.
Aug 28, 2018
I'd much rather have a team with very little buzz around it than one where every 3* is hyped to be the next Tom Brady and gives a false hope.


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
I don’t disagree with that either but it kinda goes back to what DS said comparing it to Howland. For all the momentum and excitement you get from wins like Texas A&M and Auburn, you suck the life out of it when you lose to teams like Memphis and how poorly they played in the Egg Bowl. I’m not going to lump the bowl game loss in there because with as many people as they had out, it wasn’t going to be pretty but it’s the last thing people have on their mind so it dampens the excitement.


Well-known member
Sep 10, 2012
Show me where I have even remotely alluded to that. I think that is your tunnel vision again, pretty obvious that you cannot argue with my post, so right on point, move the goalposts based on something I never said (or even inferred).

You can talk recruiting, portal, staff all you want. Leach is what his record is.

Smoked Toag

New member
Jul 15, 2021
I don’t disagree with that either but it kinda goes back to what DS said comparing it to Howland. For all the momentum and excitement you get from wins like Texas A&M and Auburn, you suck the life out of it when you lose to teams like Memphis and how poorly they played in the Egg Bowl. I’m not going to lump the bowl game loss in there because with as many people as they had out, it wasn’t going to be pretty but it’s the last thing people have on their mind so it dampens the excitement.
I didn't think we played that poorly in the Egg Bowl though. We had a chance to win but Ole Miss was just better.
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