To anyone who was at the game; RE: the 100 yrd pick six

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New member
Nov 11, 2007
I can only imagine how loud that must have been...

I'm sure the initital pick was loud. but I can only imagine how the decimals picked up each second as he raced for milk and honey... had to have shattered any volumn records at DWS

please sit down and tell us your story... emotions and even a few lies would be welcomed


Well-known member
Nov 16, 2005
I was just happy to see the int so that bama couldnt score but then I saw no one in front of him with a wall forming I starting going nuts. Once he got past the lineman I knew he was going to score, I looked at the crowd and the sideline just to witness the bedlam. I have never ever heard it that loud in there and probably never will again. Me and everyone around me were jumping around and screaming as loud as we could during and after the return. It was something I will never forget.


New member
Jun 25, 2007
I was sitting with a couple of buddies in the student section and we were naturally bitching about the seemingly endless supply of time outs Bama had to end the half and preparing ourselves for the Bama score to go up 16-3 at the half.

Before the pick, one of the guys I was with turned, kind of looked back and forth at me and the guy on the other side of him, and said: "well, they probably have to pass here so I say pick six on the T". This was immediately followed by his falling and taking out about 6 people in front of him during the celebration that followed.

Can't say I took the time to think about how loud it was at the time as I was busy spilling my drink all over myself in the process of jumping around in celebration.


New member
Apr 15, 2007
it's decibels, not decimals.

Listen to Jack's call that DawgStudent posted up top. You can hear it for yourself. Loud.

Still, I doubt it registered on any Richter scale.


New member
Nov 11, 2007
I was right there in the student section, we were all thinking touchdown bama, then the pick came and it went nuts. When we realized we got a touchdown out of it, it was bedlam. I got a ice and coke shower and it felt great!

My parents were sitting at the oposite end of the stadium, and they we telling me how there were two obnoxious bama fans right in front of them talking smack about state, asking how did state beat auburn, state is horrible, Wilson is about to throw it and it will be all over.

Needless to say, they didnt say a damn word after the pick, and left early in the 4th quarter.

That pick 6 to me was like 2 years of emotion and fustration all comming out at once. And my first time to see State beat an sec opponent in person, let alone a nationaly ranked Alabama.
Nov 11, 2007
I left when Bama got to the two, to beat the crowd to the urinal. Old farts do that, and I thought them scoring was a given, and I didn't want to see it.

So, I'm behind the bleachers, hearing the Bammer fans screaming...assuming they'd scored, then suddenly there was a thunderous roar of foot stomping on metal seats, huge cowbell noise, and I thought, we stopped them on 4th down...and the noise continued, and got louder, until I heard the cannon shot and thought, wtf? And another old guy with radio headphones was jumping up and down like he had a Viagra reaction and told me what had happened.

I was thinking, I should go home now; it's obviously a jinx when I'm in the stadium like it's been for the past 40 years.

So, I just actually got to watch the 6-pick a few minutes ago on Comcast South replay. It was indeed awesome. The only part of the game I missed seeing in person. Damned kidneys.



New member
Nov 11, 2007
Oh and another thing, one of my frat brothers is a big bama fan and he has been talking this game up all week about how Bama is gonna beat up on state. After bama scored 9-0 he had this smug look on his face. When they got the pick 6 his faced just dropped, and by the time the game was over he was catching hell from al of us. lol


New member
Dec 19, 2006
I was thinking "yeah, sack!", then saw the lame pass. Could barely see the pick, but once I saw he had one fatty to beat, I started hurling obscenities at Saban. Lost my voice, almost rang the clapper out of my cowbell. Best moment I've ever been a part of in DWS.
Nov 11, 2007
I posted earlier that it was without a doubt the loudest I've ever heard the stadium, and I've been to most every home game since '97. The only game that compared in my mind was Florida in 2000. I remember when the ball was snapped over Grossman's head a second time and we hit him on the 2 yard line to make it a 3rd and 54(?) that the stadium was as loud as I could remember it. The field goal to beat Arkansas in '98 was close, but the attendance sucked for such a big game.

