Trevion Williams apparently got a DUI


Well-known member
Nov 12, 2007
I could never understand why folks wanted to drink and hang around town where the cops were. We would drive through the hills and the backcountry roads to have a drink so nobody would bother us. We probably would've got a DUI if they could've found us.
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Well-known member
Oct 29, 2012
I always laugh at these allegations of the "same ones"....want x, y and z. how do you know that?

Do you keep a spreadsheet of posters with their stances on each issue? And do all these issues line up just as you say? I doubt it. (Rhetorical )

He may not, but I do.

I update it every couple of months

Working Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles GIF

run the numbers

Thinking Think GIF by Rodney Dangerfield

and always come to the same conclusion

Film Festival GIF by Atlanta Jewish Film Festival


Well-known member
Aug 28, 2013
No, something is just not adding up. He’s never drank a drop of alcohol his entire life. He has never used any kind of drug, even weed. He had all the correct paperwork (license, insurance, registration) but it still wasn’t enough. The insurance guy says that the officer who wrote him the dui has had 17 claims filed on his insurance over the years. Trevion hasn’t been in any accidents with 0 claims his whole life and by all accounts only has to keep the insurance to provide to officers when he is pulled over. Just doesn’t add up.
Trial Two Guns GIF by GIPHY News

The Peeper

Well-known member
Feb 26, 2008
I can't count how many times I drove the back roads home from the Landing with one eye closed.
Old West Point Rd was always my savior. Took it back from the intersection by Johns Woodshed after leaving The Landing, all the way back to what was then Goose Hollow Furniture. Quick right turn and two blocks later you were at Colemans House of Death BBQ, or, if you were feeling especially crunk and needed grease, some tater logs and chicken from B-Quick always hit the spot
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Darryl Steight

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
Fun fact: the guy who went to get the cooler is now the president of a company that shall remain nameless for obvious reasons. It is obvious now that his ambition to succeed was born on the side of the road at a roadblock.
Making things happen. I like this guy.

mike tice

Active member
Sep 30, 2022
Not arguing with you, but we are talking about college kids. I was really stupid between the ages of 18-22, as were most on this board.
I got a DUI at 18 and another at 22 ( so that age range checks out as not fake news ) One after an ACDC concert in Jackson Ms on my way back to Forest Ms. Brandon got me took me to Mendenhall/Simpson county ( I think ) for some reason. The other after an Ole miss game driving back to Huntsville. Gordo jail is better than Mendenhall jail. .18 the first time then .12 the second.


Well-known member
Jul 16, 2021
Not arguing with you, but we are talking about college kids. I was really stupid between the ages of 18-22, as were most on this board.
18-22. I feel bad about that. I was like all the way to 26. Now I am feeling real bad. Who wants to honest with me.

OG Goat Holder

Well-known member
Sep 30, 2022
I got a DUI at 18 and another at 22 ( so that age range checks out as not fake news ) One after an ACDC concert in Jackson Ms on my way back to Forest Ms. Brandon got me took me to Mendenhall/Simpson county ( I think ) for some reason. The other after an Ole miss game driving back to Huntsville. Gordo jail is better than Mendenhall jail. .18 the first time then .12 the second.
Why do you go through Gordo when going from Starkville to Huntsville. Rookie mistake, even at 22.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2016
Old West Point Rd was always my savior. Took it back from the intersection by Johns Woodshed after leaving The Landing, all the way back to what was then Goose Hollow Furniture. Quick right turn and two blocks later you were at Colemans House of Death BBQ, or, if you were feeling especially crunk and needed grease, some tater logs and chicken from B-Quick always hit the spot
That’s it man.


Well-known member
Mar 21, 2016
I was DD one night leaving the Landing. Typically, there was a checkpoint just under the bridge where 82 ended and cloverleafed back under itself heading toward campus, so you were always prepared for that one. This night, truck full of drunks and a cooler in the back still pretty full as well, all underage, and we turn left out of the Landing. Just far enough down the road to not be easy to see from the Landing, there is a roadblock. As we wait in line about a quarter mile from the roadblock, we realize that the cooler has to go, so some of the guys take it out and walk it down the incline and put it into the weeds past the shoulder. I assume we will attempt retrieval the next day when it is much safer. Incorrect. Once we pass the roadblock by at least a quarter mile; far enough not to be noticeable that we had pulled back to the shoulder, my drunkest buddy, who needed no more beer, insisted that we pull over so he could walk back and drag the cooler past the roadblock. He proceeded to walk the, at least, half mile back, all in the dark, in tall grass, at the bottom of the embankment where he could not be seen and drag that full cooler all the way back to load back up in the truck. It worked, but it took a seeming eternity waiting! I was pretty close to calling it quits and assuming he had been arrested when he popped back up winded, but with beer in tow.
Seemed logical at the time.
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2016
I got a DUI at 18 and another at 22 ( so that age range checks out as not fake news ) One after an ACDC concert in Jackson Ms on my way back to Forest Ms. Brandon got me took me to Mendenhall/Simpson county ( I think ) for some reason. The other after an Ole miss game driving back to Huntsville. Gordo jail is better than Mendenhall jail. .18 the first time then .12 the second.
Sounds like you learned your lesson the second time! Better jail and only .12.
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Bobby Ricigliano

Well-known member
Jul 27, 2011
I got a DUI at 18 and another at 22 ( so that age range checks out as not fake news ) One after an ACDC concert in Jackson Ms on my way back to Forest Ms. Brandon got me took me to Mendenhall/Simpson county ( I think ) for some reason. The other after an Ole miss game driving back to Huntsville. Gordo jail is better than Mendenhall jail. .18 the first time then .12 the second.
Least surprising post of the decade.
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Well-known member
Mar 21, 2016
Bro there was road maps. I was doing Russellville/Red Bay/Tupelo before it was a thing.
GD dude. You’ve always been smartest guy ever. You’re like my 17n brother in law. Who cares your route before it was a thing.

mike tice

Active member
Sep 30, 2022
Bro there was road maps. I was doing Russellville/Red Bay/Tupelo before it was a thing.”were”
Goat sounds more like C34 every time I read a post. Without the following of C34
i find humor in it for some reason. I’d hate it at Thanksgiving but for here sporadically it’s humorous. I wonder if it’s satire/ trolling sometimes . But I’m pretty sure it’s just who she is.