I'll tell you what I will always remember about that play. I'm on the 30-yard line, 30th row, on the West side of the stadium on the end where the play was. Everyone in our area had just been saying we needed redemption for the bad calls that had been going against us. The Bama fans that were near us were being pretty vocal as they had been doing all the cheering up until that point. They were just positive that they were about to punch it in for 6.

When Titus bull-charged right into Wilson's face, and Wilson made what I believe was the best decision of his life to try and throw that ball rather than eat it, everyone had their breath held. And when AJ caught the ball it was an eruption like I had never heard before. Then as he starts downfield with a convoy of blockers it got even louder. And when he crossed the 50 with Chaney and Pegues pointing in the air, the stadium was in an absolute frenzy. I never saw him cross the goal line because everyone was jumping up and down and high-fiving - kids, mothers, granddads - everybody. I believe they could probably hear the roar in Columbus.

That was six years of frustration being released at once - and the game wasn't even over yet. Though in hindsight, I think Bama knew they were done...


New member
Oct 24, 2007
A first for me was seeing a blue-hair lady about 75 yrs old running down the bleacher high fiving everyone and busting her arse when she slipped. Section E Row 8

A huge 40-50 yr old Bama guy just looked at her and sat down while everyone was still going nuts. While helping her up I glanced at the Bama guy and a huge ringer from a cowbell pegs him in the shoulder. He turned around as if he was going to fight someone and he couldn't help but crack a smile and shake his head when he looked down and saw what had hit him.


Sep 1, 2006
directly in front of the dumbest Alabama fan I've ever seen. He had painted body with a big A on his chest and was being absolutely obnoxious. When we picked it off, I just turned around and laughed in his face (screw being classy). I didn't even see Johnson cross the 50 yard line because we were cussing this chump behind us. He was getting drenched with whiskey, coke, ice, and whatever else were in the doo doo cups. It was the loudest I had ever heard the stadium. People were falling over left and right. Awesome.
Oct 14, 2007
"How crazy would it be if we could get a goal line stand two years in a row to end the half? Give us a little confidence and momentum heading into the half." Then JPW rolls right, Titus is in his face, and I'm thinking "Pull a Henig." Sure enough, he throws a floater, I see AJ jump up and grab. I immediately look downfield and saw green. AJ is running out of the endzone and I'm ringing and yelling for all I'm worth. I glance back downfield and see the OL running. I glance back to AJ and realize OL doesn't have the angle and AJ is home free. The entire stadium was going crazy by this point. As ArrowCS has already stated, we both started hurling a multitude of obscenities at the Sabear and Bammers. We were jumping up and down, slapping hands with other students, slapping hands across the fence on the east side. The absolute loudest, craziest I've ever heard DWS. Damn near lost every bit of my voice, but it was sooooo worth it. Like someone else said, I think that was six years of MSU frustration being released all at once.


New member
Nov 11, 2007
I'll admit..that's an error that needs to be brought up... I learned about decimals back in the 3rd or 4th grade I think


I'm still giddy... damn this feels good...


Nov 11, 2007
I looked up and saw a white shirt and thought "oh ****" then I saw that his number was in the 70's and he had two knee braces on. That is about the time I launched my vodka drink in the air.


Nov 15, 2005
I was watching it at home on TV. Kids were taking their mid day nap. Wife had run out to the store for a few things.

I was thinking the same thing as South Panola Dawg, this goal line stand seems like deja vu from last year all over again. Then I saw JPW drop back, Titus comes crashing in, and the lame duck pass. Oh, the pass.

I just knew our secondary was gonna grab that one. Sure enough, when AJ picked it and started up the sideline, I jumped off the couch. Started to shout - then remembered the kids were sleeping. Then I ran into the other room where the computer was to type some meaningless drivel on the SPS board. Then ran back into the den to watch the game - then back into the other room to check the computer...

I ran 100 yards back and forth in my house on tiptoes in about a minute and a half not being able to decide where I wanted to be. Kids never woke up though. The hardest thing I did Saturday was resist the urge to ring that cowbell while the kids were sleeping.


New member
Jun 3, 2007
I'm in the Famous Maroon Band and was on the sideline very close to the play when it happened. Pure ecstasy.
Nov 11, 2007
When all the Bama fans I sat next to...had the crestfallen look on their faces, their Tide had died.

That's one benefit, at least, of having a seat next to the visitor's section. I enjoyed it when we beat the obnoxious UAB fans' team, and even more when their mothership went down. That, and I'll have another year at work in Huntsville of not enduring them.

UAH Hockey fan


New member
Feb 15, 2007
That's the only thing I can come up with. In just the last few years, I've been to some loud games in different sports. But nothing compares to that. Nothing. The situation, the timing, the game it happened in... All of that adds up to being a moment you just cannot forget.

I can't even remember my reaction, really. All I remember is DCD and I talking before the play about how Alabama would have to throw it, since we had just stuffed them the last two plays and they had just used their 4th timeout (yes, I said 4th) the play before. When Titus broke through the line, you could tell Wilson was about to make a huge mistake. I couldn't find the words to yell the first 30 yards or so that AJ ran, but I've never acted like such an idiot in my life. When I saw it was an offensive lineman giving chase, I started to lose it because it was obvious he was gone.

When he got down inside the 20, I glanced down to the crowd and sideline. All I could do was laugh. To say the place was going apeshit is a huge understatement. It was a sea of heads and arms bobbing up and down. I was also ready for the flags to be thrown because it looked like the whole sideline was on their way to the back of the endzone.

It's hard to say one play can change a program, or even a season. But that one sure did play a huge part. Thank you, Anthony. I'm never going to forget that play, that sound, that sight. Ever.


New member
May 2, 2006
I was thinking, let's just hold them to a FG and regroup at the half. Then he threw the duck and my thought was Yeah! We stopped them!, and then I saw AJ run out to the 20 and then I saw #70, and I was then I started screaming GOOOOOOO!!!!!, all the while jumping up and down. I knew he was going to score when he got past that guy.

I then looked for flags, and there were none, which to me was as unbelievable as the actual play itself.

After that I crossed my fingers that we would make the PAT, which we did.

Barkman Turner Overdrive

Well-known member
May 28, 2006
Quote:_________________________________________________Oh and another thing, one of my frat brothers is a big bama fan and he has been talking this game up all week about how Bama is gonna beat up on state._________________________________________________

I've never understood that. Why the hell would anybody be a "big fan" of a school they don't even attend? Why doesn't he just enroll at the University of Alabama?


New member
Oct 8, 2006
But when Johnson picked it off and ran it back I was waiting for a flag to be thrown that would kill the whole play. Unfortunately, I've been conditioned to have this kind of response to a positive play for MState due to all the crap of the past 6 years. But when no flag had been thrown there was much rejoicing by me.

When the final seconds of the game ran off I couldn't control myself for 10 minutes. When I finally calmed down I gave my Bama buddy a call (he was able to go to the game, I had to settle for watching it on TV), and the only thing I did when he picked it up was ring my cowbell right into the phone. I figured that was all that needed to be said! Needless to say, he didn't appreciate that!

Oh I wish I was there. I always miss the good wins for various reasons (Florida in '04, OM in '05, and this game). Maybe I should stay away more, we might win more often.


Well-known member
Apr 25, 2006
I was sitting in 102 (the West side chairbacks) and the return went from my left to my right. One of my friends and I had been talking about the goal line stand after the first two plays, and agreed that Alabama had to throw it on third since surely four was the limit on timeouts in a half. When that ball settled into AJ's hands, I went nuts. My friend's 8 year old son was standing in his chair next to me and I grabbed him and started screaming like a maniac. Pretty soon I was jumping as AJ streaked downfield. After he scored, I realized I might hurt the little fella, so I let him go and began high fiving everyone on my row. Not long after that my phone started blowing up with text messages from a lot of people here who, up until that point, were having a pretty good day.

There were also a couple of Bammers sitting right behind me who were not too obnoxious, but they're still Bammers. I resisted the temptation to turn and laugh in their face then and at the conclusion of the game.

On my way down the ramp after the game, when I was engulfed by mullets and tacky t-shirts, I could not stop my self from LOUDLY asking and answering the question "What does $4 million buy you these days??? TWELVE POINTS??"

Thank you Mississippi State. Thank you.


Well-known member
Aug 6, 2004
I was fired up when A.J. got the interception. When I realized that he was in the open, I was hoping he didn't start celebrating at the 20 and fumble it out of bounds, or stumble, or something like that.

When he finally crossed the goal line, both Mother and I were screaming and hugging each other. For a 70-plus year old woman with scoliosis, Mother still moves pretty good.

At halftime, I went outside where she lived and started ringing both my cowbells. After State won the game, I put my 7 year old daughter on my shoulders and we were both ringing cowbells.


New member
Nov 11, 2007
Barkman Turner, I dont know why he goes aginst his own school. Granted I am a big bama fan myself, having been born and raised in Alabama.

However, my school, and home away from home is Mississippi State, and your damn well better believe that I support my school 100% aganst any other team.

Granted, he and I are about the only people in the whole house cheering on Bama for the rest of the season. We always catch hell when they loose, lol.


Active member
Apr 8, 2003
in Section R, and my vantage point was somewhat obscured by the Bama bench all down as far as they could be. As he threw it, I could see AJ there, and saw him catch. My first thought was he'd take a knee, and we'd go to the half. As soon I he started to run, I could tell he was gone, that lineman had no chance. I also thought there would be a flag, but once he was in the clear, I lost it. Started jumping up and down like a little kid, screaming at the top of my lungs. I picked up my friend over my head, a decision my back is regretting today. And like so many others in this thread, I was also amongst a patch of Tide fans, who knew less about football than your average sack of hammers. To see them go from 60 to zero on the **** talking speedometer was great. When I finally stopped yelling, I nearly passed out, my fat *** just can't go like I used to.

I've been to a lot of games in that stadium, and it has never been more bat-**** crazy in there than at that moment. Unbelieveable.

I'll give this thread until tommorow night, and then it's moving to Six Pack Remembers.

Solid Snave

New member
Nov 16, 2005
then I moved on to whistling, clapping, and yelling. I saw Titus pop SJP, AJ jump and catch the ball, and then I was jumping up and down, yelling my head off like I just won two showcase showdowns that included a BWM and Dodge Viper. I'm in section E, so the UA folks are right across the steps and they looked like they just ate a **** sandwich and chased it with Piss Cola. Then I woo'ed like I was the Nature Boy for a good 5 minutes.... more like Sting, actually. 1992 Sting, not Crow Sting.


New member
Oct 21, 2005
I was in the student section too. As he broke down the sidelines the section was so loud that I couldn't hear my own damn cowbell ringing a foot and a half over my head. Here is is Sunday night and my ears have just slowed down ringing from the bells and yelling. I could swear that i went to a rock concert yesterday.


Aug 1, 2007
I was just telling my brother before the play that this was eerily familiar with the goal line stand from last year. I was up, ringing my bell, and hoping like hell we could hold them to three.

I knew they were going to pass so I started as soon as I saw Titus break free. Then I thought "oh ****" when he got the pass off because I didn't see AJ. AJ caught it and I started jumping up and down on the seat in front of me screaming "GO GO GO GO GO GO!!!!" Once it was clear the lineman wasn't going to get him I just went apeshit. (Odd I didn't think about flags, I'm usually a pessimist in this area) High fives to everyone in the general area.

Definitely the loudest I have ever heard the stadium and for the longest period of time. From the catch until well after the TD the noise was just incredible.

Oh, after that all the Bammers near us just sat down the rest of the game and didn't do ****. Didn't cheer, didn't yell Roll Tide, nothing. They knew they were going to lose. It was beautiful.

Frances Drebin

New member
Nov 16, 2005
...too busy looking for a flag to enjoy the runback, to be honest. It wasn't until he scored and I saw no flags that I finally went nuts.
Aug 29, 2004
that's how loud it was. My 10 year old son was concerned that the stadium would crumble from the celebration.

I yelled myself hoarse screaming at the two bammers sitting in front of us.
Aug 30, 2006
being stuck out in TX, I could not make the game. I was watching it on the computer on my sofa. When Bama got to 1st & goal on the 3, I kind of groaned. The wife had just come into the den from putting the 2 kids down for their nap and asked what was wrong. Told her bama was about to score again and we weren't playing well. When we held them to 3rd & goal, I had visions of last year's goal line stand as well and was thinking that I would be content with 12-3 & ecstatic for it to still be 9-3. I knew the PA pass was coming as well. Once Titus broke free, I knew they weren't gonna score a TD. When AJ picked it, I jumped up and yelled as quietly as I could, "INTERCEPTION DAWGS!" When AJ got out to about the 30, I knew he was gone. I jumped up on my sofa and began jumping up and down like a 13 year old boy that just got to 2nd base for the first time as I screamed as quietly as I could "TOUCHDOWN BULLDOGS!" over and over. The wife was happy as well, but she made me leave the house for fear I would wake the kids. Went to a friend's house (LSU fan) to watch the 2nd half since he has gameplan. An unbelievable game. The crowd sounded awesome on TV. I'm sorry I was not there, but I will never forget it. The other great part about the game is my wife's parents, her sister, and all of her aunts, uncles, and cousins are all huge Bammers. Ah sweet victory....


Active member
May 28, 2007
Quote:_________________________________________________I've never understood that. Why the hell would anybody be a "big fan" of a school they don't even attend?_________________________________________________
totally agree...we had "LSU guy" inmy class when i was there. Dude wore an LSU hat 24/7

Frances Drebin

New member
Nov 16, 2005
...notice the players on the bench after the play and for the rest of the half? I haven't seen that much emotion on a MSU sideline since the famed whole-team-does-the-DPR incident in the 99 Egg Bowl.

One of the things I haven't liked under the Croom era is how little emotion the players showed on the field. It was nice to see it at that time.


Well-known member
Sep 29, 2004
113 front of 8Dog and his posse, and we had stuffed them on their first two runs, and Bama had just called their last time out. Everyone in the STADIUM knew a play-action pass was coming, and that it was likely to roll out to the right. My buddy to the left said something to the effect of "I hope we pick it off and run it all the way back." And at this point, we were still all upset about the fourth timeout.

Sure enough, the play comes, Titus pressures, JPW throws, Johnson catches, nobody can catch him, and to be completely honest, I didn't see about the last 40 yards of the runback because I was scanning the field for the yellow that wasn't there.

Mayhem ensued, high-fives all around, game was changed, the Tide was turned, and somewhere in there a couple minutes later, my buddy's dad commented, "That wouldn't have happened if they hadn't had four timeouts."

Truer words were not spoken the rest of the afternooon.


Nov 11, 2007
There was a visible difference in the State sideline - beyond the obvious excitement. Offense players were hanging with defensive players, everyone congratulating everyone. It was awesome.

Years ago I sat at a State game, I believe it was homecoming v. Troy State. I happened to be sitting with one of the greatest offensive linemen to every play at Alabama - it was fun to see his take on the game, because he is still young and is a D1 coach as well. At some point in the game, Dapoo picked off a pass and came to the sidelines and not one of the offensive players came over to congratulate him. My friend said that was our biggest problem and that he had never seen a team so disjointed and devoid of chemistry.

I think it is safe to say things are a little different. Below is a picture I photoshopped from Saturday's game. Enjoy.

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